- Aaland Islands, Swedish claims, 443, 448, 511, 518–526
- Ada Kalessi Island, 361, 471, 473
- Adriatic claims. See under Italy.
- Aerial navigation. See under Aviation.
- Aeronautical commissions of control. See under Aviation.
- Africa, German East, Anglo-Belgian mandate agreement of May 30: Ratification by Supreme Council, 612–613, 768; report of Commission on Mandates, 617–618; text, 618–619
- Armaments. See Treaty: Terms: Military under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, and Hungary.
- Armenia. See under Russia and Turkish territories.
- Armies of occupation, Allied:
- Bulgaria, 65–66, 84–85, 136–137, 147–148, 398, 390, 452–453, 467–468, 539–540, 541
- Danzig, 443, 443–448, 628–629, 641–642
- Eastern Europe, constitution of Allied forces of occupation in, 628
- Germany. See Rhineland: Army.
- Hungary. See Hungary: Political situation: Bela Kun: Allied proposed military intervention.
- Memel, 443, 443–448, 628–629, 641–642
- Plebiscite areas, question of representation of all Allied powers, 625–628, 815–816
- Rhine. See Rhineland: Army.
- Saar Basin, 641, 642
- Schleswig, military and naval forces, 160–161, 163, 361–362, 483–484
- Silesia, Upper. See Germany: Eastern frontiers: Silesia: Army.
- Turkish territories. See Turkish territories: Allied troops.
- Armistice. See under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, and Turkey.
- Asia Minor. See Turkish territories: Anatolia.
- Austria:
- Armistice of Nov. 8, 1918, 67, 111–112, 562, 595–598
- Arms and munitions deliveries to Czechoslovakia by order of Supreme Council, 175–177, 263–264, 462, 478–480
- Blockade of Germany and Hungary until formal acceptance of peace terms, proposed Austrian undertaking for, 145, 348–350, 353–354, 817, 825
- Communism, danger of, 174, 175, 176, 305
- Food relief, 173–177, 183–187, 299–300, 505–507, 518, 863
- Frontier dispute with Jugoslavia in Klagenfurt and
- Evacuation of plebiscite area by Jugoslavia and question of security of captured Austrian war material, 240–241, 252–253, 360–361, 453, 468
- Interallied military mission, 242, 252–253
- Italian interference: Assistance to Austrians, 120, 123–125; military clashes, 19, 92–93, 351–352, 354, 562–563
- Plebiscite: Evacuation of plebiscite area by Jugoslavia and question of security of captured Austrian war material, 240–241, 252–253, 360–361, 453, 468; zones, 842, 867–868, 916, 931
- German-Austrian political relations:
- Independence of Austria: Austrian undertaking not to permit compromise of her independence, 727, 844–845; German peace treaty provision for recognition of, violation by new German Constitution, 937–938, 940, 946, 957–958, 962
- Use of term “Austria” rather than “German Austria”, Allied insistence on, 672–673, 674–675, 715–716, 864
- Italy, relations with Austria:
- Charges of relations between Austrian and Italian military authorities by Jugoslavia, 120, 123–125
- Frontiers with Austria, 38, 842–843, 868–869, 912
- Labor, Italian reservation to peace treaty clause regarding use of labor as reparation, 15
- Political clauses regarding Italian rights to Palazzo Venezia and Lake Raibl, 870, 932
- Ports, waterways, and railways, peace treaty clauses regarding Reschen Pass and Predil Pass Railways, 159–160, 945, 951
- Jugoslav interests in Klagenfurt. See Frontier dispute, supra.
- Political status (see also German-Austrian relations, supra), question of status as a new or old state, 715–716, 787–788, 797, 860–862, 870, 911–912, 912–914
- Prisoners of war, 49, 50–52, 843, 878–880, 934
- Shipping losses, agreement by Austrian Government regarding vessels sunk by their naval forces, 267, 301
- Submarines, 364, 365
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Committees concerning (see also under Correspondence, infra): Boundary delimitation commission, Austria-Italy, 38; Commission on Political, Clauses for Europe, 101, 562, 595–599, 673, 675–676, 962; committee to examine Italian demand for Austro-Hungarian concession at Tientsin, establishment and report, 118–120, 171–173
- Correspondence between Allies and Austrian
delegation regarding terms of treaty:
- Austrian observations on draft treaty presented June 2, Jugoslav request for pertinent notes, 40
- Committees concerning. See under Draft Allied replies: Preparation and General reply: Preparation, infra.
- Draft Allied replies to first Austrian notes:
- Further Austrian observations: Receipt of Austrian general reply of Aug. 6, 621–622; time limit for presentation, 7, 14, 370
- General reply of Allies, Sept. 2:
- Preparation:
- Committee for Coordination of Replies to Austrian Counterpropositions (Editing Committee): Establishment, 369–370; work of, 561, 702, 713–720, 785–789, 840–845, 859–926
- Committees for study of Austrian observations, work of, 362, 369–370, 560–561, 621–622, 702, 713–720, 785–789, 796–798, 817–819, 825–826
- Reservations by the delegations, 911–926
- Text, draft, of covering letter and reply, 860–911; of minorities section, 586–589
- Preparation:
- Credentials, Allied acceptance, 674–675
- Delivery of revised treaty to Austrian delegation, July 20, arrangements, 37–38
- Signature: Intention of Austrian delegates regarding submission of peace terms to Austrian Assembly, 739–740; Italian reservations, 15, 206–207; time limit for acceptance of terms, 702, 864–865
- Terms, discussions and draft texts:
- Drafting questions: Frontier clauses, alteration of, 15, 37; resolution to apply to Austrian treaty certain modifications made in German peace treaty, 7, 15, 158–159; status of Austria as a new or old state, 715–716, 787–788, 797, 860–862, 870, 911–912, 912–914; use of term “Austria” rather than “German-Austria”, 672–673, 674–675, 715–716, 864
- Economic clauses. See Economic questions: Austrian peace treaty clauses.
- Financial clauses. See Financial questions: Austrian peace treaty clauses.
- Frontier clauses:
- Alteration of frontiers defined in peace treaty, resolution concerning, 726–727
- Czechoslovakia, 94, 95, 96, 97–100, 840–842, 865–866, 914–915, 931
- General, 37, 840–843, 862–863, 865–869, 912, 931
- Hungary, 15, 37, 94, 94–95, 97–100, 704–705, 842–843, 866–867
- Italy, 38, 842–843, 868–869, 912
- Jugoslavia:
- Liechtenstein and Switzerland, 721, 726–727
- Interests outside Europe:
- Labor clauses, 910–911, 960–961, 963
- League of Nations Covenant, 40, 42–43, 206–207, 863
- Military, naval, and air clauses:
- Naval clauses, 357–360, 364–365, 875, 934
- Penalties, 843, 880–881, 918–920, 934
- Political clauses for Europe:
- Application to treaties with new states, proposed, 101, 562, 598–599
- General provisions: Abstention from compromise of Austrian independence, 727, 844–845; Austrian recognition of frontiers of new states, 15, 37; delivery of archives of transferred territory, 916–917; negotiation of special conventions to protect inhabitants of transferred territory, 958, 962
- Italy (Palazzo Venezia and Lake Raibl), 870, 932
- Minorities, protection of, 158, 362, 369–370, 560–561, 586–589
- Nationality, 786–787, 797, 843, 869–870, 931
- Ports, waterways, and railways:
- Discussions, general, 100–101, 159–160, 203–205, 344–345, 382–384, 817–819, 825–826, 903–910, 924–926, 945, 951, 958–960
- International conventions, Austrian obligation to accept, 904–905
- Navigation and river regimes, 100, 906–910, 924–926, 950–960
- Railways:
- Frontier stations, 100–101, 905–906
- Provisions relating to certain railways: Construction, 159–160, 905, 945, 951; Czechoslovak operation of railway over certain Austrian territory, 100; reorganization of South Austrian Railway, 203–205
- Transfers of railways and distribution of rolling stock, 344–345, 382, 383–384, 905, 905–906, 925
- Reciprocity clauses concerning new states, question of time of application, 817–819, 825–826, 903–904, 958–959
- Prisoners of war, 49, 50–52, 843, 878–880, 934
- Reparation. See Reparation: Austrian.
- Austro-Hungarian territories, former (see also Austria, Hungary, and New states), agreements regarding the cost of liberation of, 615, 767, 777, 819, 820–821, 822, 830–834, 843
- Aviation:
- Aerial navigation:
- Aeronautical Commission, reports concerning German aircraft, and discussions thereof, 461–462, 477, 563–564, 599–601, 653–654, 789–791, 799–801
- Aeronautical commissions of control: Bulgaria, 281; Germany, 65, 76, 77, 82–83, 462, 477, 563, 564; Hungary, 758
- Austrian peace treaty military and naval air clauses, Allied draft reply to Austrian observations concerning, 875–877, 917–918, 934
- Bulgarian peace treaty: Aerial navigation clauses, 278–279; military and naval air clauses, 258, 277–278, 281
- German peace treaty military and naval air clauses. See Germany: Treaty: Terms: Military, etc.: Air.
- Hungarian peace treaty: Aerial navigation clauses, 759–760; military and naval air clauses, 755–756, 758
- Balkan states, proposal for voluntary emigration in, 561–562, 590–595
- Baltic countries:
- Allied policy regarding governments of Esthonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, 324–327, 730–734
- Blockade or equivalent measures to prevent goods from reaching Soviet Russia, 102, 117, 131–134, 142–145, 634–635, 644–645; U. S. objections, and suggestion by President Wilson, 133–134, 634–635, 644–645
- Commission on Baltic Affairs, 48, 324–327, 488–489, 501–502, 511, 733, 734
- Financial assistance to Baltic states for payment of troops, question of, 48–49, 239–240, 251
- German troops, efforts of Supreme Council to compel withdrawal from Baltic countries in accordance with Armistice provisions, 41, 47–49, 131, 140–142, 303, 404–405, 428–433, 557–558, 704, 734–735, 740–744
- Karelian delegation, request for hearing by Conference, 327
- Lithuania, frontier dispute with Polland, 88, 303–304, 315–316, 328, 378
- Memel. See Memel.
- Trade with Baltic states, question of, 132
- Baltic Sea, proposed negotiation of treaty regarding access to, 488–489, 501–502
- Banat: Claims of Jugoslavia and Roumania, 4, 327–328, 360–361, 455, 456, 471–472, 682, 791, 801–802; export of foodstuffs from Banat to Austria-Hungary, Jugoslav refusal to permit and proposed Allied action concerning, 504, 505, 505–507; irrigation canals, 455, 472, 473; request for hearing before Council by delegation of Swabians from Banat, 327–328
- Battlefields in liberated regions, question of participation of Allied armies in clearing up, 629–632, 642–644
- Bela Kun. See under Hungary: Political situation.
- Belgium (see also Africa): Commission to delimit frontiers with Germany, Allied nomination, 260–261, 324; Reparation Commission, alternate representation with Japan and Jugoslavia, 2–3; Treaties of 1839, Commission for Revision of, 134–135
- Bessarabia, 4–5, 8–14, 456, 457–459, 559–560, 682
- Bethmann-Hollweg, von, decision of Supreme Council not to reply to note declaring personal responsibility for the war, 378
- Blockade. See also Commissions: Blockade and under Austria, Baltic countries, Germany, Hungary, and Russia.
- Bolshevism. See Communism.
- Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest, treaties of 1918, 339, 435, 503
- Brussels Convention concerning economic assistance to Germany, 789–790, 791, 800, 801
- Bukovina, 4, 455–457, 459, 474–475
- Bulgaria:
- Armistice of Sept. 29, 1918. See Military situation: Enforcement of Armistice, infra.
- Army of occupation, 65–66, 84–85, 136–137, 147–148, 398, 399, 452–453, 467–468, 484, 485, 539–540, 541
- Communism, 152
- Frontiers:
- Greece, conflict over Thrace: Access to Aegean for Bulgaria at Cavalla or Dédéagatch, 137, 234, 247–248, 355, 379–380, 438, 439, 440–441, 607–611, 671–672; alleged desire of Mohammedans of West Thrace to unite with Greece, 245–246, 247, 352–353, 378–379, 396–401, 436, 437–438, 440, 539, 545–546; discussions, general, 130–137, 152, 198, 234–235, 243–248, 352–353, 355, 378–380, 396–401, 402, 434–442, 511–513, 514, 515, 538–541, 544–546, 607–611, 671–672, 703, 704; Italian intervention, 136–137, 138, 152, 234; statements by Mr. White and Mr. Balfour, 430–440
- Jugoslavia, 243, 511–512, 764
- Roumania, 242–243, 439, 440, 511–512, 512, 540, 541, 609, 687
- Turkey, 5–6, 14, 441–442, 671
- Italy, relations with: Fraternization of Italian and Bulgarian officers, 152, 192, 201–202; Italian intervention in Greek-Bulgarian dispute, 136–137, 138, 152, 234
- Military situation: Enforcement of Armistice terms and disarmament of Bulgaria, 452–453, 484–486, 492–495, 511–515, 526–527, 528, 702–704; occupation of Bulgaria, Allied, 65–66, 84–85, 136–137, 147–148, 398–399, 452–453, 467–468, 484, 485, 494–495, 539–540, 541
- Prisoners of war and graves, 263, 294–299
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Languages, official, 268
- Signature: Questions delaying completion of treaty, 233–234; summoning of Bulgarian delegation to Paris to receive peace terms, 59, 89, 136, 459
- Terms, discussions and draft texts:
- Aerial navigation clauses, 278–279
- Economic clauses. See Economic questions: Bulgarian peace treaty clauses.
- Financial clauses. See Financial questions: Bulgarian peace treaty clauses.
- Frontiers (see also Frontiers, supra), 233
- Military, naval, and air clauses:
- Penalties, 233–234, 258–260, 282–290; U. S. reservation, 289–290
- Political clauses: Greece, 484, 491–492, 673, 675–676; minorities, 234, 403–404, 425–428, 561–562, 590–595
- Ports, waterways, and railways:
- Discussions, general, 234, 344–345, 352–353, 382, 383, 402–403, 409–425, 673, 676, 819, 826–828
- Disputes and revision, 422–423
- General provisions, 409, 410, 411–413
- International conventions, Bulgarian obligation to adhere, 423
- Navigation, 413–418, 423–424, 826–828
- Railways: Free access to Aegean Sea for Bulgaria, 234, 352, 355, 402–403, 409, 410, 418–419, 424–425; international transport, 419–421; rolling stock, 344–345, 382, 383, 421; transfers of railway lines, 421–422; transitory, 422–423
- Text, draft, 410–425
- Prisoners of war and graves, 263, 294–299
- Reparation. See Reparation: Bulgarian.
- Capitulations, Bulgarian peace treaty clauses concerning and Japanese amendment, 323, 330, 376–377, 390
- Central Territorial Committee. See under Commissions.
- China:
- Churchill, Winston, proposal for repatriation of Czechoslovak troops in Siberia, 63
- Coal question:
- Austrian peace treaty provisions for supply of coal to Austria by Czechoslovakia and Poland, 785–786, 796–797, 890–891, 944–945, 950–951
- Commissions: Coal Committee (of Supreme Economic Council), work in Upper Silesian coal strikes, 698, 699, 701, 736, 771–774, 813, 822, 928; European Coal Commission, proposed, 267–268, 533–537
- Hoover, Herbert, reports, 536–537, 543–544, 710–711
- Italy, efforts to obtain coal, 17, 39, 175–176, 267–268, 343–344, 371–372
- Silesia, Upper. See Germany: Eastern frontiers: Silesia: German-Polish conflict.
- Colonies, German (see also Africa), supervision of colonial clauses of treaty by Commission on Mandates, 161, 240
- Commissions, committees, etc. (see
- Aeronautical commissions of control. See under Aviation.
- American Commission for Relief in the Near East, 31
- Austria, committees concerning. See Austria: Treaty of peace: Committees.
- Baltic Affairs, Commission on, 48, 324–327, 488–489, 501–502, 511, 733, 734
- Blockade committees: Allied Blockade Committee, 102, 113–114, 131, 142–144; Eastern Blockade Committee, 131, 142–144, 724–726
- Boundary delimitation commissions (see also Treaty: Committees: Boundary under Austria and Germany), principle regarding costs of, 706–707
- Central Territorial Committee, work on Austrian peace treaty, 726–727, 936–937; on Bulgarian peace treaty, 14, 234–235, 242–248, 673, 676
- Coal. See Coal: Commissions.
- Control commissions:
- Bulgaria, 272n, 279–281
- Germany. See Germany: Treaty: Terms: Military, etc.: Control commissions.
- Hungary, 756–758
- Coordination committees. See Treaty: Committees: Coordination under Austria and Germany.
- Credentials Committee, 672–673, 674–675
- Czechoslovak Affairs, Commission on, 117, 257, 612
- Danube, commissions regarding: European Commission of the Danube, 417, 828–829; International Commission for the Upper Danube, 417–418, 424, 827–828, 828–830, 907, 909–910; International Military Control for Danube, 829: special commission for provisional control over vessels of disputed ownership, 827, 830
- Drafting Committee, work on—
- Economic Commission, work on—
- Execution of the Clauses of the Treaty of Peace With Germany, Committee on, 1–2, 6, 14, 136, 138, 160–161, 162–170, 240, 260, 261–282, 262, 262–263, 290, 356–357, 362–364, 706–707
- Financial Commission, 49, 61, 62, 71–75, 88–89, 239–240, 251, 476–477, 620, 624, 652, 673, 676, 912
- Fiume, Commission of Inquiry. See under Italy: Fiume.
- Greek and Albanian Affairs, Commission on, 6n, 14, 244, 245–246, 247
- Hungary, military commission of inquiry for. See Hungary: Military Mission of Generals.
- Labor Legislation, International, Commission on, 960–981, 963
- League of Nations, Commission on, 40, 42–43, 80–87
- Mandates, Colonial, Commission on, 161, 240, 612–613, 617–818
- Military commission to study question of clearing up of battlefields in liberated regions, 631–632, 644
- Minorities Committee. See New States, infra.
- New States, Committee on, 101, 158, 234, 362, 369, 403–404, 559, 560–561, 561–562, 590–5921, 676
- Plebiscite commissions (see also under Germany: Treaty: Commissions), principle concerning distribution of costs of, 483, 706–707
- Polish Affairs, Commission on, 117, 257, 612
- Political clauses for Europe (Austrian treaty), Commission on, 101, 562, 595–599, 673, 675–678, 962
- Ports, waterways, and railways. See Ports, etc.: Commissions.
- Prisoners of war and graves, commissions on. See under Prisoners of war.
- Reparation. See Reparation: Commissions.
- Responsibility of the Authors of the War and Enforcement of Penalties, Commission on, 673
- Rhine Territory, Committee on: Establishment, 87–88; report, text and discussions, 205–206, 212–229
- Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, Commission on, 5, 62, 75–76, 243, 328, 360–361, 454–457, 471–475, 611, 952–955
- Saar, delimitation committee for, 261–262
- Silesia, commission to conduct plebiscite in, 135–136, 146, 147, 167, 239, 323, 537, 794, 822
- Smyrna, Commission of Inquiry. See Turkish territories: Anatolia: Smyrna.
- Spitzbergen, Commission on, 39
- Supreme Economic Council. See Supreme Economic Council.
- Tientsin, Commission on, 118–120, 171–173
- Transportation Committee, Interallied, 652, 662–669, 792–793, 807–809
- Treaties of 1839, Commission for Revision of, 134–135
- Communism:
- Conferences:
- Contracts, prescriptions, and judgments, peace treaty provisions concerning: Austrian, 789, 798, 89–900, 923–924; Bulgarian, 328–329, 392–395, 687, 692–693; Czechoslovakian, 111; new states, 111
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Councils:
- Council of Five. See Heads of Delegations.
- Foreign Ministers, Council of, 101
- Heads of Delegations, Council of. See Heads of Delegations.
- Supreme Economic Council. See Supreme Economic Council.
- Covenant of League of Nations, 40, 42–43, 206–207, 261–262, 863
- Credentials Committee, 672–673, 674–675
- Czechoslovakia (see also
New states):
- Austro-Czechoslovak relations (see also Frontiers: Austria, infra):
- Commission on Czechoslovak Affairs, 117, 257, 612
- Frontiers with—
- German treaty provision concerning Czechoslovak railways, 159
- Hungarian-Czechoslovak relations (see also Frontiers: Hungary, supra), cooperation of Czechoslovak forces in proposed Allied military intervention in Hungary, 647, 658–659
- Repatriation of Czechoslovak troops in Siberia, 63–65, 211–212, 556–557, 652–653
- Treaties:
- Agreement between Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, Roumania, Jugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, on the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the Former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 819, 830–832, 843; draft text, 830–832
- Treaty with Allied and Associated Powers: Discussions, general, 101, 537–538, 558–559, 569–579; languages, official, 268; reciprocal relations of territories ceded from former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 101, 109–113; text, draft, 569–579
- Danube (see also under Commissions): Austrian peace treaty clauses, 906, 907–908, 924–925; Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, 414–418, 423–424, 826–828; German peace treaty provisions, 828–830; opening of Danube, 20–21, 29, 504, 505, 603, 604, 658; regulation of trade on, 819, 828–830, 938
- Danzig. See under Germany: Eastern frontiers.
- Debts: Austrian peace treaty clauses, 893–894, 894–896, 923–924; Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, 390–391; Russian public debt, Soviet repudiation of, 913
- Denmark:
- Diplomatic and consular relations, question of renewal of credentials of German diplomatic agents, 268, 301–302
- Dobrudja, Bulgarian and Roumanian claims, 242–243, 439, 440, 511–512, 512, 540, 541, 609, 687
- Drafting Committee. See under Commissions.
- Economic questions:
- Austria:
- Blockade of Germany and Hungary until formal acceptance of peace terms, proposed agreement for, 145, 348–350, 353–354, 817, 825
- Peace treaty clauses, discussions and draft
- Commercial relations: Customs regulations, duties, and restrictions, 54–55, 785–786, 796–797, 890–891, 923, 934–936, 944–945, 950–951; treatment of Allied nationals, 892; unfair competition, 891–892
- Contracts, prescriptions, and judgments, 899–900, 923–924, 942–944
- Debts, 893–896, 923–924, 942–944
- Discussions, general, 49, 53–55, 785–789, 796–798, 863, 890–903, 923–924, 934–936, 941–945, 950–951, 958, 962
- Industrial property, 901–903, 923–924, 942–944
- Mixed arbitral tribunal, 900–901, 923–924, 942–944
- Property, rights, and interests, 893–894, 896–899, 923–924, 942–944
- Special provisions relating to transferred territory, 53–64, 788–789, 797–798, 898–899, 923–924, 942–944, 958, 962
- Treaties, 797, 892–893
- Bulgarian peace treaty clauses:
- Commercial relations, 385–386
- Contracts, prescriptions, and judgments, 328–329, 384, 392–395, 687, 692–693
- Debts, 390–391
- Discussions, general, 234, 323, 328–330, 376–377, 384–395, 489, 503, 686–687, 692–693
- Industrial property, 395
- Mixed arbitral tribunal, 395
- Property, rights, and interests, 384, 391–392
- Special provisions relating to transferred territory, 329, 395
- Text, draft, 385–395
- Treaties, 323, 330, 376–377, 384, 386–390, 489, 503, 687, 692; draft art. 29 (privileges and immunities of foreign subjects), 323, 330, 376–377, 384, 390
- Distribution of raw material:
- Economic Commission. See under Commissions.
- German peace treaty clauses, supervision of execution by Economic Commission, 161, 240
- Austria:
- Egypt, Austrian peace treaty clauses concerning, 870–872, 917, 932–933
- Emigration, voluntary, in the Balkans, proposed negotiation of convention for, 561–562, 590–595
- Financial questions (see also
- Austrian peace treaty clauses, discussions, 843, 863, 865, 885–890, 912–914, 922–923
- Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, 233, 324, 336–341, 408, 433, 460–461, 476–477, 624, 638–639; text, draft, 330–341
- Financial Commission, 49, 61, 62, 71–75, 88–89, 239–240, 251, 476–477, 620, 624, 652, 673, 676, 912
- Hungarian securities, seizure by Bela Kun and warning of Supreme Council against sale abroad, 23, 28, 61–62, 71–75, 88–89
- Plebiscite costs, division between states concerned, 706–707
- Finland:
- Fiume. See under Italy.
- Foch, Marshal, Commander of Polish Army, 150–151
- Food relief (see also under Austria and Hungary):
- Foreign Ministers, Council of, 101
- Fourteen Points, reference to, 839, 858
- France (see also
Italy: Anti-French
- Austrian peace treaty, observations, 912–926
- Devastated regions: Allied assistance in reconstruction of, French desire for, 629–631, 642–643; retention of German prisoners of war for labor in, 631, 813–815
- Participation in Chambery-Turin railway improvement, 652, 662–669
- Ratification of German peace treaty, question of, 450, 813, 946
- Troops in Asia and Europe, questions concerning, 24–25, 64, 65–66, 84, 135, 136, 161, 196, 318–319, 361–362, 436–439, 441–442, 446–448, 467–468, 484, 538, 649, 816, 839–840
- Georgia. See under Russia.
- Germany:
- Armistice. See Baltic countries, infra.
- Army of occupation, Allied. See Rhineland: Army.
- Austria, relations with. See Austria: German-Austrian political relations.
- Baltic countries, efforts of Supreme Council to compel withdrawal of German troops in accordance with Armistice provisions, 41, 47–49, 131, 140–142, 303, 404–405, 428–433, 557–558, 704, 734–735, 740–744
- Bethmann-Hollweg, von, Allied decision not to reply to note declaring personal responsibility for the war, 378
- Blockade:
- Agreement by Austria to prohibit trade with Germany pending formal acceptance of peace terms, 145, 348–350, 353–354
- Effect of termination of German blockade on Brussels Convention, 789–790, 791, 800, 801; on unofficial blockade of Russia, 102, 117, 131, 142–145
- Resumption of commercial relations with Germany, 345–348, 370–371, 380–382
- Termination of, 40, 101–102, 113–114
- Colonies (see also Africa), supervision by Commission on Mandates of execution of peace treaty clauses concerning, 161, 240
- Constitution, new, violation of German peace treaty provision for recognition of Austrian independence, and question of action by Supreme Council, 937–938, 940, 946, 957–958
- Diplomatic and consular relations with Allies, credentials of German diplomatic agents, 268, 301–302
- Eastern frontiers:
- Commission to Delimit Eastern Frontiers of Germany, 137–138, 150, 161, 165–167, 169–170, 238, 292–293, 323, 629
- Correspondence between German delegation and Supreme
- June 25, German note requesting notification to populations east of Germany regarding date of entry into force of peace treaty, text, 108–109; question of reply, 93, 101
- July 8, German note requesting entry into negotiations with Poland regarding transfer of territories, text, 291–292
- July 16, German note requesting names of Allied commissioners for East Prussia, text, 292–293
- July 23, Allied reply to German note of July 8, discussions and text, 262, 292
- July 23, Allied reply to German note of July 16, discussions and text, 262–263, 293
- Danzig: Allied commissioners, 293; demand for early separation from Germany, 736; military and naval measures to be taken for occupation of Danzig and Memel, question of, 443, 443–448, 628–629, 641–642; protest against removal by Germans of material from factories, 242, 253; temporary administrator for, 169; transport of Allied troops via Danzig, 237, 792, 804–805
- Memel: Allied commissioners, question of, 292–293; lack of provision for temporary administrator, 168–169; military and naval measures to be taken for occupation of Danzig and Memel, question of, 443, 443–448, 628–629, 641–642
- Poland: Allied military assistance to Poland in event of trouble in area to be ceded by Germany, proposed, 137–138, 149–151, 237–238, 249; armies of occupation, question of, 161, 165, 167, 168; frontier delimitation commission, 137–138, 150, 161, 165–167, 169–170, 238, 292–293, 323, 629; German-Polish negotiations regarding transfer of territory, and assistance of Allied representatives, 262, 291–292, 515, 558, 781–782, 782, 794, 805
- Prussia, East: Frontier delimitation commission, 137–138, 150, 161, 165–167, 169–170, 238, 323, 629; plebiscite or administrative commissions, 167–168, 262–263, 292–293
- Silesia, Upper:
- German-Polish conflict over coal mines, Allied efforts to control (see also Plebiscite: Army: Proposed advance dispatch, infra): Dispatch of Allied military committee from Berlin, 710, 781, 782–783, 794, 795–796, 927–929, 938–939, 945, 952; reports concerning conflict, 322–323, 710, 727–729, 735, 744–746, 768–769, 771, 778–779, 793–794, 822; work of Coal Committee, 698, 699, 701, 736, 771–774, 813, 822, 928
- Plebiscite:
- Army of occupation, Allied: Composition and strength, 135–136, 145–147, 167, 236–237, 249, 308–309, 312, 625–628, 641–642, 783–785, 815–816; proposed advance dispatch to Silesia to protect coal mines, 698–701, 710–711, 721–724, 727–729, 735–736, 746–747, 769–770, 773, 778–779, 780, 783–785, 795, 813, 928, 939
- Boundary delimitation, 167
- Commission, 135–136, 146, 147, 167, 239, 323, 537, 794, 822
- Kehl port director, Allied nomination, 360
- Postal and telegraph communications, reestablishment of, 345–348, 370–371, 380–382
- Prisoners of war (see also under Treaty: Terms, infra): German responsibility for repatriation of Russian prisoners in Germany, 208–210, 230–231, 486–488, 498–501; retention by France for labor in devastated areas, proposed, 631, 813–815
- Rhine. See Rhineland.
- Sale of horses and motors to Germans by American and British troops of occupation, 838–839, 857–858
- Scapa Flow incident, 357–360, 405, 406–407
- Submarines, 364, 365–368, 406, 407
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Commissions concerning (see also
- Boundary delimitation commissions: Belgo-German boundary, 260–261, 324; Polish-German boundary (Commission to Delimit Eastern Frontiers of Germany), 137–138, 150, 161, 165–167, 169–170, 238, 292–293, 323, 629; Saar Basin, 261–262
- Control commissions. See Terms: Military, etc.: Interallied commissions of control, infra.
- Coordinating Committee to deal with interpretation and execution of treaty, proposed establishment, 356–357, 362–364
- Economic Commission, supervision of execution of economic clauses, 161, 240
- Execution of Clauses of Treaty With Germany, Committee on, 1–2, 6, 14, 136, 138, 160–161, 162–170, 240, 260, 261–262, 262, 263, 356–357, 362–364, 793, 810
- Mandates Commission, supervision of execution of colonial clauses, 240
- Plebiscite or administrative commissions: Danzig, 293; East Prussia, 167–168, 262–263, 292–293; Schleswig, 161, 162–163, 164, 793, 810; Upper Silesia, 135–136, 146, 147, 167, 239, 323, 794, 822
- Repatriation of Prisoners of War, Commission on, 945–948, 957
- Rolling stock in enemy countries, commissions of experts for distribution of, 344–345, 372–376, 382–383
- Correspondence between German delegation and Supreme Council (see also under Rhineland: Convention; also under Eastern frontiers, supra): Allied proposed note to German delegates regarding estimation of war damages in devastated regions, 737, 761–762; restitution to Jugoslavia of topographical maps of Costoplatz mines, 737, 762–763
- Protocol, German ratification of, 66
- Ratification by—
- Terms, discussions concerning:
- Boundaries of Germany and political
clauses for Europe:
- Alsace-Lorraine, appointment of temporary port director for Kehl and Strasbourg, 360
- Austrian independence, provision for German recognition of, violation by new German Constitution, 937–938, 940, 946, 957–958, 962
- Belgium, 260–261, 324
- Danzig. See under Eastern frontiers, supra.
- East Prussia, Allied commissioners for, 161, 167–168, 262–263, 292–293
- Memel. See under Eastern frontiers, supra.
- Poland. See under Eastern frontiers, supra.
- Saar Basin, 261–262, 641, 642
- Schleswig, plebiscite in: General provisions, 160–161, 162–164, 262, 290–291, 361–362, 483–484, 793, 810; occupation forces for plebiscite area, 161, 163, 361–362, 483–484; plebiscite commission, 161, 162–163, 164, 793, 810; request by Danish Government for Allied warship at Flensburg, 483–484; sale of state property in plebiscite area, notification by Supreme Council, 163, 262, 290–291
- Silesia, Upper. See under Eastern frontiers, supra.
- Military, naval, and air clauses:
- Air clauses, questions concerning aeronautic material:
- Commissions of control, interallied: Aeronautical Commission of Control, 65, 76, 77, 82–83, 462, 486, 707, 711–712; dispatch to Germany of advance delegations representing commissions, proposed, 792, 806–807; Military Commission of Control, 65, 76, 77, 78–80, 486, 490–498, 632–633, 639n, 707, 711–712; Naval Commission of Control, 65, 76, 77, 80–81, 486, 707, 711–712; organization and pay scales, proposed, 65, 76–83, 486, 496–498, 632–633, 707, 711–712
- Military clauses: Arming of Germany in violation of treaty clauses, 452, 463–467; strength of German military force to be maintained in 50–kilometer zone on right bank of Rhine, 625, 639–641
- Naval clauses, disposal of German fleet, 357–360, 364–368, 405–408
- Penalties, request by German Government for postponement of surrender of military officers as demanded by treaty, because of political situation, 449–451, 462, 547–548, 565–566, 649–650, 660–661
- Ports, waterways, and railways: Distribution of rolling stock in enemy countries, commissions of experts for, 344–345, 372–376, 382–583; port of Kehl and Strasbourg, nomination of director for, 360; regulation of traffic on the Danube, provisions regarding, 828–830
- Prisoners of war and graves: Interdependence with penalties provisions, 449–451, 946–947; repatriation of German prisoners in Allied custody, 634, 813–815, 945–948, 957
- Reparation. See Reparation: German.
- Rights and interests outside Germany:
- Boundaries of Germany and political
clauses for Europe:
- Commissions concerning (see also
- Graves. See Prisoners of war and graves.
- Great Britain:
- Austrian peace treaty, British observations, 911–927, 941–944
- German peace treaty, question of British ratification, 813, 947
- Mandates (see also Africa), declination of mandate for Syria, 196
- Troops in Asia and Europe, questions concerning, 61, 63–64, 66, 85, 135, 136, 148, 161, 196, 309, 317, 445, 467–468, 484, 487, 495, 625, 629–631, 642–643, 648, 649, 792–793, 807–809, 838–839, 840, 857–858, 929–931
- Greece:
- Bulgarian peace treaty provisions concerning Greece (see also Bulgaria: Frontiers: Greece): Political clauses, 484, 491–492, 673, 675–676; reparation and financial clauses, Greek interests, 324, 332–333, 460–461, 476–477, 638–639, 739
- Italy, conflict in Anatolia, 17–18, 33, 34, 35, 121–122, 128, 138–139, 152–153, 154–158, 194–198, 538–539, 540, 555–556
- Haskell, W. N., appointment as High Commissioner for Armenia, 28, 43
- Heads of Delegations, Council of: Constitution of Council, and finality of decisions, 3; presence of experts at Council meetings, 20; publicity, question of, 15–16; records of proceedings and distribution of minutes, facing 1, 41, 86–87, 342–343; rules and procedures, 701–702, 956–957
- Hoover, Herbert, reports and recommendations regarding—
- Austrian food situation, 173–177, 183–187
- Coal situation in Europe, 533–537, 543–544
- Hungary, economic situation, 20–23, 29–30, 504–506
- Russia: Repatriation of Russian prisoners in Germany, 230–231; Russian Armenia, food relief for, 210–211, 231–232
- Turkish territories, Armenia, recommendation for appointment of High Commissioner for, 30–31
- Hungary:
- Armistice of Nov. 8, 1918, and military convention of Nov. 13, 1918:
- Bela Kun. See under Political situation, infra.
- Blockade, 22, 23, 25, 29, 131, 134, 348–350, 353–354, 504, 505, 530, 543, 656, 817, 825
- Danube, 20–21, 29, 504, 505, 603, 604, 658
- Financial questions, sale of securities by Bela Kun government, 23, 28, 61–62, 71–75, 88–89
- Food relief, 20–23, 29–30, 317, 321, 504–506, 518, 604, 636, 654–656, 678, 774–776
- Frontier questions:
- Austria, 15, 37, 94, 94–95, 97–100, 704–705, 842–843, 866–867
- Conflict with Czechoslovakia. See Czechoslovakia: Frontiers: Hungary.
- Jugoslavia: Backsa, 454–455, 471, 472–473; Baranya, 454, 469–471, 705–706; Prekomurye, 62, 75–76, 454, 455, 468–469, 473–474, 705
- Roumania. See Roumanian aggression, infra.
- Military Mission of Generals: Discussions, instructions, and reports, 529–533, 542–543, 549–-550, 555, 567–569, 606, 615–617, 621, 636–637, 647, 670, 674, 677–682, 685–686, 694, 695–698, 707–708, 709–710, 739, 767, 776, 792, 803, 804, 836, 836–838, 855–856; nomination and organization, 199–200, 208, 236, 305–306, 310–311, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 517, 528, 529, 836; notifications by Supreme Council to Hungarian, Jugoslav, and Roumanian Governments concerning functions of Military Mission, 510, 517–518, 541–542, 691
- Political situation:
- Bela Kun Communist government:
- Allied proposed military intervention to combat spread of communism and to enforce respect for Armistice, 20–28, 29–30, 59–61, 67–71, 103–108, 114–115, 177–183, 187–190, 198–200, 254–257, 304–308, 317–322, 348; question of assistance of Czech, Jugoslav, and Roumanian forces, 24, 25, 27, 60–61, 69–71, 103–108, 177, 187–189, 318–319, 322
- Allied refusal to grant recognition or to negotiate: Discussions, 29, 305, 308, 317–322; text of declaration of July 27, 321–322
- Efforts of Bela Kun to secure Roumanian withdrawal
from Hungary:
- Correspondence with Supreme Council: July 11, request by Bela Kun for Roumanian withdrawal, text and discussions, 120–121, 125–127; July 12, Allied reply, text, 121; July 15 (?), renewal by Bela Kun of request for Roumanian withdrawal, text and discussions, 129–131, 139–140; July 21, notification by Bela Kun of contemplated military action against Roumanian [Page 977] forces, text and discussions, 236, 248–249
- Military operations, unsuccessful, 236, 248–249, 304, 322, 482
- Resignation and replacement by Social Democratic government, 482, 489
- Securities, seizure of, and Allied warning against attempted sale abroad, 23, 28, 61–62, 71–74, 88–89
- Terrorism, 21, 23, 121, 127
- Communism (see also Bela Kun, supra), 605, 637, 657, 739, 775–776
- Hapsburg government of Archduke Joseph:
- Allied disapproval and question of relations, 679–681, 694–698, 707–708, 709–710, 775–776, 791–792, 803–804
- Communications to Supre me Council: Aug. 8, request for recognition, text, 657; Aug. 16, information concerning composition and aims, text, 708–709
- Entry into power after deposition of Social Democratic government, 604–605, 605; Roumanian assistance, alleged, 606, 680, 681, 688, 695, 775
- Resignation, 855
- Social Democratic government: Establishment and question of Allied support and economic assistance, 236, 254–257, 304–308, 310–311, 320, 322, 480–483, 487–491, 504–511, 516–518; overthrow by Archduke Joseph, 605, 617
- Szeged group, 21, 177–178, 348
- Bela Kun Communist government:
- Roumanian aggression and defiance of Supreme
- Allied measures to compel Roumanian respect for authority
of Supreme Council:
- Concentration of Roumanian forces on Theiss River, 24, 69, 70, 104, 120, 125–127, 129–130, 139–140, 179–182, 188, 199, 236, 248–249, 481–483, 490
- Correspondence between Supreme Council and
Roumania, texts:
- Aug. 4, Allied request for cooperation of Roumanian forces with interallied military mission, 517–518
- Aug. 5, Allied request for observance by Roumanian forces of instructions issued by military mission, 541–542
- Aug. 6, Allied notification of refusal to recognize proposed Roumanian separate armistice with Hungary, 555
- Aug. 7, Allied charges of Roumanian intention to defy Council and sever Alliance, 616–617
- Aug. 12, Allied request for Roumanian instructions to generals in Hungary to conform to decisions of Supreme Council, 682
- Aug. 14, Roumanian reply to Allied communications, 688–691
- Aug. 14, Allied reply to Roumanian note of Aug. H, 691–692
- Aug. 23, Allied protest against looting of Hungary: Publication, 945; text, 819–822
- Aug. 25, Allied request for reply to protest of Aug. 23, 857
- Military mission. See Military mission, supra.
- Protests and threats. See Correspondence, supra.
- Stoppage of shipments to Roumania, 811–813, 833, 838
- Occupation of Budapest, and attitude of Supreme Council toward Roumanian aggression and looting, 504–511, 517–518, 528–529, 531–533, 541–542, 548–555, 566–569, 603–607, 615–617, 620–621, 636–637, 646–647, 654–659, 670–671, 674, 677–682, 683–686, 688–692, 695, 739, 767, 768, 774–778, 811–813, 819–822, 836–838, 855–857, 945
- Requisition of material by Roumania as reparation, 548, 549, 551–555, 567–569, 605–606, 613–615, 616–617, 621, 655–656, 657, 681–682, 684–686, 690, 691–692, 767, 768, 774–778, 811–813, 819–822, 836–838, 855–857, 945
- Allied measures to compel Roumanian respect for authority
of Supreme Council:
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Conditions of peace, instructions to committees concerning, 408, 670
- Terms, discussions and draft texts:
- Aerial navigation, 759–760
- Frontiers. See Frontier questions, supra.
- Military, naval, and air clauses: Air clauses, 755–756; commissions of control, 756–758; general articles, 758–760; military clauses, 633–634, 736–737, 747–753; naval clauses, 357–360, 364–365, 754–755; text, draft, 747–760
- Penalties, 673
- Ports, waterways, and railways: Railway provisions insuring free circulation for Czechoslovakia, 100; rolling stock, commission of experts for, 383–384
- Reparation, question of. See Reparation: Hungarian.
- Responsibility clause, 673
- Italy:
- Adriatic claims based on Treaty of London (see also Fiume, infra), 18–19; plebiscite, question of, 19
- Anti-French incidents (see also Fiume: Commission of Inquiry, infra), 32–33, 34, 35, 852
- Asia Minor, Italo-Greek conflict in Anatolia and efforts of Supreme Council to control, 17–18, 33, 34, 35, 121–122, 128, 138–139, 152–153, 154–155, 194–198, 538–539, 540, 555–556
- Austria (see also Austria: Frontier dispute with Jugoslavia: Italian interference), peace treaty provisions concerning Italy: Frontiers, 38, 842–843, 868–869, 912; Italian demand for cession of Austro-Hungarian concession in Tientsin, question of, 117–120, 171–173; Italian reservations, 15, 206–207; political, 870, 932; ports, waterways, and railways, 159–160, 945, 951
- Austro-Hungarian territories (former), agreement regarding Italian contribution toward cost of liberation, 819, 832–834, 843; draft text, 832–834
- Bulgaria. See Bulgaria: Italy, relations with.
- Coal, Italian efforts to obtain, 17, 39, 175–176, 267–268, 343–344, 371–372
- Communism, 107
- Fiume:
- Commission of Inquiry into Fiume Incidents (involving clashes between French, Italian, Jugoslav, and other Allied forces):
- Financial situation, 620, 635–636
- Italo-Jugoslav controversy over disposition of Fiume (see also Commission of Inquiry, supra):
- Greco-Italian conflict. See Asia Minor, supra.
- Jugoslav-Italian relations (see also Fiume, supra; also Austria: Frontier dispute with Jugoslavia: Italian interference), Italian attitude toward Jugoslav request for repatriation of former Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war in Italy, 564–565, 601–602
- Ports, waterways, and railways: Participation of interested powers in improvement of railway from Chambery to Turin, 652, 662–669; Reschen Pass and Predil Pass Railways, Austrian peace treaty clauses regarding, 159–160, 905, 945, 951
- Japan: Reparation Commission, alternate representation for Japan in matters relating to Far East and damage at sea, 3; repatriation of Czechoslovak troops from Siberia, inability of Japanese Government to supply tonnage for, 556–557; Siberian Railway, use of Japanese troops for defense of, 64–65, 211–212, 556–557
- Jews, protection of, Bulgarian peace treaty political clauses regarding, 403–404
- Jugoslavia (see also
New States):
- Austrian peace treaty, decision of Council that Jugoslav delegation should receive copies of Austrian notes concerning Jugoslavia, 40
- Bulgarian peace treaty, interest of Jugoslav delegation in financial and reparation clauses, 324, 408, 433, 460–461, 476–477, 624, 638–639, 737–739, 763–766
- Commission on Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, 5, 62, 75–76, 243, 328, 360–361, 454–457, 471–475, 611, 952–955
- Frontier questions:
- Austria. See Austria: Treaty: Terms: Frontier: Jugoslavia.
- Bulgaria, conflict, 104, 105, 243, 511–512, 764
- Hungary. See Hungary: Frontiers: Jugoslavia.
- Italy. See Austria: Frontier dispute with Jugoslavia: Italian interference and Italy: Fiume: Italo-Jugoslav controversy.
- Roumania. See Roumania: Frontiers: Jugoslavia.
- Italy, relations with (see also Austria: Frontier dispute with Jugoslavia: Italian interference and Italy: Fiume: Italo-Jugoslav controversy), Italian attitude toward Jugoslav request for repatriation of former Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war in Italy, 564–565, 601–602
- Reparation (see also New states: Reparation): Request for restitution by German Government of topographical plans of mines of Costoplatz, 737, 762–763; trade with Austria, exchange of food for steel bridges, 175
- Treaties:
- Karelian delegation, request for hearing by Conference, 327
- Kehl and Strasbourg, nomination for director for port, 360
- Kiel Canal, 792, 804–805
- Klagenfurt. See Austria: Frontier dispute with Jugoslavia.
- Labor:
- Lansing, Robert, views regarding limitation of powers as plenipotentiary, 9
- Latvia. See Baltic countries.
- League of Nations:
- Austrian peace treaty clauses: Admission of Austria to League, question of, 40, 42–43, 865; arbitration by League of disputes arising in reorganization of South Austrian Railway, 203–205; Italian reservation regarding territorial guarantees of League Covenant, 15, 206–207; minorities, protection of, enforcement of guarantees, 560–561, 586–589
- Commission on League of Nations, 40, 42–43, 86–87
- Covenant of the League, 40, 42–43, 206–207, 863; question of delay in U. S. ratification, 261–262
- Permanent Court of International Justice, 42–43, 587, 589
- Saar Territory, nomination of delimitation commission, 261–262
- Tientsin, suggestion to refer to Health Section of League sanitation problem in former Austro-Hungarian concession, 173
- Liechtenstein, 721, 726–727
- Lithuania. See Baltic countries.
- London, Treaty of, 18–19, 122, 155–156
- Mandates:
- Memel. See under Germany: Eastern frontiers.
- Military clauses of peace treaties. See Treaty of peace: Terms: Military, etc.: Military clauses under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, and Hungary.
- Minorities (see also New states): Austrian peace treaty clauses regarding protection of minorities, 158, 362, 369–370, 560–561, 586–589; Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, 234, 403–404, 425–428, 561–562, 590–595; voluntary emigration in Balkans, proposal by M. Venizelos, 561–562, 590–595
- Morocco, Austrian peace treaty clauses concerning, 870–872, 917, 982–983
- Nationality clauses of Austrian peace treaty, 786–787, 797, 843, 869–870, 931
- Naval clauses of peace treaties: Austria, 357–360, 364–365, 875, 934; Bulgaria, 258, 276; Germany, 357–360, 364–368, 405–408; Hungary, 357–360, 364–365, 754–755
- Netherlands, Commission for Revision of Treaties of 1839 concerning, 134–135
- New states (see also
Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, and
- Austrian peace treaty clauses:
- Economic questions: Coal supply for Austria, insertion of guarantees in treaties with new states, 785–786, 790–797, 944–945; distribution of social insurance funds among states deriving territory from former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 788–789, 798
- Minorities clauses, proposal for modification to conform with clauses in treaties with new states, 158, 362, 369–370, 560–561, 580–589
- Political clauses, application to conventions with new states, 101, 562, 598–599, 863–864
- Ports, waterways, and railways, proposal for immediate application of reciprocity clauses regarding, 817–819, 825–826, 903–904, 958–959
- Reparation. See Reparation, infra.
- Bulgarian peace treaty clauses (see also Reparation: Bulgarian, infra), 234, 403–404, 425–428, 561–562, 590–595
- Committee on New States, 101, 158, 234, 362, 369, 403–404, 559, 560–561, 561–562, 590–592, 676
- Constantinople, new state of, 6n, 14, 235, 441–442, 671
- Prisoners of war formerly belonging to Austro-Hungarian Army, now nationals of new states, question of immediate liberation, 564–565, 601–602
- Reparation and financial questions:
- Restitution to Allies of rolling-stock moved beyond Armistice frontier in violation of Armistice of Villa Giusti, proposed, 562, 595–598
- Treaties:
- Austrian adherence to special conventions with new states, proposed, 943–944, 958, 962
- Cost of liberation of former Austro-Hungarian territories, agreements regarding contributions toward. See Treaties: Cost of liberation: New states.
- General treaties:
- Application of Austrian political clauses, proposed, 101, 562, 598–599, 863–864
- Czechoslovakia. See Czechoslovakia: Treaties: Treaty with Allied and Associated Powers.
- Jugoslavia, 268
- Languages, official, 268
- Reciprocal relations of ceded territory, draft clauses, 109–113
- Roumania, 268, 538, 559–560, 579–586; text, draft, 579–586
- Voluntary emigration in Balkans, proposal by M. Venizelos, 561–562, 590–595
- Austrian peace treaty clauses:
- Norway, 39–40
- Occupation, armies of. See Armies of occupation.
- Peace, treaties of. See under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, and Turkey.
- Penalties for breaches of laws of war (see also
Responsibility; also
Treaty of peace: Terms:
Austria, Bulgaria, Germany
- Austrian peace treaty clauses, 843, 880–881, 918–920, 934
- Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, discussions, recommendations, and draft clauses, 258–260, 282–290; U. S. reservation, 289–290
- German peace treaty clauses, request by German Government for postponement of surrender of military officers as demanded by peace treaty, because of political situation, 449–451, 462, 547–548, 565–566, 649–650, 660–661
- Hungarian peace treaty clauses, 673
- Permanent Court of International Justice, 42–43, 587, 589
- Plebiscites, proposed (see also
Commissions: Plebiscite):
- Adriatic, 19
- Bessarabia, 8–14, 459
- Klagenfurt and Carinthia. See Austria: Frontier dispute with Jugoslavia: Plebiscite.
- Principles concerning composition of interallied armies of occupation in plebiscite areas, 625–628, 815–816; distribution of costs, 483, 706–707
- Prussia, East, plebiscite or administrative commission, 167–168, 262–263, 292–293
- Schleswig. See Germany: Treaty: Terms: Boundaries: Schleswig.
- Silesia, Upper. See Germany: Eastern frontiers: Silesia: Plebiscite.
- Styria (Marburg and Radkersburg), 739–740, 842, 867, 915–916, 931, 936–937, 948–950, 952–955, 958
- Poland (see also
New states):
- Commission on Polish Affairs, 117, 257, 612
- Frontiers:
- Prisoners of war in Allied countries, 170
- Transport of troops and war material to Poland, request to German Government for use of port of Danzig and Kiel Canal, 237, 792, 804–805
- Treaties: Agreement between Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, Roumania, Jugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, on the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 819, 830–832, 843; treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 158
- Polk, Frank L., views on constitutionality of use of U. S. troops in Silesia, 784–785
- Ports, waterways, and railways (see
Treaty of peace: Terms:
Austria, Bulgaria, Germany
- Chambery–Turin Railroad, participation of interested powers in improvement of, 652, 662–669
- Commissions:
- Commission on International Regime of Ports, Waterways, and Railways, reports and recommendations, discussions and texts: Austrian frontier stations, 100–101; Austrian observations on peace treaty provisions, 817–819, 825–826; Bulgarian peace treaty clauses, 855, 409–425, 673, 676, 826–828; expert commissions for distribution of enemy rolling stock, 344–345, 372–376, 382–384
- Expert commissions for distribution of enemy rolling stock, 344–345, 372–376, 382–384
- Transportation Committee, Interallied, 652, 662–669, 792–793, 807–809
- Danube. See Danube.
- Irrigation canals in Banat, necessity for international measures for maintenance of, 455, 472, 473
- Railway rolling stock rates paid by British and U. S. Armies in France, 792–793, 807–809
- Siberian Railway, question of defense after evacuation of Czechoslovak troops, 63–65, 211–212, 556–557
- Portugal, 58
- Postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications: Communications with Germany, reestablishment, 345–348, 370–371, 380–382; rupture of communications at Warsaw, 304
- Press, 15–16, 49
- Prisoners of war and graves (see also
Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Russia, Turkey):
- Commissions concerning: Commission on Prisoners of War, reports and recommendations, texts and discussions, 49, 50–52, 263, 294–299; Commission on Repatriation of Prisoners of War, 945–948, 957
- Liberation of prisoners of war formerly belonging to Austro-Hungarian Army now nationals of an Allied or Associated State, 564–565, 601–602
- Prussia, East. See under Germany: Eastern frontiers.
- Railways. See Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Relief. See Food relief.
- Reparation:
- Austrian reparation: Italian reservation regarding furnishing of labor as means of reparation, 15; peace treaty provisions, 843, 863, 881–885, 920–922, 934; priority of food payments over reparations, 173–177, 183–187, 299–300, 863; war material as reparation, delivery of arms and munitions to Czechoslovakia, 175–177, 263–264, 299–300, 462, 478–480; war material in Klagenfurt, Jugoslav claims to, 240–242, 252–253, 453, 468
- Bulgarian reparation, peace treaty provisions and interest of Greece, Jugoslavia, and Roumania, 233, 323–324, 330–335, 408, 433, 435, 460–461, 476–477, 624, 638–639, 737–739, 763–766
- Commissions:
- Organization of Reparation Commission, Committee for: Appointment and composition, 2–3, 6, 14, 548, 552; work of, 40, 119, 161, 240, 624, 638–639, 737, 762, 764–766, 768, 811
- Reparation Commission provided by peace treaties: Duties and powers, 2–3, 174–177, 183–187, 241, 331, 334, 345, 372–376, 548, 549, 552, 624, 738, 764–766, 777–778, 820–822, 863, 881–884; interallied commission at Sofia to facilitate Bulgarian reparation payments, 331–335, 624, 639, 738, 766
- Cost of liberation of former Austro-Hungarian territories, agreements regarding. See under Treaties.
- German reparation: Estimation of war damage in devastated areas, Allied proposed reply to German inquiry regarding, 737, 761–762; German payments to troops in Baltic, suggestion for continuance as part of reparation, 239–240; Norwegian claims, 40; rolling stock, distribution of, 344–345, 372–376
- Hungarian reparation payments, effect of—
- New states. See New states: Reparation.
- Turkey, sale of state property by Ottoman Government, 622–624, 637
- Responsibility for the war and penalties (see also Treaty: Terms: Penalties under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, and Hungary), Commission on, 258–260, 282–290, 673, 918
- Rhineland, Allied occupation:
- Army of occupation, Allied: Alleged sale of surplus cars and horses to Germans, 838–839, 857–858; organization and strength, 308, 311, 454, 626, 627
- Committee on the Rhine Territory: Establishment, 87–88; report, text, and discussions, 205–206, 212–229
- Convention regarding military occupation of
- Correspondence between German delegation and Supreme Council: June 80, German request for opening of discussions concerning occupied regions, 2, 6; July 12, German notes presenting observations on convention, 218–219; July 29, Allied reply to notes of July 12, 205–206, 212–218
- Ratification by Germany, 66
- Roumania:
- Bulgarian peace treaty, Roumanian interests (see also Frontiers: Bulgaria, infra), reparation and financial clauses, 324, 332–333, 460–461, 476–477, 624, 638–639, 739
- Commission on Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, 5, 62, 75–76, 243, 328, 360–361, 454–457, 471–475, 611, 952–955
- Danube, Roumanian interest in regulation of trade on, 819, 828–830, 938
- Frontiers:
- Bulgaria (Dobrudja), 242–243, 439, 440, 511–512, 512, 540, 541, 609, 687
- Czechoslovakia, 611
- Hungary. See Hungary: Roumanian aggression.
- Jugoslavia: Ada Kalessi Island, 361, 471, 473; Banat, 4, 327–328, 360–361, 455, 456, 471–472, 682, 791, 801–802
- Poland (Bukovina), 4, 455–457, 459, 474–475, 682
- Russia (Bessarabia), 4–5, 8–14, 456, 457–459, 559–560, 682
- Hungary, conflict with. See Hungary: Roumanian aggression.
- Treaties:
- Russia:
- Allied troops in Russia (see also Czechoslovak troops, infra), 25, 26, 63–64
- Armenia, Russian, food relief for, 210–211, 231–232
- Blockade: Proposed measures to prevent goods from reaching Soviet Russia, 102, 117, 131–134, 142–145, 265–267, 300–301, 309, 312–314, [Page 983] 644–645, 720–721, 724–726, 817, 823–824; U. S. objections and views of President Wilson regarding international law questions involved, 133–134, 265–267, 300–301, 309, 312–314, 634–635, 644–645
- Czechoslovak troops, question of repatriation, 63–65, 211–212, 556–557, 652–653
- Economic policy of Allies toward Russia, report by Supreme Economic Council, 651
- Frontier questions: Bessarabia, 4–5, 8–14, 456, 457–459, 559–560, 682; Karelia, 327
- Georgia: Independence, proposed, 648–649; interference with Allied relief shipments to Armenia, 210–211, 231–232
- Koltchak government:
- Prisoners of war: Austrian, in Siberia, 50–51, 878–879; Russian, in Germany, 208–210, 230–231, 486–488, 498–501
- Repudiation of Russian public debt by Soviet government, 913
- Siberian Railway, question of protection after evacuation of Czechoslovak troops, 63–65, 211–212, 556–557
- Saar Basin: Commission for delimitation of, 261–262; occupation by Allied forces, question of, 641, 642
- Sale of horses and motors to Germans by American and British troops of occupation, 838–839, 857–858
- Scapa Flow incident, 357–360, 405, 406–407
- Schleswig. See under Germany: Treaty of peace: Terms: Boundaries.
- Serbia and Serb-Croat-Slovene State. See Jugoslavia.
- Shipping, merchant: Agreement by Austrian Government regarding vessels sunk by their naval forces, 267, 301; Norwegian claims for damage to shipping, 40
- Siam, Austrian peace treaty clauses concerning, 870–872, 872
- Siberian Railway, question of protection after evacuation of Czechoslovak troops, 63–65, 211–212, 556–557
- Silesia. See wider Germany: Eastern frontiers.
- Smyrna, Commission of Inquiry. See Turkish territories: Anatolia: Smyrna.
- Spitzbergen, Commission on, 39
- St. Germain, treaty of. See Austria: Treaty of peace.
- Styria, 842, 867, 915–916, 931, 936–937, 948–950, 952–955, 958
- Submarines, 276, 364–368, 406, 407
- Sudbahn (South Austrian) Railway, 203–205
- Supreme Councils. See Councils.
- Supreme Economic Council: Continuance, question of, 343–844, 371–372; economic policy of Allies in Russia, 651; exchange of goods between countries of Central Europe, note regarding, 650–651, 662; reply by Communications Section to Roumanian note regarding regulation of traffic on Danube, 819, 828–830, 938
- Swabian delegation, desire for hearing by Conference, 327
- Sweden:
- Switzerland, Vorarlberg question, 720, 726–727
- Syria, 196
- Telegraph and telephone communications. See Postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications.
- Teschen, 116–117, 257, 612
- Thrace. See Greece and Jugoslavia under Bulgaria: Frontiers.
- Tientsin, Commission on, 118–120, 171–173
- Trade questions: See Blockade under Austria, Baltic countries, Germany, Hungary, and Russia.
- Transportation Committee, Interallied, 652, 662–669, 792–793, 807–809
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Aerial navigation convention, 62–63, 90–92
- Austrian peace treaty economic clauses concerning treaties, 797, 892–893
- Baltic, proposed treaty regarding access to, 488–489, 501–502
- Berlin, treaty of 1878, 11, 361
- Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest, treaties of 1918, 339, 435, 503
- Brussels Convention, 789–790, 791, 800, 801
- Bucharest, peace treaty of 1913 between Roumania and Bulgaria, 339, 503, 687
- Bulgarian peace treaty economic clauses concerning treaties. See Economic questions: Bulgarian peace treaty: Treaties.
- Buigar-Turkish treaty of 1918, 328, 329, 337, 339
- Convention between Allied and Associated Governments and Poland conferring on Marshal Foch command of Polish armies, 150–151
- Cost of liberation of former Austro-Hungarian territories, agreements regarding contributions toward:
- Emigration, voluntary, in the Balkans, proposed negotiation of convention for, 561–562, 590–595
- Greco-Turkish treaty of 1913, 328, 329
- London, treaty of 1915, 18–19, 122, 155–156
- Minorities treaties:
- Czechoslovakia. See Czechoslovakia: Treaties: Treaty with Allied and Associated Powers.
- Jugoslavia, 268
- Poland, 158
- Roumania. See Roumania: Treaties.
- Neuilly, treaty of. See Bulgaria: Treaty of peace.
- New states. See New states: Treaties.
- Paris, treaty of 1856, 11
- Peace treaties. See Treaty of peace under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, and Turkey.
- Rhineland convention. See Rhineland: Convention.
- San Stephano, treaty of, 435
- St. Germain. See Austria: Treaty of peace.
- Treaties of 1839, Commission for Revision of, 134–135
- Trianon. See Hungary: Treaty of peace.
- Versailles. See Germany: Treaty of peace.
- Trianon, treaty of. See Hungary: Treaty of peace.
- Turkey (see also
Turkish territories):
- Allied policy toward Turkey, telegram from President Wilson regarding, and discussion, 193
- Armistice of Oct. 80, 1918, question of execution, 198, 202
- Constantinople, 6n, 14, 235, 441–442, 671
- Frontiers with Bulgaria and Greece, 5–6, 6n, 14, 441–442, 671
- Prisoners of war in Egypt, arrangements for liberation of, 565
- Reparation, sale of state property by Ottoman Government, question of, 622–624, 637
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers: Postponement of discussions, 193; reparation and other questions, 328–329, 622–624, 637
- Turkish territories:
- Allied troops (see also Anatolia: Italian-Greek conflict, infra), 41, 44, 66, 196, 647–649, 839–840
- Anatolia:
- Italian-Greek conflict and Allied measures to control, 17–18, 33, 34, 35, 121–122, 128, 138–139, 152–153, 154–158, 194–198, 538–539, 540, 555–556
- Smyrna, Commission of Inquiry Into Issues of (Greek atrocities against Turks): Appointment and instructions, 207, 239, 264–265; discussions, general, 191–192, 197, 198, 200–201, 202, 207, 238–239, 249–250, 264–265, 539, 544–545, 556, 687–688, 693, 730; Greek and Turkish representatives, question of status, 238–239, 249–250, 687–688, 693, 730; Turkish request for dispatch of commission, text, 200–201; U. S. participation, question of, 207
- Armenia: Allied troops, 41, 44, 66, 647–649, 839–840; Harbord mission, 43, 44; mandate, question of, 193, 649; notification to Ottoman Government by U. S. High Commissioner in Constantinople regarding Armenian massacres, 839–840, 858–859; relief, 41, 43, 44; repatriation of Armenian agriculturalists, 40–41, 43–44
- Mandates, question of, 193, 196, 649
- Syria, Franco-British controversy and British refusal of mandate, 196
- United States (see also
- Aerial navigation convention, reservation regarding U. S. adherence, 62–63, 90–92
- Austrian peace treaty, U. S. observations, 912–926, 939–940, 954–955, 959–960
- Baltic loan, proposed, U. S. inability to participate, 49
- Bulgarian questions: Observations on Bulgarian peace treaty provisions, including frontiers, 244, 245–246, 272n, 283, 286–287, 289–290, 398–401, 607–611, 671–672; U. S. nonconcern in proposed occupation of Bulgaria, 65, 136, 148n, 317
- China, attitude of U. S. representative regarding nomination of special committee to examine Italian demands for concessions in Tientsin, 117–120
- Commissions, question of participation, 78n, 136, 207, 261, 272n, 323, 343, 371, 535–536, 537, 782
- Czechoslovak troops in Siberia, U. S. inability to supply tonnage for repatriation, 556–557, 653
- Hungarian affairs: Assistance in maintaining Hungarian blockade, question of, 348–350; attitude toward interference in Hungarian domestic affairs, 605
- Mandates, Turkish, question of acceptance, 193, 649
- Ratification of German peace treaty, question of, 261, 323, 813
- Russia:
- Troops in Asia and Europe, questions concerning, 64–65, 161, 181, 182, 198, 211–212, 230, 308, 444–445, 486–487, 510, 626–628, 648–649, 784–785, 792–793, 807–809, 813–814, 838–839, 839–840, 857–858, 929–930, 945–946
- Versailles treaty. See Germany: Treaty of peace.
- Vorarlberg, 721, 726–727
- War material, enemy, discussion of principles to govern distribution of, 357–360, 364–368, 405–407, 461–462, 477, 621
- Waterways. See Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Weimar Assembly, 66
- Wilson, Woodrow, views of: Armies of occupation, principle of equal interallied participation, 626, 627; Austrian status as an old state, 715, 716; Fourteen Points, cited, 839, 858; naval questions, disposal of enemy fleet, 406, 407; Roumania, defiance of authority of Council, 682; Russia, blockade of, 133–134, 265–267, 300–301, 309, 312–314, 634–635, 644–645; Thrace, question of disposal of, 441, 610; Turkey, policy toward, 193
- Yugoslavia. See Jugoslavia.
- This is primarily a subject index; no attempt has been made (except in a few instances) to include names of persons. Directories of the various delegations are printed in vol. iii, pp. 1–153.↩