Notes of a Meeting of the Heads of Delegations of the Five Great
Powers Held in M. Pichon’s Room at the Quai d’Orsay, Paris, on Friday,
July 18, 1919, at 4 p.m.
Paris, July 18, 1919, 4 p.m.
- Present
- America, United States of
- Secretary
- British Empire
- The Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, O. M., M. P.
- Secretary
- Sir Ian Malcolm, K. C. M. G.
- Mr. H. Norman
- France
- M. Clemenceau.
- M. Pichon.
- Secretaries
- M. Dutasta.
- Capt. de St. Quentin.
- Italy
- Secretary
- Japan
- Secretary
Joint Secretariat |
America, United States of |
Colonel Grant. |
British Empire |
Lieut. Com. Bell. |
France |
Capt. A. Portier. |
Italy |
Lieut. Zanchi. |
Interpreter—Prof. P. J.
Mantoux. |
1. M. Clemenceau said that he would ask M.
Loucheur1 to explain the problem of
the Austrian railways.
Sudbahn Question
M. Loucheur said that every year the Italian
Government paid in a sum of 29,000,000 francs to the Sudbahn Company.
The payment had been suspended since the outbreak of hostilities. The
Italian Government had considered that it had a right to keep the annual
payment of the 29,000,000 francs in question by way of reparation. The
French Delegation did not agree. It had thought itself bound to protect
the interests of shareholders of all nationalities, including German and
Austrian Bondholders. The problem was not applicable for these latter,
however. With regard to the other shareholders, the Italian Government
had agreed to continue to pay in the sum in question to Paris. It had
been further decided that a complete reorganisation of the Sudbahn was
necessary and that this reorganisation would be both financial and
[Page 204]
technical, in view of the fact
that the railway line in question now passed through several States. The
shareholders will therefore be heard in the event of disagreement; they
will be in a position to call for arbitration and the arbiter can be
nominated by the League of Nations. Each person’s rights were therefore
protected and all could participate in the reorganisation that had been
Mr. Balfour said that the question included two
problems: the first one which was financial had been settled. The second
one was a question of transportation between the five countries
concerned: had it been settled?
M. Loucheur said that it had not been settled
up to the present but that it had been decided that in the three months
following the signature of the Treaty, a general meeting would be
convened in order to settle the question arising out of the
reorganisation. No special clause for insertion in the Austrian Treaty
had yet been thought of although possibly it would be preferable to
insert one in order to be able to act at greater advantage in the case
of Jugo-Slavia and the other countries concerned. If the Council so
decided it could be drawn up and when decided upon, sent to the Drafting
(This proposal was accepted and M. Loucheur and General Mance2 withdrew to draw up the text of the Article in
question. When the text of the Article had been prepared, M. Loucheur
and General Mance re-entered the room.)
M. Loucheur said that in collaboration with
General Mance he had taken the text drawn up by the Italian Delegation
and accepted by the Experts, and that they had decided to add the
following paragraph:—
“This arbitration might, as far as the southern railway lines in
Austria are concerned, be demanded either by the Administrative
Committee of the Company or by a representative of the
M. Tittoni asked whether the Italian Experts
had been consulted and whether the text was in agreement with what they
had consented to.
M. Loucheur said that they had not been able to
find M. Crespi: that the text presented differed slightly, since it gave
to the Representative of the Shareholders the right to demand
M. Tittoni said that the point was a new one
and that he desired it to be laid before M. Crespi.
(After a short discussion it was decided to accept the text given
hereunder subject to its being accepted later on by M. Crespi: the text
[Page 205]
was to be sent to the
Drafting Committee for insertion in the Austrian Treaty:—
“With the object of ensuring regular utilisation of the railroads
of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, owned by private
companies, which, as the result of the stipulation of the
Treaty, will be situated in the territory of several States, the
administrative and technical reorganisations of the said lines
shall be regulated in each instance by an agreement between the
owning companies and the States territorially concerned. Any
differences on which agreement is not reached, including
questions relating to the interpretation of contracts concerning
the expropriation of lines shall be submitted to an arbitration
designated by the Council of the League of Nations. This
Arbitration may, as regards the Company, be required either by
the Board of Management or by the representatives of the bond
2. M. Loucheur3 said that the question only concerned
France, Great Britain, the United States and Belgium. The
Representatives of these countries had received the Report (see Annex
A). Report by M. Loucheur on the Rhineland
M. Tittoni asked whether the Commission dealt
with the economic questions.
M. Loucheur said that it did not do so, but
that a Report had been accepted unanimously by the Experts: it was based
on the two German notes annexed to the Report. In order to summarise the
question it was sufficient to say that the Germans in their note had
always desired to modify the text of the Treaty as submitted to them,
and that they had further attempted to interpret it in their own way.
Our Commission had always rejected the modifications asked for, but it
had always taken up a conciliatory attitude in questions of
interpretation. The Commission thought that in acting in this way it was
following the political lead which had been given to it. Amongst the
modifications asked for, it had been thought necessary to reject the one
which dealt with an Imperial Commission. The Commissioner who would have
been nominated by the Germans ought, according to them, to be consulted
by the Inter-Allied Commission which ought only to act in agreement with
him. The Germans had also given a wrong interpretation to certain terms
in the Convention; they had thought the terms in question full of
pitfalls. They thought that the Allies desired to intervene in questions
of primary education and in religious problems. They had been reassured
and told that such a thing had never been in the intentions of the
Allies. During the discussions there had only been one difficult point.
The Germans had stated that the Imperial Commissioner had been
nominated: they had been told in
[Page 206]
reply that the Commissioner should be acceptable to the Allies. In
addition to this it had not been possible to agree to the Commissioner
being a Representative of the Federal States.
The Germans had been told that if all the Federal States agreed to
nominate the same person he would be accepted.
Mr. Balfour asked whether the German
Constitution had been examined.
M. Loucheur replied that the German
Constitution had been carefully examined. The remarks made to the German
Delegates on the subject of the Commissioner had been suggested to them
by the members of the Commission for the Rhine Convention. In, addition,
by one of the Clauses of the Convention given we had the right of having
delivered to us persons who having committed crime on the left bank of
the Rhine, had taken refuge on the right. The Germans replied that they
could not accept this clause on account of the question of extradition.
They had been told that the question of extradition did not arise since
both the banks of the Rhine were German territory. The proposals had
therefore been rejected and the clause in question upheld. If the report
were accepted, it was proposed that it should be sent in the form of a
note to the German Delegation by the President of the Peace
(The reply to the German notes on the Rhine Convention unanimously
recommended by M. Loucheur’s Commission was therefore accepted, and it
was further decided that an English text should be presented along with
the French one after examination by the Drafting Committee.)
3. M. Tittoni said he wished to present the
following note in the name of the Italian Government:—
“The Italian Delegation reminds the Conference in the following
terms of the reservation which it had made previously in similar
terms with regard to the Peace Treaty with Germany: the first
reservation had been accepted by the Supreme War Council at its
meeting of the 16 June.4 The
Italian Delegation thinks that the stipulations contained in the
Convention of the League of Nations do not apply to territorial
questions, or to such arrangements as may arise out of them; for
these latter have been part of the duties of the Peace
Conference, and have not yet been definitely settled.”Reservation by the Italian Delegation on the
Subject of the Austrian Peace Treaty
Mr. Balfour said that M. Tittoni’s statement
amounted to this: the Italian frontiers have not yet been settled. If,
therefore, the Italian Delegation agreed to sign the Treaty without
reservation, as this latter includes the Covenant of the League of
Nations, they might be compelled to accept decisions which they did not
fully know
[Page 207]
before hand. It
would not be just, and for this reason the Italian reservation had been
M. Tittoni said that the reservation only
applied to frontiers not yet settled. He thought that the duty of
settling such frontiers fell to the Peace Conference, and not to the
League of Nations.
Mr. Balfour said he agreed entirely, but that
he wished to ask a question. If the reservation were accepted and an
agreement arrived at with regard to frontiers, could Italy at some
future time, ten years hence possibly, raise the question again on the
plea that it had made reservations? He therefore asked that the
reservation should lapse at the date of the settlement of the frontier
M. Tittoni said that the text of his
reservation allowed for that, since it dealt with frontiers “not yet
definitely settled”. When once the frontiers were settled the
reservation lapsed.
Mr. White said that they were only called upon
to take note of a reservation.
M. Clemenceau said that possibly they might be
called upon to take note of it under Mr. Balfour’s interpretation.
M. Tittoni said that all that was asked for was
that the frontiers between Italy and Jugo-Slavia should be settled by
the Council and not by the League of Nations.
(Cognisance was taken of the following reservation made by M. Tittoni on
behalf of Italy:—
“The Italian Delegation desired to recall and to renew in the
following terms the reservation made by it on the subject of the
Treaty with Germany which the Supreme Council accepted at its
Meeting on June 16th.”
“The Italian Delegation is of the opinion that stipulations of the
Covenant of the League of Nations are not applicable to territorial
questions and to the arrangements connected therewith, which having been
made the subjects of consideration by the Peace Conference have not yet
been settled.”
4. M. Clemenceau said that they were called
upon to send out a Commission of Enquiry into Asia Minor. Nomination of a Commission of Enquiry in Asia
Mr. White said that he had examined the
question, and that did not think he was able to reply to it without
first referring it to his Government.
Mr. Balfour said that he accepted the principle
of the Committee of Enquiry, but that he could not nominate his
representatives before Monday.
M. Tittoni said that he was in the same
position as Mr. Balfour.
(It was decided to send a Commission to Asia Minor consisting of one
Commissioner each from Great Britain, France and Italy. The
participation of the United States in this Commission was referred to
the American Government.)
[Page 208]
5. The question of nominating a Military Commission to enquire into the
situation in Hungary was adjourned until Monday, so as to await Mr.
Balfour’s and Mr. White’s acceptances. Commission of
Enquiry for Hungary
6. At this moment the experts, General Bliss, Mr. Hoover, General Belin,
General Cavallero, Col. MacReady, Col. Kisch, and Commandant Lacombe
entered the room. Question of Russian Prisoners in
Germany: Mr. Hoover’s Report
Mr. Hoover summarised the report contained in
Annex B.
M. Clemenceau said that the question involved
Mr. Hoover said that M. Clemenceau’s remark was
true, but that a decision had to be arrived at as to the port into which
the boats were to be sent and the method of transport by railway. The
repatriation of the prisoners might take two to three months, and they
would have to be fed during the period.
M. Clemenceau said that he thought the question
was a military one, and that it should be studied by the military
experts at Versailles.
Mr. Balfour said that the British Bed Cross had
spent nearly a million pounds in the up-keep of these prisoners. This
would have to be dis-continued on account of the approaching
demobilisation, but that the Red Cross organisation was willing to
devote its stores to this purpose, they would suffice to feed the
prisoners for 15 days.
Mr. Hoover remarked that the stock in question
would only feed the 35,000 prisoners in the charge of the British Red
Cross, and that it would not supply the other prisoners.
Mr. Balfour asked why the Germans should not be
approached in this matter. We have undertaken the feeding of these
prisoners for seven months without having been obliged to do so. The
Allies have done it in order to prevent the Germans from repatriating
the prisoners under circumstances disadvantageous to themselves. Ought
not, therefore, the Germans to be invited to take charge of the feeding
of the prisoners. He was told by his experts that Marshal Foch might
quite well deal with the question.
Mr. White said that a plan of repatriation had
been accepted by the Council of Ten in the month of June.5 He thought
that the Ukrainians and the Poles had prevented the plan from being put
into execution.
Mr. Hoover said that the military authorities
ought, therefore to investigate the means of transport necessary, and
study the question of feeding the prisoners. It should not be forgotten
that a political question also arose, since the Allies had maintained
the prisoners in Germany in order to prevent them joining the
[Page 209]
M. Clemenceau said that he did not think
Marshal Foch could deal with the question, which was a political and
financial one. The Allies were not dealing with prisoners taken by
themselves, but with prisoners made by an enemy army. He, therefore,
proposed to deal with the political and financial questions. Once they
were decided upon, the manner in which they could be carried out could
be investigated. He desired to have the opinion of his Military Experts
on the point in question, which was, after all, a problem of military
politics. It had been desired to avoid sending the Russian prisoners
lest they should reinforce the Bolshevik Army or spread themselves out
over Poland. The danger to-day was not so great as far as Poland was
concerned, and Military Experts could deal with it.
General Bliss said that the question did not
seem to him to be in a condition to be submitted to Versailles. It
contained two problems. Mr. Hoover had stated that there were no funds
available for feeding the prisoners. How could they be supported,
therefore, if the Germans refused to have anything to do with it? After
that, the question arose as to how they should be repatriated and this
raised the following problems; Firstly, were the prisoners to be
repatriated immediately? Secondly, were they to be repatriated through
Poland to the nearest Russian territory. Thirdly, were they to be
repatriated to Black Sea Ports? Fourthly, if one of these alternatives
is accepted, who would undertake to execute it? Fifthly, who would
undertake to send the supplies and the personnel necessary in the
interval? Could not the proposal made by the Economic Commission on the
17th June, be accepted? In any case, it was necessary to take
immediately the necessary measures for repatriating the prisoners. Some
solution had to be adopted rapidly, because the operations would require
a good deal of time and must be concluded before Winter. If the proposal
is accepted, our own Delegation and the Allied Delegations could
telegraph to their Governments to obtain the necessary powers. The
repatriation must be carried out as rapidly as possible. The Military
Authorities could then be put in touch with the question and may study
the best means of carrying out the repatriation.
M. Clemenceau said that it involved a great
danger for Poland. As far as the Russian prisoners were concerned, the
question was not one of feeding 35,000 under the charge of the British
Red Cross, but of supplying all.
General Bliss said that some decision must be
arrived at, because the repatriation will take a long time.
M. Clemenceau said that the question should
have been presented to the Council at an earlier date.
Mr. Balfour said that Marshal Foch had received
a communication on the subject four months ago.
[Page 210]
Mr. Hoover said that the Council had been put
in touch with the question four months ago, and that it was noted that
nothing had been done. There was a solution possible. There were Armies
of Occupation in Germany with the necessary Army Service Corps Units
attached. The Armies of Occupation had been reduced in number on account
of demobilisation with the result that the Army Service Corps Units
could take charge of the prisoners.
Mr. Balfour said that Mr. Hoover’s solution was
very ingenious, but that it only settled one of the two questions, that
of feeding. The repatriation question remained open, and to settle it
more tonnage was necessary together with the consent of the Polish
Government with regard to the passage across that country of the
prisoners in question. The method of repatriation was the most
difficult. Were the Military Authorities at Versailles competent to
resolve the question? If they were not, a special Committee would be
necessary in which the Versailles Experts should be represented,
together with Naval Experts and possibly political Experts.
M. Clemenceau said that the Council could
decide on political questions.
Mr. Balfour said that at the present time 500
Americans were dealing with the supplies and feeding stock. It had been
said to him that these 500 Americans were about to be withdrawn, but
that the Army Service Corps Units in the Armies of Occupation could
carry on the work. The Commission would, therefore, only be concerned
with the question of railways, ports, etc.
M. Clemenceau said that, under these
circumstances, the question could very well be dealt with by the
Military Experts at Versailles, to whom Naval Experts could be joined.
His proposal was accepted.
(It was therefore agreed
- (a)
- That upon the failure of the supplies already provided for the
feeding of Russian prisoners now in Germany, they should be fed
and supplied by the Military Authorities of the Armies of
Occupation until repatriated.
- (b)
- That the means of repatriation of the Russian prisoners now in
Germany and maintained at the cost of the Allies should be
referred for study to the Military Representatives at Versailles
with whom would be associated for this purpose the Naval
7. Mr. Hoover made a short résumé of the
memorandum contained in Appendix “C”. He drew the attention of the
Council, moreover, to the fact the Georgian Authorities had only agreed
to allow the supplies to pass through their territory on condition of a
certain proportion being given to them. They now demanded one-half of
the supplies. This demand was not from necessity, because they did not
lack food, but was made simply for the purpose of speculation. ForCommunication From Mr. Hoover With Regard to Russian
[Page 211]
this reason, the Council was
asked to send a menacing telegram to the Georgian Authorities, in order
to facilitate the transport of supplies during two or three months. The
future destiny of Georgia depended on the Conference, and there was
every hope that they would yield to our wishes.
Communication From Mr. Hoover With Regard to Russian Armenia
(It was therefore decided that M. Clemenceau, as Chairman of the Peace
Conference, should send the following telegram in the name of the Allied
and Associated Powers to the Government of Georgia:—
“The Council has been made aware of the interference of the
Georgian Authorities when food supplies were sent into Armenia
in an endeavour on the part of the Allied Governments to stem
the tide of starvation and death amongst these unfortunate
people. The Council cannot state in too strong terms, that such
interference and that such action taken by the Georgian
Authorities together with the continuation of such action must
entirely prejudice their case. The Council therefore expects
that the Authorities in Georgia shall not only give the
privileges of transportation over the Railway routes at which
they at present control, but will devote themselves to assisting
in the transmission of these supplies at no more than the normal
charge and remuneration for such service. The Council awaits the
reply of the Authorities in Georgia as to whether or not they
are prepared to acquiesce in this arrangement.”)
8. M. Pichon read an extract from a report of
the military authorities dated 11th July, who had studied the
Repatriation of the Czecho-Slovak Forces in
Baron Makino said that he wished to make a
remark. It had been decided some time back by the Supreme Council that
the Czecho-Slovaks should be evacuated through Omsk to Archangel, and
that the Japanese Government should then be asked to protect the
railway.6 He had telegraphed to his Government in that sense.
Their reports tended to show that since the Czecho-Slovaks did not
accept the proposal the Japanese Government had suspended its decision.
The question now was of repatriation by Vladivostock. This was a new
proposal which must be submitted to the Japanese Government. It was
probable that it would wish to obtain all the information possible and
possibly would desire to consult the local authorities. The examination
would take several days during which it would be impossible for him to
reply to the Supreme Council.
(After a short discussion it was decided that with regard to the
repatriation of the Czecho-Slovaks from Siberia, that M. Clemenceau
should send a copy of the following telegram to the American Government
and that Baron Makino should send the same telegram to the Japanese
“In view of the condition and wishes of the Czecho-Slovak troops
[Page 212]
in Siberia, the
Council of the Allied and Associated Powers consider it urgently
necessary that arrangements should be made for the systematic
repatriation of the troops from Vladivostock.
This involves the replacement of those troops along that portion
of the trans-Siberian railway which is at present guarded by
Information is therefore requested as to whether the
American/Japanese Government will furnish the necessary
effectives or will co-operate with the Japanese/American
Government to this end. A similar telegram has been addressed to
the Japanese/American [Government?].”)
Villa Majestic, Paris, 18 July, 1919.
Appendix A to HD–11
Reply to the German Note Regarding
the Occupation of the Left Bank of the Rhine7
Paragraphs 1 and 2.—Preliminary
Observations.—The Allied and Associated Governments have always
intended to make the occupation as little burdensome as possible to
the civilian population of the left bank of the Rhine, subject to
Germany strictly carrying out the terms of the Peace Treaty.
Paragraph 3.—Articles 3 and 5 of the
Agreement.—Application of German legislation.—Under the
Agreement the German Government has agreed to recognise the power of
the High Commission to issue ordinances having the force of law to
secure the maintenance, the safety and the requirements of the
Allied and Associated military forces.
It is agreed that, subject to this reservation, the actual or future
legislation of the German Empire and of the federal States,
including legislation passed since the German revolution, is
applicable in the occupied territories. It will be the duty of the
High Commission to judge in each particular case the extent to which
the legislation in question does not prejudice the safety and
requirements of the Allied and Associated military forces.
Paragraph 4.—Exercise of the legislative powers of
the High Commission.—There is no objection to recognizing
that, subject to the above reservations, the population shall enjoy
the free exercise of its personal and civic rights, of religious
freedom, of freedom of the press, of voting and of association; and
that the political, legal, administrative and economic relations of
the occupied territories with unoccupied
[Page 213]
Germany shall not be hampered, and that there
shall be freedom of movement between the occupied territories and
unoccupied Germany. The Allied and Associated Governments, however,
cannot recognise any obligation to enter into a preliminary
agreement between the High Commission and the representative of
Germany as regards the drawing up of ordinances. The German
representative may be heard whenever a question coming within his
sphere is concerned, except in cases of urgency.
Paragraph 5.—Establishment of a Civil Commissioner
of the Empire.
- (a)
- The establishment of a Civil Commissioner of the Empire
representing the Government of the Empire can be recognized
by the Allied and Associated Governments.
- (b)
- Nevertheless, it must be pointed out that this measure is
not provided for in the text of the Agreement, and that the
person chosen for the office must be previously approved by
the Allied and Associated Governments, who may recall their
approval at any time.
- (c)
- The competence of the Commissioner of the Empire can only
extend to matters which, in accordance with the terms of the
German constitution, come under the authority of the
Government of the Empire.
The Allied and Associated Governments are in fact unable, without a
violation of international law, to accept a formal provision that
the Commissioner of the Empire is necessarily to be the
representative of the States, republics or provinces, the internal
legislation of which must be respected and is subject to variations
or changes.
Nevertheless, if the competent authorities of the various federal
States agree between themselves to nominate one and the same
Commissioner, the Allied and Associated Governments will raise no
objection. But the High Commission will always retain the right to
enter into relations with any local authority whatsoever as regards
matters within the competence of the local authority in
Paragraph 6.—Strength of the troops of
occupation.—The Allied and Associated Governments reserve
to themselves the right to make known at a suitable moment the
strength of the troops maintained in the occupied territories.
Paragraph 7.—Strength of the police
force.—There is no objection to the High Commission consulting
the German authorities concerned, but the High Commission is
responsible for determining the organisation of the police
Paragraph 8.—Drafting of ordinances by the
Commission.—The High Commission may find it useful to
ascertain in advance, except in cases of urgency, the opinion of the
Commissioner of the Empire, or of the competent German authorities,
but there can be no obligation, not provided for under the
Agreement, for the Commission to do so.
[Page 214]
Paragraph 9.—Privileges as regards jurisdiction
conferred by army commanders.—The statement that the scope
of this privilege might be more clearly defined is correct. It is
recognized in principle that the privilege cannot be conferred upon
German nationals.
On the other hand the Allied and Associated Governments, who are
anxious to avoid the introduction of a disturbing element in the
occupied territories, cannot admit that legal proceedings should be
instituted by the competent German authorities in respect of
political or commercial acts relating to the Armistice period, when
these acts have not given rise to legal proceedings on the part of
the Allied and Associated authorities.
Paragraph 10.—Privileges as regards jurisdiction in
civil cases.—
The text of the Agreement formally stipulates that military persons
or persons duly accredited by the military authorities shall be
subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Allied and Associated
military courts, not only in criminal matters, but in civil matters
Nevertheless, in so far as contracts are concerned which are entered
into in a private capacity, either by military persons or by their
families, it may be admitted, in accordance with the request made in
the German note, that these cases are to be brought before the
German courts, subject to a right of evocation reserved to the High
Commission in cases of abuse.
This observation does not apply to the case covered by Article 3 (b) of the Agreement.
In any event, cases which are at the same time civil and criminal
must be judged by the military courts.
Paragraph 11.—Criminal law.—The German courts,
in cases in which they have jurisdiction, will apply the German
penal code. But, in accordance with the principles of international
law, the Allied and Associated military courts can only apply the
law of the country to which they belong.
Paragraph 12.—Delivery of accused persons.—The
proposal of the German note is inadmissible. The text of the
Agreement is formal and logical. It requires that persons charged
with crimes or misdemeanours against the persons or property of the
Allied and Associated forces are to be delivered up to the Allied
and Associated authorities, even if the accused persons have taken
refuge in unoccupied territory. Moreover, there is no question of
extradition in the legal sense of the word, since the occupied
territories are part of German territory.
Paragraph 13.—Administrative and political
districts (Article 5).—
The German note displays some anxiety lest the ordinances of the High
Commission should change the German administrative and political
districts in the interests of the requirements of the
[Page 215]
There is nothing on this subject in the Agreement. It is not the
intention of the Allied and Associated Governments that the
Commission should change German administrative and political
Paragraph 14.—Finance.—It is understood that
the civil administration includes the financial administration, and
that the revenues of the Empire and the States will be collected in
the occupied territory and dealt with by the competent German
Paragraph 15.—Right of dismissal of
officials.—The request put forward in the German note would
involve an alteration in the text of the Agreement.
Nevertheless, it may be admitted that, except in cases of urgency,
officials may, on the orders of the High Commission, be dismissed
without undue delay, either by the Commissioner of the Empire or by
the competent German authority. The High Commission reserves in all
cases its right itself to dismiss officials whenever necessary.
Paragraph 16.—Payment for requisitions.—The
Allied and Associated Governments intend to retain the right given
to them by Article 6 of the Agreement, but they do not refuse to
examine regulations for its application in concert with the
competent German authorities.
Paragraph 17.—Billeting of troops and
administrations.—This is a question of fact which can only
be decided by an examination of concrete cases. The Allied and
Associated Governments will carry out this examination in a
conciliatory spirit to give satisfaction to the legitimate needs of
the public administrations.
Paragraph 18.—Exemption from taxes.—It is
understood that exemption from taxes cannot be extended to property
taxes payable on transactions or acts performed in a private
capacity and apart from official duties.
On the other hand, it is recognized that a system of control will
require to be established by the Inter-allied High Commission as
regards the privileges and exemptions from customs duties conferred
by Article 9 on the troops of occupation and on their civil and
military personnel.
Paragraph 19.—Customs douses.—At the present
date the Allied and Associated Governments do not consider that they
have occasion to avail themselves of the provisions of Article 270
of the Peace Treaty. They formally reserve to themselves the right
to judge in the future whether the application of this Article will
or will not be desirable.
Paragraph 21.—Posts and telegraphs.—In
accordance with the request made in the German note, the regulations
in force can be modified. This will be done by an ordinance of the
High Commission. Freedom of communication by letter, telegraph and
telephone will be re-established between the occupied territories
and unoccupied Germany, subject to a general reservation of the
rights of the High Commission
[Page 216]
or of the consequences of a state of siege,
whenever a state of siege is declared.
Paragraph 22.—State of siege.—The state of
siege being an immediate function of the security of the armies, it
is impossible to undertake that the Commissioner of the Empire shall
be consulted in all cases, and particularly in cases of urgency.
It is understood that the Allied and Associated Governments, relying
upon a loyal co-operation on the part of the German authorities,
will not fail to consult the latter whenever the circumstances
Paragraph 24.—Decrees issued by the various
military authorities.—In principle, and in accordance with
the request made in the German note, it is the intention of the
Allied and Associated authorities to regard the various decrees
issued by the military authorities in the occupied territory during
the Armistice as having lapsed after the coming into force of the
Treaty of Peace. Nevertheless, it belongs exclusively to the High
Commission to decide on the necessary transition measures.
The High Commission will issue an ordinance dealing with the
abrogation or the adaptation of the decrees in question.
This ordinance will be issued within the shortest possible period
after the date of the coming into force of the Treaty.
Paragraph 25.—Expulsions.—Certain persons have
been forbidden to reside in the occupied territories for reasons
connected with the necessity of maintaining public order and of
causing the decisions regularly taken by the Allied and Associated
military authorities during the Armistice to be respected.
It cannot be admitted that expelled persons shall be allowed to
return to their homes merely in virtue of the fact that the Treaty
of Peace has come into force.
Persons wishing to return should communicate with the High
Commission, who will examine each particular case in a conciliatory
Paragraph 26.—Jurisdiction.—Reference is made
to the observations set out above on paragraphs 9, 10, and 11 of the
German note.
Paragraph 27.—Administrative districts.— It is
contemplated in the Agreement that the local German administrations,
both those of districts and those of provinces, shall retain their
legal status.
Paragraph 28.—Authority of the governments of the
federal States.—It is quite impossible to agree to the
suggestion contained in this paragraph, viz., that the expression
“under the authority of the Central German Government” is to be
interpreted as follows: “under the authority of the Central German
Government and of the Governments of the federated German
Article 3 of the Agreement annexed to the Treaty of Peace is precise,
and the expression “Central German Government” does not admit of any
wider interpretation.
[Page 217]
It is, of course, understood that the hierarchy of powers as
established by law will be respected, but it is impossible for the
Allied and Associated Governments, who have signed peace with the
Central German Government, and who have no intention of interfering
in the internal organisation of Germany, to maintain by force the
organisation of States which may be changed under the German
constitution itself.
As pointed out above in regard to paragraph 5 (Establishment of a
Civil Commissioner of the Empire), the Allied and Associated
Governments are unable, without a violation of international law, to
accept a formal provision by which they undertake to maintain an
organisation and an internal legislation which the German people
themselves may seek to modify.
Paragraph 29.—Officials.—As pointed out in the
German note, there will, after the coming into force of the Treaty
of Peace, be no officials charged with the duty of supervising the
German authorities in the local administrative divisions.
But, in the interest of the population, the High Commission has the
power to maintain fixed representatives with the duty of securing
liaison between the local German administrations, the local military
authorities and the High Commission itself.
As regards officials, the German note admits that the right of
dismissal is vested in the High Commission. It follows that the High
Commission has the power to veto the nomination of officials whose
introduction might stir up disorder.
Paragraph 30.—Education.—Public education, as
pointed out in the German note, is part of the civil administration
and will be regulated by the German laws.
The German Government therefore has no cause to fear that the
teaching of foreign languages will be introduced by order of the
occupying Powers.
Paragraph 31.—Legislation.—This question has
been dealt with above it [in] replying to
paragraph 3 of the German note.
Paragraph 32.—Requisitions.—The German
Government asks that the exercise of the right of requisition shall
be limited so far as possible.
The Allied and Associated Governments are entirely in agreement with
the German Government in considering that requisition ought to be
seldom practised, and then only for special reasons.
The High Commission will take into consideration on this subject any
observations which may be made to it, and will issue regulations in
a spirit of equity and conciliation.
Nevertheless, it is not possible to agree to the request made in the
German note at the end of paragraph 32, viz., that requisitions
should be made only through the channel of the Commissioner of the
[Page 218]
Paragraph 33.—Distribution of
troops.—Billeting.—The distribution of troops and questions
concerning the billeting of officers and their families will be
carefully studied by the High Commission, and the results made known
in due course.
All the above observations are formulated
subject to reservation of the rights vested in the High
Commission, and subject to the possibility of a state of siege
being declared, and subject to the strict execution of the
Treaty of Peace by Germany.
First German Note
[Paragraph 1.] The agreement concerning the military occupation of
the Rhineland has been ratified by the German Government together
with the treaty of peace. Germany realizes that the wording of these
provisions can now in no wise be changed. An exact study and the
knowledge of what has happened in the divers Rhenish territories,
especially in the different zones of occupation show that the
putting into practice of these scantily worded provisions will in
many respects still necessitate particular mutual understandings
about questions of detail. This is the reason why the German
Government has requested the governments of the occupying powers to
enter upon conferences about the said questions.
[Paragraph 2.] For the population of the occupied Rhenish territory
it is of fundamental importance soon to be informed as to what shape
their political, social and economic life is going to take during
the long duration of the occupation. Germany has seen herself
compelled to acquiesce in the military occupation of these regions
and by so doing to put—although with a heavy heart—especial burdens
upon the population of the Rhineland, burdens which unoccupied
Germany has not to bear. Out of this results the obligation for the
Government of the German Republic not to leave for her part anything
undone to facilitate to the Rhineland the bearing of these especial
burdens. My Government is convinced that it will be possible to
execute the agreement, without impairing the military guarantees
aimed at by the Allied and Associated Powers through their
occupation, in such a way as to enable the population of the
occupied regions to enjoy the blessings of peace, of which after the
severe trial of the war and the armistice they stand in sore need,
and to participate, according to their importance, together with the
[Page 219]
rest of Germany in the
reconstruction of the country and in the redeeming of the heavy
obligations incurred by the treaty of peace.
[Paragraph 3.] I shall now permit myself to enter upon the discussion
in detail of the questions contained in the different articles of
the agreement.
Article 5: provides that the civil
administration of the provinces, government departments (Regierungsbezirke) etc. shall remain in the
hands of the German authorities and that the civil administration
shall continue under German law and under the authority of the
Central German Government. My Government assumes that this
regulation does not merely refer to the already promulgated laws of
the German Empire or its member states, but applies in a like manner
to the future legislation of the German Empire and its constituent
states and especially comprises all those laws and ordinances also
which have been promulgated since the German revolution and have
been sanctioned in the meantime by the German National Assembly and
the National Assemblies of Prussia, Bavaria, Baden, Hesse, and
This right of Germany to legislate for the territories of the Rhine,
a right acknowledged by the Allies, is affected by the fact that in
article 3 the Allies have reserved to
themselves the right to issue ordinances so far as may be necessary
for securing the maintenance, requirements and safety of the Allied
and Associated forces. These ordinances shall have the force of law
from the day they are published and, therefore, take precedence over
all laws or ordinances issued by the Empire or the member states.
The idea, “maintenance, requirements and safety” covers such an
exceedingly wide field and has such a general meaning that any
economic, social or juridical question may be classed among them.
For instance, in Germany the working time in the coal mines has now
been fixed at 7 hours, in agriculture as in all branches of
industrial and commercial activity at 8 hours. I asked myself
whether the High Commission would be authorized by article 3 to
change these provisions by way of ordinance for the reason that a
working time diminished in this way would no more give full
satisfaction to the requirements of the military forces.
On the other hand, I do not at all fail to recognize that the right
to issue ordinances cannot be withheld from the Allied Governments.
It will, therefore, be necessary to come to an arrangement and to
secure an assurance that this power of issuing ordinances will only
be used insofar as it does not interfere with the political,
economic, and social reconstruction of Germany. For this reason my
Government places the greatest value on the laying down of a first
principle—for the execution of the legislative, jurisdictional and
administrative rights
[Page 220]
the Allies—by means of a supplementary agreement. This first
princible would have to be as follows:
[Paragraph 4.] 1. that the free exercise of their personal
and civic rights be guaranteed to the population,
principally the free exercise of public religious worship,
the liberty of voting, of the press, of the clubs and
2. that the political, juridical, administrative and economic
connection of the occupied with the non-occupied parts of
Germany be restored and safeguarded,
3. that the passenger—and goods traffic, as well as the
news—service between the occupied aaid non-occupied
territories be in no way prevented.
If this first principle be acknowledged by the Allied Governments,
the ordinances issued by them will be nothing more than executions
of this principle, which might contain certain restrictions for
special cases. Regarding such restriction in special cases, there
ought to be a previous understanding between the High Commission and
the representative of Germany.
[Paragraph 5.] My Government has noted with satisfaction that the
Allies have created in the High Commission a civil organism, which
is the highest representative of the Allies. In order to facilitate
the task of the High Commission and to create a uniform organ for
the German population and the divers authorities in the occupied
territory, my Government has appointed a National Commissioner, who
is to be the first representative of the Central Government and the
member states concerned. For I may recall the fact that, according
to the German constitutional structure, the German Central
Government is only competent in certain respects, whereas in other
important respects are competent the Government of Prussia, the
Government of Bavaria for the Palatinate, that of Hesse for Rhenish
Hessia, that of Baden for the bridge-head of Kehl, and that of
Oldenburg for the principality of Birkenfeld.
The National Commissioner would alone be authorized to communicate
with the High Commission. He would—as it were—have to execute
diplomatic functions, if one may speak of such in one’s own
For this high function has been designated by the German Government,
Mr. von Starck, up to now president of the government in
I beg, therefore, the Governments of the Allied and Associated Powers
to declare themselves agreed upon the appointment of this National
[Paragraph 6.] If I now may enter on the several articles in a short
survey, it is of decisive importance for my Government to know the
number of the troops of occupation, their strength also in officers
[Page 221]
in horses, which the
Allies after the demobilisation and after the establishment of a
state of permanence mean to maintain in the Rhenish territories.
Without exact information about the numerical strength of these
troops and consequently about the costs of their maintenance my
Government would find it impossible to lay down a correct
budget—basis of the life of every state—and to balance beforehand
the revenues and expenditures.
[Paragraph 7.] Article 1: further provides
that the strength of the police forces is to be determined by the
Allied and Associated Powers. In this connection I beg the High
Commission to enter into communication with the National
Commissioner, who will give all requisite information as to the
number of gendarmery and State or Municipal Police indispensable for
insuring order. In view of the criminality due to the sufferings of
the war, and the unrest among the working population caused by the
wild strikes, the number of gendarmes and of policemen must be
considerably higher than before the war.
[Paragraph 8.] Regarding article 3, paragraph
a, I ask that the High Commission will agree in principle
to consult the opinion of the National Commissioner before issuing
ordinances. This would be in the interest of the good working of the
administration. Laws of the Empire, federal laws promulgated by five
member states, in Wiesbaden also older laws from the Nassovian
period before 1866 and provincial ordinances are in force in the
territories of the Rhine—in short, the whole complexity and lack of
clearness of the public law in force in Germany. The French members
of the High Commission will, in view of the simplicity and clearness
of the French law, find great difficulty in forming an idea of the
intricacy of the German public law.
[Paragraph 9.] The provisions in article 3,
paragraph d and e are particularly important. I agree that
the armed forces of the Allied and Associated Powers should take a
special position with the regard to jurisdiction. It is, however,
necessary to make it clear what is meant by “the persons
accompanying them”, to whom the general officers commanding the
armies of occupation shall have issued a revocable passport and “any
persons employed by or in the service of such troops”. My Government
supposes that the persons in question are solely nationals of Allied
and Associated Powers and not German citizens. My Government feels
certain that German nationals shall remain under its full and
unrestricted jurisdiction. It would impair a good juridical
practice, if exterritoriality were conferred upon German nationals
by the issue of a revocable passport or by entry into military
service. Thereby, two classes of German citizens would be created,
one of which would be under German jurisdiction and the other of
which would escape it. International law only recognizes
[Page 222]
exterritoriality for
foreign nationals and by no means for one’s own nationals. The
consequences of a different conception could also be stated should
occasion arise.
[Paragraph 10.] I am also to ask for an explanation as to whether by
“military law and jurisdiction” one would also have to understand
civil jurisdiction, and whether the troops, their personnel, the
families of the officers and civil functionaries shall be withdrawn
from the German jurisdiction also in reference to any contracts,
purchases, loan transactions, order, etc. made for their private
requirements. This appears to me impossible. If legal disputes
should arise from a purchase or exchange, or from an order, these
civil legal disputes should be brought before the German judge.
Regarding the execution of the sentence, a special agreement should
be made.
[Paragraph 11.] My Government further supposes that for all
punishable actions the German penal code will be used in accordance
with the general principles of law.
[Paragraph 12.] Furthermore, article 4
requires a thorough explanation. This article 4 provides a
regulation, which will cause profound unrest in Germany. One of the
pillars of the German law is that a German national may not be
extradited to a foreign government for the purpose of persecution or
punishment. This principle has been violated in article 4. The
German authorities shall arrest and hand over any person who commits
any offence or crime against the persons or property of the armed
forces of the Allied and Associated Powers. I take it that it is to
be an essential condition for the competence of the Courts Martial
that the accused person was within the occupied territory while
committing the offence or crime, of which he is accused. It is
necessary exactly to fix the procedure to be employed.
[Paragraph 13.] Article 5 does not affect the
organization of the administration so long as the High Commission do
not consider requisite by ordinance to adapt the administration to
the needs and circumstances of military occupation. I should be much
obliged to know what is meant by this. According to the text, the
state boundaries between Prussia and Bavaria, between Bavaria and
Hesse might be changed by a simple ordinance. I am sure this is not
intended, since by this the civil rights of the inhabitants would be
interfered with most seriously.
[Paragraph 14.] I beg you to confirm me in the view that under civil
administration is also to be understood the financial
administration, so that the revenues for nation and state, which are
collected in the occupied district can be forwarded without
hindrance to the Central Treasury of the nation and to those of the
separate states, i. e. to Berlin, Munich, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt,
Oldenburg. I lay value upon establishing this, because under the
state of war such a forwarding was often forbidden.
[Page 223]
[Paragraph 15.] A certain provision creates a very unpleasant
impression, viz. the one stipulating that the German authorities are
obliged, under punishment of removal, to adapt themselves to all
ordinances. It is a matter of course that every German official
obeys an ordinance regularly promulgated. Moreover, I beg that the
revocation may take place through the mediation of the National
Commissioner and that therefore the possibility be given him of
investigating and of making matters clear.
[Paragraph 16.] To article 6: it is felt as
extraordinary that after the re-establishment of the state of peace
The Hague Convention, which regulates the customs of warfare on
land,9 and is
only adapted to the case of war, is made applicable. The regulation
in paragraph 2, concerning the establishment of requisitions is in
contradiction with the law of the Empire enacted on March 2nd of
this year. I should be very thankful if a special arrangement could
be made, by which the provisions of this law of the Empire, taking
into account the wishes of the population to the widest extent,
might find application. In fact, since Germany is obliged to bear
the whole cost of the maintenance it should be left to her to
determine in what way she will compensate her own nationals. It
would only be requisite that officers of the occupation army
cooperate in order to establish the nature of the damages caused.
How she will make compensation may be left to Germany to determine.
The questions are so difficult and comprehensive that only experts
from both sides can regulate them. Especially must a scale of rates
be arranged and care must be taken to observe as great a uniformity
as possible in the occupied district in order that one part of the
population may not be put in a better or worse position than
[Paragraph 17.] To article 7: it is to be
investigated whether a considerable number of localities at present
occupied might not be handed over again to the severely tried civil
To article 8, paragraph a: a military expert
will be attached to the National Commissioner. The German Government
assumes that in the laying out and use of the territory the greatest
consideration will be exercised towards the necessitous economic
condition of the population. The same holds good of the rights of
the Allies to take into possession every public or private
institution. At present claims are made upon large sanatoriums for
pulmonary diseases and sanatoriums for nervous complaints and
accordingly the possibility of healing just these diseases is
rendered problematic. The struggle against tuberculosis is an
international one and not limited by political boundaries. I appeal
to men of such high competence as Mr. Leon Bourgeois, the President
of the International Association for resisting
[Page 224]
tuberculosis, who, a few years before
the war, showed full appreciation of our German institution, which
he visited under my guidance. It is necessary that the sanatoriums
be made free as soon as possible for people of small means and be
restored again to their proper purposes.
[Paragraph 18.] Article 9 needs an elucidation
of its first paragraph. I assume that only exemption from personal
taxes, not, however, from real estate taxes is desired, i. e., if
for example, an officer or official acquires during the term of
occupation a piece of ground, the tax upon this and other taxes upon
property or trade taxes are to be paid by him. Likewise, a
stipulation will have to be made that no German or neutral may
belong to the personnel exempt from taxes. It could not be tolerated
that a German by getting himself incorporated into the personnel of
the occupying troops should acquire the privilege of exemption from
taxes. No objection will be raised to the fact that provisions of
food, arms, clothing, equipment and supplies of all kinds intended
for the use of the Allied troops or of the High Commission enjoy
exemption and free importation. The wording that all those wares
also, if only addressed to canteens and officers’ messes, shall
enter duty-free appears incredible. By this the whole working of the
customs of Germany would be thrown over. It would be like a great
leak in the bottom of the German ship, through which the water would
freely flow in and cause the vessel to sink. That cannot be the
intention of the Allies, who cannot but wish for the reconstruction
of Germany. This, however, can only take place, if the customs
protection on the German frontier be maintained to its full extent.
For security against smuggling it would be necessary that all goods
intended for the Allies should be statistically registered, so that
it might at any time be established whether they are not being
introduced under a false flag or whether they are actually intended
for the Allied troops. Here also the particulars of the procedure
would have to be regulated.
[Paragraph 19.] The German Government is fain to believe that no use
will be made of the provision of article 270 of the conditions of
peace and that the customs frontier will coincide with the frontier
of the country.
[Paragraph 20.] Concerning article 10: I
interpret it in this way that the commander-in-chief will make use
of his right of supreme command only for military purposes, and that
for the rest the railways and the steamship connections will remain
under the central administrations in Berlin, Munich and Karlsruhe.
Especially it is essential that undisturbed railway traffic should
take place between the occupied and the unoccupied districts and
that the time tables be regulated by the administrations concerned,
as in time of peace. A special
[Page 225]
agreement will have to be made concerning the
issuing of free tickets for officers.
[Paragraph 21.] Concerning article 11 an
especial agreement should be concluded between expert commissioners
of the Allies and of the postal administration of the German Empire.
Here also I emphasize that special rights can exclusively be claimed
for military purposes. Particularly it is indispensable that there
should be free postal, telegraphic, and telephonic intercourse
between the occupied and the unoccupied districts and that together
with this all presently existing restrictions, notably the post
censor should be abolished.
[Paragraph 22.] To article 13 I make the
request that the state of siege only be declared after previously
consulting with the National Commissioner. I trust that when the
number of the police force is great enough, when the free and
unrestricted intercourse between the occupied and the unoccupied
districts is established and when the economic reconstruction of
Germany will have made progress, then the declaration of the state
of siege will be shown to be superfluous.
[Paragraph 23.] I beg to be allowed to sum up my arguments in a few
My Government has the impression that the agreement does not
sufficiently take into account the radical change of the general
situation from the state of war to that of peace. The military
headquarters of the Allies have repeatedly replied to the German
Armistice Commission: “We still are at war.”—Now, however, that the
German National Assembly have ratified the conditions of peace and
that the legal instruments of ratification will ere long be
exchanged, we fairly pace onward into the state of peace.
The enormous burdens and obligations Germany has charged herself with
and which she will to the uttermost limit of her power endeavor to
meet and redeem in an absolutely straightforward and loyal way can
be borne merely on condition of the occupied Rhenish territories
with their highly developed industry, agriculture, and trade also
helping to the full to bear them. This necessitates a free
development of all resources. This necessitates a re-establishment
of the state of peace, despite the military occupation. The
interests of the Allies in this respect coincide with those of
Germany. The more freedom will have been granted in shaping the
conditions of existence in the occupied territories, the less
oppressive the occupation will prove, the more completely Germany
will be able to meet her obligations.
Fully confident that this mode of thinking will be appreciated and
taken into account by the Allied Governments, we Germans enter into
these conferences.
- Lewald10
- Dr. Michaelis Basch
July 12,
[Page 226]
[Second German Note11]
Article 3
[Paragraph 24.] During the Armistice, many orders having the force of
law were issued on the basis of the War Decree of The Hague, not
only by the High Command of the Allied and Associated Troops, but
also by the various army commanders, commanding generals,
town-commanders, etc., so that at the present time an extremely
piebald justice exists, which destroys the uniformity of justice and
has caused the greatest uncertainty in business life. It must be
remarked that all these orders will lose their effectiveness with
the coming into force of the Peace Treaty and the establishment of
the High Commission.
[Paragraph 25.] The same legal situation was permitted to exist with
regard to the individual orders of the above-named military
authorities, particularly as regards the exiling from the occupied
territories, through which many inhabitants have been driven from
house and home. Attention is called to the fact that these persons
may now return undisturbed to their homes, and that neither the High
Commission nor the military services will, in the future, have the
right to issue orders of this kind.
[Paragraph 26.] Since Paragraph (e) declares
the war courts of the Occupation troops competent only for the
judging of crimes or misdemeanors against the persons or property of
the military forces of the Allied and Associated Powers, it must be
inferred that the judging of such offences against the orders issued
by the High Commission, in accordance with Paragraph (a), as do not concern the protection of the
persons or property of the military forces, are not under the
jurisdiction of said courts.
Article 5
[Paragraph 27.] The division of administration in the Provinces,
Administrative Districts, Municipal and Rural Circles, and Communes,
is a special Prussian arrangement, which does not exist in this
gradation in the bordering states forming part of the Union, for
example, Bavaria has no provinces, but has instead District-Unions.
In the Prussian Rhine Province, over the Landgemeinden (Rural Communes) there are also Landbuergermeistereien (Canton). Several
special administrations have a particular division of
administration, which does not coincide with the jurisdiction of the
ordinary country administration, for example, in Prussia, the
[Page 227]
administration of the
direct taxes, the Railway Administration, the General
[Paragraph 28.] The words, “under the supreme authority of the German
Central Government” are to be so interpreted as to include the
Governments of the German Federated States.
[Paragraph 29.] The arrangement made in certain of the sectors of
occupation, in adding special “Administrators” or “Controllers” to
the German authorities, should no longer be permitted after the
coming into effect of the Arrangement. With a reservation as to the
right of the High Commission, to request the recall of officials,
the German Government, in the future, is to have free sway in the
appointment, transfer and recall of its officials, without regard as
to whether they come from the occupied or unoccupied territory.
[Paragraph 30.] The School Administration forms a part of the Civil
Administration and is consequently to be directed according to
German laws. The forced introduction of language instruction can no
longer be permitted after the Arrangement.
[Paragraph 31.] Nothing now stands in the way of the entry into force
of laws of the German Empire or of the Federated States, the
extension of which to the Occupied Territory has been hindered by
the Occupation Authorities, because they were enacted after the
Armistice, so that, for example, in the Occupied Territory, the
elections to the Parish Boards may at once be undertaken on the
basis of the new democratic electoral rights.
Article 6
[Paragraph 32.] A strict application of this provision might cripple
the whole economic life in the Occupied Territory, since no dealer
or manufacturer can make definite plans or calculations when he is
constantly under the fear that perhaps the very next day everything
may be disrupted by a requisition of his goods or the working of his
factory. In the same way, no farmer could dare to import cattle and
particularly horses from abroad, or even from unoccupied Germany, if
he is constantly subjected to the danger of having his cattle,
imported at great cost, immediately removed by requisition. It
therefore seems irremissible to apply these provisions in such a way
that the security of economic life may not suffer too much
For the estimate of the requisition charges and of the damages caused
by the occupation troops, Article 6 provides for special local
committees, of mixed composition, under the presidency of a person
appointed by the High Commission. The Article is silent regarding
the material right, according to which these estimates are to be
undertaken, although this is particularly of the greatest importance
[Page 228]
the people concerned.
The German Government has regulated the question of the estimate and
payment of the requisitions made by the Occupation Authorities in
the Rhineland, including the war damages caused by the latter, by a
special law, enacted on March 2, 1919, and published on Page 261 of
the Imperial Record of Laws for the current year. The law is in full
application in the English Zone of Occupation, nor has any fault
been found with it, either by the English Occupation Authorities or
by the population. On the contrary, the authorities of the other
Zones of Occupation have forbidden the execution of this law and
have, on their side, begun the independent estimate and payment of
the indemnification of requisitions. In this way, very different
principles and very different tariffs have been used as a basis for
action in the different zones of occupation. Discontent is caused
among the people by the divergency in these systems. It has reached
the point where, apparently some of the Occupation Authorities are
applying their home laws, which do not meet German conditions. For
example, according to a decree of the General Staff of the Xth
French Army, 4, Bureau of Civil Affairs, under date of March 28,
1919, no requisition claims shall be paid if the real or personal
property used belongs to the following associations:—
- (1)
- . … To the German Federated States, (Federals)
- (2)
- Public Civil or Military Administrations.
- (3)
- Provincial or Communal Associations.
- (4)
- General Railway—, Lake—, River—, or Land Transportation
- (5)
- Mining or Lighting Companies.
- (6)
- All other companies of public utility or serving public
According to German Law, the Treasury of the German Empire is bound
to bear all expenses connected with the Armistice, and the Peace
Treaty obligations. The Treasury of the Empire, however, is not
identical with the Treasury of the individual states. The idea
gained from the French Administrative Law regarding companies, which
are of public utility or serve a public interest, is unknown to
German law. The occupation authorities, however, could have no
interest in preventing the German Empire from indemnifying the
Federated States Railway Administrations, and the other Treasury
Offices, the Provincial and Communal Associations, the Gas, Water
and Electric Works, in accordance with the German decisions. Under
the present situation in the French sector of occupation, namely, on
one side the prohibition against carrying out, in any way, the
German Imperial law of March 2, 1919, and on the other side, the
instructions given by the French to their own authorities, not to
indemnify the
[Page 229]
above-mentioned war administrations, a gap exists, which must lead
to permanently unbearable conditions. The situation is similar in
the Belgian sector of occupation. The following is to be understood
from a notice of April of this year:—
- (1)
- Neither a payment, nor an estimate will be made on the
part of Belgium of the requisitions carried out prior to May
1, 1919.
- (2)
- Likewise, payment will not be made for all lodgings,
either prior to or after May 1, 1919.
- (3)
- The Communes will not be indemnified for the disbursements
made, in the name of the Belgians, for requisitions. A
three-fold gap exists here also.
It would be in the interest of all, if uniformity in the
establishment and payment of indemnities could be insured by the
application of the German Law, drawn up as it should be for German
conditions. Should the occupation authorities consider it desirable
to have the companies participate in the ascertainment of the
damages, a means could easily be found in the shape of an
administrative order, without it being necessary on that account, to
alter the German Law.
Requisitions should only be undertaken through the Commander-in-Chief
of the Allied and Associated troops, or the Commander-in-Chief of
the contingents of the individual Powers, and, in demands of an
important nature, explicitly through the intermediary of the
Reichskommissar (Imperial Commissioner), whose task it would be to
issue the necessary orders for the carrying out of the
Article 8
[Paragraph 33.] Since civil officials, officers and their families
may be lodged, according to the provisions now in effect regarding
quarters, in each individual army, Germany is anxious to receive
these provisions immediately. Since provisions regarding the claims
to be made on the part of the families, may be lacking, in the
different armies, special agreement may be needed. Also, just what
is meant by “family” needs closer explanation.
The troops of occupation should be assembled in the garrisons
designated as soon as possible, and should not be scattered over the
whole country. At the time of this dislocation, attention would have
to be paid as soon as possible to the existing conditions of
accommodations and to the extreme scarcity of lodgings in many
towns. It is of great importance to soon receive the names of the
prospective garrison towns, to be occupied for a long duration, in
order that, in case of need, the necessary arrangements may be made
to avoid having officers’ messes in private houses.
[No signature on file copy]
[Page 230]
Appendix “B” to HD–11
feeding of russian prisoners in
Memorandum by Mr. Hoover
It will be recollected that the Allied Governments made certain
agreements with the Germans for the retention of Russian prisoners
in Germany, and made undertakings for the support of these prisoners
by the Allied Governments. Their food supply and support has been
carried out through the French Government, the British Red Cross,
the American Red Cross, with a personnel of about 800 Allied
officers, doctors, etc., under the general direction of the
Inter-Allied Military Mission at Berlin. The Supreme Economic
Council has appealed to arrange for such food supply, and the
measures above recited were finally, to a considerable degree,
instituted at the inspiration of that Council.
The British Red Cross have already notified of the withdrawal of
their entire personnel on the first of August. This will immediately
leave some 35,000 of the prisoners without supervision. The American
Army will necessarily demobilize their entire personnel some time in
the month of August. The Red Cross Societies are withdrawing their
financial support and the funds for the provision of food and
clothing (except those provided by the French Government) are
absolutely exhausted, and I understand that even these are about to
be withdrawn. The Supreme Economic Council has no means by which any
further provision can be made in this matter.
The retention of these prisoners was primarily a military measure
instituted under the Allied Military authorities and it would appear
to me must now become a proper concern of the various War
Departments. There are apparently over 200,000 prisoners left, of
whom it is desired to repatriate approximately 25,000 as recruits to
the Russian Northern Army. Of the balance, some 40,000 should be
repatriated to Southern Russia and the remainder to Central Russia.
The prisoners are not entirely free from Bolshevik ideas, which may
have a political bearing on the destinations to which they are
repatriated. The large majority have no desire to fight either for
or against the Bolshevists, and their sole desire is to return to
their families whom they have not seen for five years. In any event,
it is necessary to provide at once some measure of food, clothing,
and personnel to supervise distribution pending repatriation, and
beyond this it is necessary to immediately provide for their
repatriation. This latter operation will require some months, but
they must be repatriated before winter.
I understand the German authorities are demanding the immediate
repatriation of these prisoners, as it required a force of some
[Page 231]
German troops to
guard them. The prisoners themselves are demanding their
repatriation. I understand that their boots and clothing are in such
condition that they cannot be marched to any destination, and, in
any event, they would probably indulge in brigandage unless
repatriated under military supervision. The points therefore to be
decided are:
- 1.
- Are the prisoners to be repatriated at once?
- 2.
- Are they to be repatriated to the nearest Russian point
through Poland?
- 3.
- Are they to be repatriated by sea to Black Sea
- 4.
- If either of these alternatives, who is to pay for the
cost thereof, and who is to undertake its
- 5.
- Who is to furnish the food and personnel for their care in
the meantime?
I would like to emphasize that the relief agencies under
co-ordination through the Supreme Economic Council have now
practically exhausted their resources and cannot take part in this
matter, so that other arrangements must be set up at the earliest
possible moment.
Herbert Hoover
16 July, 1919.
Appendix “C” to HD–11
Memorandum by Mr. Hoover
The Relief Administration, co-operating with the various Allied
authorities, has been for months striving to meet the terrible
situation of starvation in Russian Armenia. Some 50,000 tons of food
have been provided and the only method of access to this area is
over the railway from Batum, and this railway is in the territory of
the so-called Georgian Government. The railway is operating
partially under the direction of the British Military Authorities,
who have given every cooperation in endeavouring to move the
supplies. However, the Georgian authorities have constantly
interfered with the movement,—has repeatedly demanded that they
should be given a portion of the foodstuffs, and has latterly
stopped the movement of the traffic four or five days at a time,
despite the protests of all of the local Allied officials.
It is impossible to depict the situation in Armenia for up until the
last sixty days the population has been eating the dead. During this
last two months the movement of relief supplies has been sufficient
to somewhat stem the tide but there has never been ten days’
supplies ahead of actual starvation. There is no acute necessity for
[Page 232]
in Georgia,
although in an endeavour to secure some co-operation from the
Georgian Government we have allowed ourselves to be blackmailed from
time to time in the matter. I will not repeat the correspondence on
the question between our officials and the Georgian Government. It
is sufficient to say that their attitude has been entirely that of
brigandage, against a population dying in their door. The last
advices which we have indicate that these authorities have stopped
our transport for a week at a time.
I quite realise that the situation is one beyond the strength of the
Allied military forces at present in occupation in the Caucasus, but
I am well aware of the aspirations of the Georgian authorities for
consideration before the Supreme Council. I believe it might do some
good if the Council could despatch a very strongly worded telegram
to the Georgian authorities through their own representatives, and
if the Georgian representatives in Paris were given information to
the same import. My suggestion is that the telegram should be
phrased in somewhat the following manner:—
“The Council has been made aware of the interference of the
Georgian authorities with food supplies being sent into
Armenia in an endeavour on the part of the Allied
Governments to stem the tide of starvation and death amongst
these unfortunate people. The Council cannot state in too
strong terms that it will not tolerate such interference and
that the action taken hitherto by the Georgian authorities
and the continuation of such action must entirely prejudice
the case of the Georgian authorities, not only before this
Council but before the court of public opinion of the world.
The Council therefore expects that the authorities in
Georgia shall not only give the privilege of transportation
over the railway routes which they at present control, but
will devote themselves to assisting in the transmission of
these supplies without more than the normal charge and
remuneration for such service. The Council awaits the reply
of the authorities in Georgia as to whether or not they are
prepared to acquiesce in this arrangement.”
Herbert Hoover
16 July, 1919.