Paris Peace Conf. 182/70
PART I. Composition of the Conference
N. B. To facilitate use, the members of the delegations of the powers have been divided into four categories, according to the functions which they perform at the Conference:
- (1)
- Plenipotentiary delegates;
- (2)
- Delegates and technical advisers;
- (3)
- Technical experts;
- (4)
- The secretariat general.
Accordingly where one category of delegates is not represented in a particular delegation the following category will be numbered according to the division above.
Hotel de Crillon
(Tel. Ely sees: 03–72)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (5 Places)
The President of the United States;
Hon. Robert Lansing, Secretary of State;
Hon. Henry White, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris and at Rome;
Hon. Edward M. House;
General Tasker H. Bliss, Military Representative of the United States on the Supreme War Council.
[Page 2]II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
political and diplomatic questions
Mr. Ellis Loring Dresel, Chief of Division;
Mr. Jordan Herbert Stabler, Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs in the Department of State;
Mr. E. T. Williams, former Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs in the Department of State;
Mr. Frederic R. Dolbeare, Second Secretary of Embassy;
Mr. Allen W. Dulles, Second Secretary of Embassy;
Mr. Lithgow Osborne, Secretary of Embassy;
Mr. Sidney Y. Smith, Chief of Protocol;
Mr. J. G. D. Paul, Assistant.
legal questions
Mr. David Hunter Miller;
Mr. James Brown Scott;
Mr. H. G. Crocker;
Mr. Amos Scott Hershey;
Mr. Manley O. Hudson;
Mr. Joseph Bailey Brown.
military questions
Major General F. J. Kernan, U.S.A.;
Major General Mason N. Patrick, U.S.A.;
Colonel W. S. Browning, U.S.A.;
Colonel S. D. Embick, U.S.A.;
Colonel E. S. Gorrell, U.S.A.;
Captain C. E. Morton, U.S.A.
naval questions
Admiral W. S. Benson, U.S.N.;
Rear Admiral H. S. Knapp, U.S.N.;
Captain F. H. Schofield, U.S.N.;
Captain L. McNamee, U.S.N.;
Commander A. F. Carter, U.S.N.
financial questions
Mr. Norman H. Davis, Financial Commissioner;
Mr. John Foster Dulles;
Mr. Thomas W. Lamont;
Mr. Albert Strauss, Vice Governor of the Federal Reserve Board;
Mr. Hayden B. Harris.
[Page 3]labor and shipping questions
Mr. Edward N. Hurley, Chairman of the Shipping Board (Labor and Shipping);
Mr. Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor (Labor);
Mr. Henry M. Robinson.
economic and commercial questions
Mr. Bernard M. Baruch, Chairman of the War Industries Board;
Mr. Vance McCormick, Chairman of the War Trade Board;
Mr. Bradley W. Palmer;
Mr. L. L. Summers;
Mr. Fred. K. Neilsen;
Mr. George McFadden;
Mr. L. C. Sheldon.
food and relief questions
Mr. Herbert Hoover, Chief of the Food Administration;
Colonel J. A. Logan, U.S.A.;
Mr. R. A. Taft.
III. Technical Experts
Dr. S. E. Mezes.
Chief of Territorial Questions:
Dr. Isaiah Bowman.
economic and statistical questions
Dr. A. A. Young;
Colonel L. P. Ayres, U.S.A.
ethnographic questions
Dr. R. B. Dixon;
Captain W. C. Farabee.
historical questions
Dr. James T. Shotwell.
geographical questions
Professor Mark Jefferson.
colonial questions
Mr. George Louis Beer.
[Page 4]questions relating to special areas
Germany—Dr. Wallace Notestein.
Austria-Hungary—Dr. Charles Seymour.
Western Asia—Dr. W. L. Westermann.
Balkans—Dr. Clive Day.
Western Europe—Dr. Charles H. Haskins.
Far East—Captain S. K. Hornbeck.
Italy—Dr. W. E. Lunt; Major D. W. Johnson.
Russia and Poland—Dr. R. H. Lord; Dr. Isaiah Bowman.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
Mr. Joseph Clark Grew, Minister Plenipotentiary.
A. Secretariat of the Conference
Mr. Arthur Hugh Frazier, Counselor of Embassy;
Mr. Leland Harrison, Counselor of Embassy;
Mr. Philip H. Patchin, Counselor of Embassy;
Colonel U. S. Grant, 3rd, of the General Staff;
Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Second Secretary of Embassy;
Mr. Gordon Auchincloss, Special Assistant in the Department of State;
Mr. Christian A. Herter, Special Assistant in the Department of State;
Mr. Grafton Winthrop Minot, Assistant;
Major van S. Merle-Smith, U.S.A.;
Captain James S. Garfield, U.S.A.;
Lieutenant Chester Burden, U.S.A.;
Lieutenant R. Emmet Condon, U.S.A.
B. Secretariat of the Delegation
Secretary for the League of Nations:
Mr. Whitney Shepardson.
Secretary for Questions Relating to the Responsibility of the War:
Mr. Alexander C. Kirk.
Secretary for Questions Relating to the Reparation of Damage:
Mr. Jerome D. Greene.
Secretary for Labor Questions:
Mr. Guy H. Oyster.
Secretary for Transport Questions:
Mr. Christian A. Herter.
[Page 5]Secretaries for Financial and Economic Questions:
Colonel L. P. Ayres, U.S.A.;
Mr. W. W. Cumberland;
Lieutenant R. C. Effinger, U.S.A.;
Mr. D. P. Frary;
Lieutenant Bertram F. Willcox, U.S.A.;
Dr. Leo Wolman;
Mr. Andrew P. Martin;
Captain Jeremiah Smith, Jr.;
Mr. George Whitney;
Mr. Clarence C. Stetson;
Captain Fred. G. Tryon, U.S.A.;
Captain E. H. Hart, U.S.A.;
Lieutenant E. L. Ducros.
Secretaries for Territorial Questions:
Mr. Parker Thomas Moon;
Captain Lester W. Perrin, U.S.A.;
Captain J. E. Ewell, U.S.A.;
Mr. Arthur W. Dubois;
Captain Stuart Montgomery, U.S.A.;
Lieutenant Reuben Horchow, U.S.A.;
Mr. George Redington Montgomery;
Mr. Frank L. Warrin, Jr.
C. Press Bureau
Mr. Ray Stannard Baker.
Assistant Director:
Mr. Arthur Sweetser.
Hotel Astoria
(Tel. Passy: 66–58; 40–46)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates
Great Britain (5 Places)
The Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George, M. P., Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury;
The Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour, O. M., M. P., Secretary of State for foreign Affairs;
[Page 6]The Rt. Hon. A. Bonar Law, M. P., Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons;
The Rt. Hon. G. N. Barnes, Minister without Portfolio;
The Rt. Hon. Viscount Milner, G. C. B., G. C. M. G., Secretary of State for the Colonies;
The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, M. P., Secretary of. State for War and Aviation.
The Dominions and India
Canada (2 Places).
The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden, G. C. M. G., Prime Minister;
The Rt. Hon. Sir George Foster, G. C. M. G., Minister of Commerce;
The Hon. C. J. Doherty, Minister of Justice;
The Hon. A. L. Sifton, Minister of Customs.
[Page 7]Australia (2 Places).
The Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes, Prime Minister;
The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Cook, G. C. M. G., Minister of the Navy.
South Africa (2 Places).
General the Rt. Hon. Louis Botha, Prime Minister;
Lieut. General the Rt. Hon. J. C. Smuts, K. C., Minister of Defense.
New Zealand (1 Place).
The Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey, Prime Minister;
The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Ward, Bt., K. C. M. G., Minister of Finance.
The Rt. Hon. Sir William F. Lloyd, K. C. M. G., Prime Minister;
Sir William Goode, K. B. E., Secretary of the Food Ministry.
India (2 Places)
The Rt. Hon. E. S. Montagu, M. P., Secretary of State for India;
Major General His Highness the Maharajah of Bikaner, G. C. S. I., G. C. I. E., G. C. V. O., K. C. B., A. D. C.;
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Sinha, K. C, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for India.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
The British Empire
political and diplomatic questions
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Hardinge of Penshurst, K. G., Ambassador, Administrative Director Charged with the Internal Organization of the Missions Composing the Delegation, Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
Sir William Tyrrell, K. C. M. G., C. B., Minister Plenipotentiary, Assistant to the Administrative Director, Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
The Rt. Hon. Sir Louis Mallet, G. C. M. G., C. B., Ambassador, Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
Sir Eyre Crowe, K. C. B., K. C. M. G., Minister Plenipotentiary, Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
Sir Esme Howard, K. C. B., K. C. M. G., Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty at Stockholm;
Brigadier General A. Carton de Wiart, V. C, C. M. G., D. S. O.;
Lieut. Colonel B. J. B. Coulson;
[Page 8]The Hon. Harold Nicolson, Secretary of Embassy of the Third Class;
Mr. A. Leeper, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Mr. J. W. Headlam-Morley, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
legal questions
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Sumner of Ibstone, Lord of Appeal in Ordinary;
The Rt. Hon. Sir Gordon Hewart, K. C, M. P., Attorney General;
Sir Ernest Pollock, K. C., K. B. E., M. P., Solicitor General;
Mr. C. J. B. Hurst, C. B., K. C, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
league of nations
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Robert Cecil, K. C., M. P.
military questions
General Sir Henry Wilson, K. C. B., D. S. O., Chief of the Imperial General Staff.
aviation questions
Major General the Rt. Hon. J. E. B. Seely, C. B., C. M. G., D. S. O., Under Secretary of State for Aviation;
Major General Sir Frederic Sykes, K. C. B., C. M. G., Chief of Staff for Aviation and Chief of the Aviation Section.
naval questions
Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, G. C. B., C. M. G., M. V. O., R. N., First Sea Lord, Chief of the Naval General Staff.
labor questions
Sir Malcolm Delevingne, K. C. B., Assistant Under Secretary of State of the Home Office.
financial questions
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Cunliffe, G. B. E., former Governor of the Bank of England;
Mr. J. M. Keynes, C. B., Acting Principal Secretary of the Treasury; Principal Representative of the Treasury.
economic questions
Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith, K. C. B., Permanent Secretary of the Board of Trade and Director General of the Economic Section of the Delegation;
[Page 9]Mr. Henry Fountain, C. B., C. M. G., Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade;
Mr. Charles Hipwood, C. B., Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade;
Mr. W. Temple Franks, C. B., Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trade-marks in the Board of Trade;
Mr. H. A. Payne, C. B., Comptroller of Companies Department of the Board of Trade.
Mr. M. L. Kershaw, C. S. I., C. I. E.
III. Technical Experts
Great Britain
political and diplomatic questions
Mr. R. Macleay, C. M. G., Counselor of Embassy (Far East);
The Hon. A. Akers-Douglas, C. M. G., First Secretary of Embassy (Western Europe);
Mr. R. Vansittart, M. V. O., Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Orient);
Mr. M. Palairet, Second Secretary of Embassy (Roumania and Greece);
Mr. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Africa);
Mr. Eric Forbes Adams, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Orient);
Lieut. Colonel T. E. Lawrence (Orient);
Major the Hon. W. Ormsby-Gore, M. P. (Orient);
Mr. E. Fullerton-Carnegie, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Scandinavian Countries);
Mr. E. H. Carr, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Northeastern Europe);
Sir Valentine Chirol (Orient);
Mr. H. J. Toynbee, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Orient).
legal questions
Mr. H. W. Malkin, C. M. G., Assistant to the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Political Questions);
Lieut. Colonel J. H. Morgan (Military Questions).
league of nations
Mr. Philip Baker;
Major J. R. M. Butler.
[Page 10]military questions
Major General P. P. de B. Radcliffe, C. B., D. S. O., Director of Military Operations;
Major General W. Thwaites, C. B., Director of the Intelligence Service of the Army;
Major General the Hon. C. Sackville-West, C. M. G., Military Representative of Great Britain on the Supreme War Council;
Brigadier General H. O. Mance, C. B., C. M. G., D. S. O., R. E. (Railroads);
Colonel W. C. Hedley, C. B., C. M. G. (Maps);
Colonel R. Meinertzhagen, D. S. O. (Colonies);
Lieut. Colonel E. Fitzgerald-Dillon, D. S. O. (Western Front);
Lieut. Colonel W. H. Gribbon, C. M. G. (Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Arabia);
Lieut. Colonel J. H. F. Lakin (Mesopotamia, Persia);
Lieut. Colonel T. G. Heywood (Balkans, Yugo-Slavia);
Lieut. Colonel J. H. M. Cornwall, D. S. O., M. C. (Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary);
Lieut. Colonel F. H. Kisch, D. S. O. (Russia, China, Japan);
Lieut. Colonel R. H. Beadon, Quartermaster General.
aviation questions
Brigadier General P. R. C. Groves, D. S. O., Assistant Chief of the Aviation Section;
Colonel L. F. Blandy, D. S. O. (Technical Questions, Wireless Telegraphy, etc.);
Lieut. Colonel R. C. M. Pink (Operations);
Lieut. Colonel Sir Norman Leslie, Bt., C. B. E., Attaché for Aviation at the British Embassy at Paris (Intelligence);
Lieut. Colonel A. Ogilvie, O. B. E. (Technical and Commercial Questions);
Major D. C. James (Personnel and Matériel);
Captain D. S. K. Crosbie (Intelligence);
Captain E. H. Tindal Atkinson (Legal and Political Questions);
Mr. J. S. Ross (Financial Questions);
Mr. White Smith (Commercial Questions).
naval questions
Rear Admiral George P. Hope, C. B., Deputy First Sea Lord;
Captain J. R. Marriott, R. N., Assistant to the First Sea Lord;
Commander H. Spencer-Cooper, M. V. O., R. N., Assistant to the Deputy First Sea Lord;
Captain C. T. M. Fuller, C. M. G., D. S. O., R. N. (General Questions);
[Page 11]Captain A. G. Hotham, R. N. (Commerce, Maritime Transport, Economic Questions);
Captain R. M. Colvin, R. N. (General Questions);
Captain K. G. B. Dewar, R. N. (League of Nations, Maritime Law, General Questions);
Captain G. B. Spicer-Simpson, D. S. O., R. N. (Non-European Questions);
Lieut. Colonel L. G. T. Halliday, V. C., C. B., R. M. (Territorial Questions in General);
Commander M. H. S. MacDonald, D. S. O., R. N. (Mediterranean, Orient);
Commander W. C. Lucas, R. N. (Russia);
Commander A. H. Taylor, R. N. (League of Nations, Maritime Law, General Questions);
Lieut. Commander L. McCormick-Goodhart, O. B. E., R. N. V. R. (Commerce, Navigation, Economic Questions);
Dr. A. Pearce Higgins (Maritime Law).
labor questions
Sir David Shackleton, K. C. B., of the Ministry of Labor;
Mr. H. B. Butler, C. B., of the Ministry of Labor;
Mr. G. Bellhouse, C. B. E., of the Home Office.
financial questions
Mr. S. A. Armitage-Smith, C. B., of the Ministry of Finance (Ottoman Empire, Financial Conditions of Peace);
Mr. H. E. Fass, of the Ministry of Finance (Debts of Invaded Countries);
Mr. Dudley Ward, of the Ministry of Finance (Reparations in General);
Mr. O. T. Falk, of the Ministry of Finance (General Questions);
Lieut. Colonel the Hon. Sidney Peel, D. S. O., M. P., of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (General Questions).
economic questions
Section A. Commerce and Industry
Mr. Percy Ashley, C. B., Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade;
Mr. A. W. Flux, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade;
Mr. J. W. Verdier, O. B. E., of the Board of Trade;
Mr. T. G. Gibson, of the Board of Trade;
Mr. A. J. Martin, O. B. E., of the Board of Trade;
Mr. J. F. Ronca, M. B. E., of the Board of Trade;
Mr. W. T. Turner, of the Board of Trade;
Mr. W. Carter, of the Board of Trade;
[Page 12]Mr. H. J. Hutchinson, of the Board of Trade;
Lieut. Commander J. G. Latham.
Section B. Shipping
Mr. Thomas Lodge, Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Shipping;
Sir Thomas Royden, Bt., M. P., Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Shipping;
Sir Osborn Holmden, K. B. E., Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Shipping;
Paymaster-Commander W. H. Eves, R. N.
Technical Experts on Economic Questions:
Mr. S. J. Chapman, C. B. E., Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade;
Mr. H. F. Carlill, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade;
The Hon. C. H. Tufton, C. M. G., of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Mr. Philip Hanson, of the Ministry of Munitions;
Mr. H. W. Garrod, C. B. E., of the Ministry of Reconstruction;
Sir John Cadman, K. B. E., Member of the Petroleum Executive Committee;
Mr. P. F. Swain, C. B. E., of the Public Trustee’s Office.
food and relief questions
Sir William Goode, K. B. E., Secretary of the Food Ministry.
historical questions
Dr. G. W. Prothero, Historian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
colonial questions
Sir Herbert J. Read, K.C.M.G., Assistant Under Secretary of State for the Colonies (General Questions);
Mr. C. Strachey, Principal Secretary of the Ministry of the Colonies (African Colonies);
Mr. J. F. N. Green, Principal Secretary of the Ministry of the Colonies (Colonies, Except African Colonies).
The Dominions and India
legal questions
Mr. L. Christie, Legal Adviser to the Department of External Affairs.
military questions
Lieut. General Sir Arthur Currie, Commander of the Canadian Army;
Lieut. Colonel O. M. Biggar, K. C, Judge Advocate General.
[Page 13]financial, economic and labor questions
Mr. Lloyd Harris, Head of the Canadian Mission in London;
Mr. F. P. Jones, Vice President of the War Trade Board;
Mr. P. M. Draper, Secretary of the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress;
Mr. W. Warne, Statistician of the Department of Commerce.
political and diplomatic questions
Mr. P. E. Deane, Private Secretary to the Prime Minister.
legal questions
Sir Robert Garran, C.M.G., Solicitor General;
Lieutenant F. W. Eggleston, Legal Adviser.
South Africa
commercial questions
Sir David de Villiers Graaf, Bt., former Minister of Finance of South Africa.
New Zealand
political and diplomatic questions
Mr. R. Riley.
political and diplomatic questions
Sir Arthur Hirtzel, K.C.B., Assistant Under Secretary of State for India;
Lieut. Colonel Sir J. Dunlop Smith, K.C.S.I., K.C.V.O., CLE., Political Officer of the Indian Service, Aide to the Secretary of State for India.
economic questions
Mr. L. Kershaw, C.S.I., C.I.E., Secretary of the Financial and Statistical Section of the India Office.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
Lieut. Colonel Sir Maurice Hankey, K.C.B., Secretary of the Imperial War Cabinet.
[Page 14]Secretaries of the War Cabinet:
Captain Clement Jones, C.B., Assistant Secretary of the War Cabinet;
Captain Edgar Abraham, Assistant Secretary of the War Cabinet;
Major A. M. Caccia, M.V.O., Secretary of the British Section of the Supreme War Council.
A. British Secretariat of the Conference
Mr. H. Norman, Counselor of Embassy;
Mr. Eric Phipps, First Secretary of Embassy;
Sir Percy Loraine, Bt., First Secretary of Embassy;
Hon. T. A. Spring-Rice, Second Secretary of Embassy.
B. Secretariat of the Delegation
Mr. J. T. Davies, Secretary to Mr. Lloyd George;
Mr. Philip Kerr, Secretary to Mr. Lloyd George;
The Hon. Sir Eric Drummond, K.C.M.G., C.B., Minister Plenipotentiary, Secretary to Mr. Arthur James Balfour;
Mr. Ian Malcolm, M.P., Secretary to Mr. Arthur James Balfour;
Mr. Alwyn Parker, C.B., C.M.G., Counselor of Embassy, Secretary to Lord Hardinge;
Mr. R. H. Campbell, C.M.G., Second Secretary of Embassy, Secretary to Lord Hardinge;
Mr. J. C. Davidson, C.B., Secretary to Mr. A. Bonar Law;
Mr. Hodgson, Secretary to Mr. G. N. Barnes;
Major H. C. Thornton, Secretary to Lord Milner;
Mr. Edward Marsh, C.B., Secretary to Mr. Winston Churchill;
Mr. G. F. Buskard, Secretary to Sir Robert Borden;
Mr. J. F. Boyce, Secretary to Sir Robert Borden;
Mr. C. H. Payne, Secretary to Sir George Forster;
Mr. P. T. Ahern, Secretary to Mr. C. J. Doherty;
Mr. T. W. Quayle, Secretary to Mr. A. L. Sifton;
Mr. P. E. Deane, Secretary to Mr. W. M. Hughes;
Mr. R. Mungovan, Secretary to Sir Joseph Cook;
Captain Brebner, Secretary to General Louis Botha;
Captain Lane, Secretary to General J. C. Smuts;
Mr. F. D. Thomson, Secretary to Mr. W. F. Massey;
Miss A.M. Saunders, Secretary to Sir Joseph Ward;
Mr. W. J. Carew, Secretary to Sir William F. Lloyd;
Mr. C. H. Kisch, C.B., Secretary to Mr. E. S. Montagu;
Mr. W. R. Gourlay, C.I.E., Secretary to Lord Sinha;
Mr. A. J. Sylvester, O.B.E., Secretary to Sir Maurice Hankey.
[Page 15]FRANCE
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (5 Places)
M. Georges Clemenceau, President of the Council, Minister of War;
M. Pichon, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. L. L. Klotz, Minister of Finance;
M. André Tardieu, Commissioner General for Franco-American Affairs of War;
M. Jules Cambon, Ambassador;
Marshal Foch, Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
political and diplomatic questions
M. Noulens, Ambassador of France at Petrograd, Chief of the French Mission in Poland;
M. Berthelot, Minister Plenipotentiary, Acting Director of Political and Commercial Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Gout, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chief of the Asiatic Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Laroche, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chief of the European Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. de Peretti de la Rocca, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chief of the African Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
General Le Rond, Adjutant General to the Marshal Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies.
legal questions
M. F. Larnaude, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris;
M. André Weiss, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Fromageot, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
league of nations
M. Léon Bourgeois, Senator, former President of the Council of Ministers, former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
military questions
General Alby, Chief of the General Staff of the Army;
General Belin, French Military Representative on the Supreme War Council;
General Degoutte, Commander of the French Sixth Army;
General Duval, Adjutant General, Inspector General of Aviation;
General Niessel, Member of the Interallied Commission to Poland.
[Page 16]aviation questions
Colonel Dhé, Director of Aviation in the Ministry of War;
Post Captain Chauvin, Chief of the Military and Aviation Service and Aerial Patrols.
naval questions
Vice Admiral de Bon, Chief of the Naval General Staff.
labor questions
M. Colliard, Minister of Labor and Social Security;
M. Loucheur, Minister of Industrial Reconstruction.
financial questions
M. Sergent, Under Secretary of State for Finance;
M. Bolley, Director General in the Ministry of Finance;
M. Celier, Director in the Ministry of Finance;
M. Luquet, Vice Governor of the Bank of France.
economic questions
M. Clémentel, Minister of Commerce, Industry, Posts and Telegraph, of Maritime Transport and of the Merchant Marine;
M. Albert Lebrun, Minister for the Liberated Areas;
M. Bouisson, Commissioner for Maritime Transport and the Merchant Marine;
M. Jean Morel, Senator, former Minister, President of the Tariff Committee of the Senate;
M. Herbette, Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
M. Ch. Lyon-Caen, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris;
M. Seydoux, Counselor of Embassy, Chief of Blockade Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
M. Kammerer, Consul General, Chief of the Financial Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Pila, Consul General, Chief of the Economic Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
communications questions
M. Claveille, Minister of Public Works and of Transport.
colonial questions
M. Henry Simon, Minister for the Colonies.
[Page 17]III. Technical Experts
political and diplomatic questions
M. Hermitte, Secretary of Embassy of the First Class, Chief of the Chancellery and of the Claims Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Grenard, Consul General, Chairman of the Interallied Commission on Teschen;
M. Degrand, Consul of the Second Class;
M. Émile Bourgeois, Professor of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Paris;
M. Robert de Caix Saint-Aymour, Director of Asie française and Afrique française.
legal questions
M. Basdevant, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris;
M. A. de Lapradelle, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris, Assistant Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
league of nations
M. de Sillac, Counselor of Embassy;
M. Clauzel, Secretary of Embassy of the First Class.
military questions
Lieut. Colonel Réquin, of the General Staff of the Army, Attached to the Commission on Franco-American Affairs of War;
Commandant de Montal, of the General Staff of the Army.
aviation questions
Commandant d’Aiguillon, Member of the French Advisory Commission on Aeronautical Questions at the Peace Conference;
M. d’Aubigny, Deputy, Chairman of the French Advisory Commission for Aeronautical Questions at the Peace Conference;
M. Branet, Counselor of State, former Director General of Customs;
M. Fighiera, Director in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry;
M. Pierre-Étienne Flandin, Deputy;
Captain L’Escaille, of the Naval Aviation;
M. Lallemand, Inspector General of Mines;
Captain Leroy, of the Service of Aeronautical Manufacture;
M. de Navailles, Chief of Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Commandant Poli-Marchetti, of the General Staff of the Marshal Commander in Chief of the Allied Army;
[Page 18]Lieut. Colonel Pujo, Assistant to the Director of Aviation in the Ministry of War;
Lieutenant Sáble, of the Naval Aviation;
Lieut. Colonel Saconney, Chief of the Section of the Anti-Aircraft Defense in the Ministry of War;
M. Soreau, Engineer, Vice President of the Aéro-Club de France;
Commandant Vuillemin, Aviation Squadron Commander;
M. Wahl, Naval Engineer Attached to the Ministry for the Colonies.
naval questions
Captain Levavasseur;
Lieutenant Odend’hal.
labor questions
M. Arthur Fontaine, Director in the Ministry of Labor and Social Security;
M. Jouhaux, Secretary General of the Confédération générate du Travail.
financial questions
Commandant Aron, of the Ministry of Industrial Reconstruction;
M. Bavière, Secretary of the Exchange Commission;
M. Bexon, former Inspector of Finance;
M. Bloch-Laroque, Advocate General in the Court of Appeals of Paris;
M. Bouniols, Representative of Titleholders at Belgrade;
M. de la Chaume, former Inspector of Finance;
M. Chevalier, Director of the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas;
M. Cheysson, Inspector of Finance;
M. Dayras, Inspector of Finance;
M. de Fabry, Inspector of Finance;
M. François-Marsal, Member of the Exchange Commission;
M. Gilbert Gidel, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Rennes;
M. G. Homberg, President of the Exchange Commission;
M. Jouasset, Inspector of Finance;
M. de Lasteyrie, former Inspector of Finance;
M. Lefèvre, Secretary General of the Crédit Lyonnais;
M. Raphaël-Georges Lévy, Member of the Institute;
M. Lyon, Advocate in the Court of Appeals of Paris;
Captain Masson;
M. Mercier, Principal Naval Engineer;
M. Neymarck, Economist;
M. Nicou, Engineer of the Corps des Mines;
[Page 19]M. Petit, Inspector of Finance;
M. Poisson, Inspector of Finance;
M. Sallandrouze de Lamornaix, Inspector General of Finance;
M. Théry, Economist;
M. de Verneuil, former Syndic of the Exchange Agents of the Paris Bourse;
Colonel Weyl, of the Ministry of Industrial Reconstruction.
economic questions
M. Alphand, Consul of the Second Class, Chief of Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Bignon, Deputy;
M. Charmeil, Director in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry;
M. Drouets, Director of the Office of Industrial Property;
M. Fighiera, Director in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry;
M. Guillet, Director in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry;
M. Hauser, Professor of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Dijon, Chief of Mission of the Ministry of Commerce;
M. Laurent-Vibert, Chief of Mission of the Commission on Maritime Transport and the Merchant Marine;
M. de Navailles, Chief of Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Petit, President of the Commercial Tribunal of the Seine;
M. Serruys, Director in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry;
M. Albert Tissier, Counselor to the Court of Cassation.
communications questions
M. Charguéraud, Counselor of State, Vice Chairman of the Superior Council of Public Works;
M. Colson, Counselor of State;
M. Charles Loiseau, Chief of the French Mission in Italy;
Lt. Colonel Rey, Secretary General of the European Commission of the Danube;
M. Rousseau, Counselor of State.
M. Tirman, Counselor of State.
ethnographic questions
M. Emmanuel de Martonne, Professor of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Paris;
M. Krajewski, Consul of the First Class;
M. L. Aubert, Director of the Service of Research and Information in the Commission on Franco-American Affairs of War;
M. Haumant, Professor of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Paris.
[Page 20]IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. P. Dutasta, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic at Berne, Secretary General of the Conference.
A. French Secretariat of the Conference
M. Paul Gauthier, Minister Plenipotentiary;
M. de Béarn, Secretary of Embassy of the Second Class.
B. Secretariat of the Delegation
M. de Montille, Secretary of Embassy of the First Class;
Baron Pieyre, Secretary of Embassy of the Second Class;
Captain de Saint-Quentin, Secretary of Embassy of the Second Class;
M. Tetreau, Consul of the Second Class;
Lieutenant de Percin, Secretary of Embassy of the Second Class;
Captain Carteron, Vice Consul of the First Class;
M. Lavondès, Vice Consul of the First Class;
Captain Escoffier, Professor in the École libre des Sciences politiques;
Viscount Emmery, Attaché;
Lieutenant Duboin;
M. de Curzon, Attaché;
Captain Portier, Secretary of the French Section of the Supreme War Council.
Hotel Édouard VII
(Tel. Gut: 14–26)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (5 Places)
M. V. E. Orlando, President of the Council of Ministers;
Baron S. Sonnino, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
Marquis G. F. Salvago Raggi, Senator, former Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Italy at Paris;
M. A. Salandra, Deputy, former President of the Council of Ministers;
M. S. Barzilai, Deputy, former Minister.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
political and diplomatic questions
Count V. Macchi di Cellere, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Italy at Washington;
[Page 21]M. G. de Martino, Minister Plenipotentiary, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. A. Ricci-Busatti, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chief of the Claims Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. G. C. Montagna, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Italy at Christiania;
Marquis P. della Torretta, Minister Plenipotentiary.
legal questions
M. A. Scialoja, Senator, former Minister;
M. M. d’Amelio, Counselor to the Court of Cassation;
M. A. Ricci-Busatti, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chief of the Claims Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
military questions
General A. Diaz, Chief of the General Staff of the Army;
General U. Cavallero, Italian Military Representative on the Supreme War Council.
aviation questions
M. E. Chiesa, Deputy;
General M. Moris;
M. M. d’Amelio, Counselor to the Court of Cassation;
Rear Admiral P. Orsini;
M. G. C. Buzzati, Professor of International Law at the University of Pavia.
naval questions
Admiral P. Thaon di Revel, Chief of the Naval General Staff;
Rear Admiral M. Grassi;
Captain U. Conz.
economic and financial questions
M. Stringher, Minister of the Treasury (Economic and Financial Questions);
M. Ciuffelli, Minister of Industry and Commerce (Economic and Financial Questions);
M. S. Crespi, Minister of Supply (Economic and Financial Questions);
Baron E. Mayor des Planches, Senator, Honorary Ambassador, Commissioner General of Emigration (Labor and Emigration);
M. L. della Torre, Senator (Financial Questions);
M. G. Paratore, Deputy, Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry;
[Page 22]M. A. Cabrini, Deputy (Labor and Emigration);
M. E. Chiesa, Deputy (Reparations);
M. M. d’Amelio, Counselor to the Court of Cassation (Reparations and Responsibilities);
M. L’Ingénieur Dante Ferraris, Industrialist (Economic and Financial Questions).
colonial questions
M. G. Agnesa, Minister Plenipotentiary, Director General of Political Affairs in the Ministry for the Colonies (possibly coming to Paris).
III. Technical Experts
political and diplomatic questions
M. Gustavo Tosti, Consul General;
M. A. Stranieri, Consul General;
Marquis C. Durazzo, Counselor of Legation;
M. G. Brambilla, Counselor of Legation;
Count Vannutelli-Rey, Counselor of Legation;
M. Marchetti Ferrante, Counselor of Legation;
M. C. Galli, Consul;
M. V. Bianchi, Consul;
M. R. Piacentini, Consul;
Marquis G. Paterno, Secretary of Legation;
Colonel Castoldi.
legal questions
M. J. Cammeo, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Bologna;
M. M. Pilotti, Judge;
M. F. Salata, Prefect;
M. Gustavo Tosti, Consul General.
military questions
General Levi;
General Romei Longhena;
Colonel of the General Staff A. Pariani;
Lieut. Colonel of the General Staff G. Pellicelli;
Lieut. Colonel Tissi;
Commandant M. Pergolani;
Commandant G. Mazzolini;
Commandant G. Rugiu;
Captain E. Romagnoli.
[Page 23]aviation questions
M. E. Delmati, Director General in the Ministry of Posts and Telegraph;
Colonel A. de Siebert;
Lieut. Colonel G. Costanzi;
Lieut. Colonel P. R. Piccio;
Lieut. Colonel C. Berliri-Zoppi;
Captain G. Finzi.
naval questions
Lieut. Colonel G. Laghezza;
Naval Engineer L. Fea.
labor questions
M. M. Abbiate, former Deputy;
M. G. Canepa, Deputy;
M. G. Longinotti, Deputy;
M. S. Coletti, Inspector of Emigration.
economic and financial questions
M. B. Attolico, Director General in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Labor (Economic and Financial Questions);
M. Brofferio, Counselor of State, Italian Treasury Commissioner in France (Financial);
M. G. B. Ceccato, Commercial Attaché at Washington (Economic Questions);
M. P. Conte, Inspector in the Ministry of the Treasury (Financial Questions);
M. C. Dragoni, Secretary General of the International Institute of Agriculture (Economic Questions);
M. A. Dell’Abbadessa, Director General in the Ministry of Finance (Economic and Financial Questions);
M. V. Giuffrida, Counselor of State, Director General in the Ministry of Supply (Economic and Financial Questions);
M. L. Lucciolli, Director General in the Ministry of Finance (Finance);
M. G. Mariani, Commercial Attaché (Economic Questions);
M. A. Pirelli, Industrialist, Head of the Mission of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Economic and Financial Questions);
M. F. Quartieri, Industrialist (Economic and Financial Questions);
M. E. Venezian, Inspector General in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Economic Questions).
[Page 24]communications questions
M. Sinigaglia, Assistant Chief of the Service of the State Railways;
M. Fiori, Chief of the Division of the State Railways;
M. Baldassarre, Chief of Division in the Ministry of Public Works;
Commandant Centa, Director General of the Merchant Marine;
M. Ingianni, Port Captain;
M. Moscheni, Director of Warehouses, Trieste.
colonial questions
M. R. Piacentini, Consul;
M. V. Catastini, Colonial Director in the Ministry for the Colonies;
M. de Nobili Massuero, Secretary in the Ministry for the Colonies.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
Count L. Aldrovandi, Minister Plenipotentiary.
A. Italian Secretariat of the Conference
Marquis C. Durazzo, Counselor of Legation;
M. G. Brambilla, Counselor of Legation;
M. T. Bertelé, Secretary of Legation;
Major A. Jones;
Lieutenant A. Zanchi.
B. Offices of the Ministers and Plenipotentiary Delegates
Office of the President of the Council of Ministers:
M. Battioni, Inspector General, Secretary to the President of the Council of Ministers;
Prince G. di Scordia, Secretary of Legation;
M. A. Protani, Secretary;
M. U. Lucchini, Secretary;
Sub-Lieutenant F. Flores.
Assistants to the President of the Council:
M. F. Salata, Prefect;
Professor G. Gallavresi.
Press Commissioner:
Prince G. Lanza di Scalea.
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Chief of the Office:
Count L. Aldrovandi, Minister Plenipotentiary.
[Page 25]Secretaries:
Count D. Rogeri, Secretary of Legation;
M. A. Trombetti, Secretary of Legation;
M. T. Bertelé, Secretary of Legation;
Count L. O. Vinci, Secretary of Legation;
Press Commissioner:
M. P. Aloisi, Counselor of Legation.
C. Secretariat of the Delegation
Secretaries for Political Questions:
Count D. Rogeri, Secretary of Legation;
M. T. Bertelé, Secretary of Legation;
Count L. O. Vinci, Secretary of Legation.
Secretary for Legal Questions:
M. F. Foberti, Chief of Section in the Ministry of the Interior.
Secretaries for Aviation Questions:
Commandant A. Guidoni;
Lieutenant U. Sauda.
Secretary for Military Questions:
Captain V. Fracchia.
Secretary for Naval Questions:
Lieutenant A. Giuganino.
Secretaries for Economic and Financial Questions:
M. F. Giannini (Economic Questions);
M. L. Ceccato (Economic Questions);
M. V. Tasco (Economic Questions);
Captain Guido Jung (Financial Questions).
Secretary for Transport Questions:
M. M. Mosca, Engineer in the Ministry of Transport.
Secretary for Labor and Emigration Questions:
M. di Palma Castiglione, Inspector of Emigration.
Hotel Bristol
(Tel. Central: 41–77)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (5 Places)
Marquis Saionji, former President of the Council of Ministers;
Baron Makino, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of Diplomatic Council;
[Page 26]Viscount Chinda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan at London;
M. K. Matsui, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan at Paris;
M. H. Ijuin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan at Rome.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
political and legal questions
M. Akidzuki, former Ambassador;
M. Adatci, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan at Brussels;
M. Otchiai, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan at The Hague;
M. Sakutaro Tachi, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo;
M. H. Nagaoka, Counselor of Embassy;
M. Kato, Member of the House of Peers.
military questions
Lieut. General Nara, of the General Staff of the Army;
Brigadier General Tanaka, Military Attaché at the Japanese Embassy at London;
Colonel Sato, Military Attaché at the Japanese Legation at Berne.
aviation questions
M. Tanakadate, Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Science of the University of Tokyo;
Captain Osumi, of the Naval General Staff.
naval questions
Vice Admiral Takeshita, Assistant Chief of the Naval General Staff;
M. Yamakawa, Counselor in the Ministry of Marine;
Rear Admiral Iida, Naval Attaché at the Japanese Embassy at London.
economic and financial questions
M. Kengo Mori, Financial Agent of the Japanese Embassies at London and at Paris;
Baron Kondo;
M. Okubo, Member of the House of Peers;
M. Oka, former Director of Commercial and Industrial Affairs in the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce;
[Page 27]M. E. Fukai;
M. M. Fukui;
M. M. Kita;
M. K. Kikuchi;
M. Kurokawa;
M. Tatsumi.
III. Technical Experts
military questions
Colonel Nagai, Military Attaché at the Japanese Embassy at Paris:
Lieut. Colonel Ninomiya, of the General Staff of the Army;
Lieut. Colonel Hata, of the General Staff of the Army;
Captain Fujioka, of the General Staff of the Army;
Captain K. Nishihara, of the General Staff of the Army.
aviation questions
Naval Lieutenant Takata.
naval questions
Captain Matsumura, Naval Attaché at the Japanese Embassy at Paris;
Captain Nomura, of the Naval General Staff;
Captain Yamamoto, of the Naval General Staff;
Captain Funakoshi, of the Naval General Staff;
Captain Anno, of the Naval General Staff.
labor questions
M. B. Suzuki;
M. Yoshizaka, Factory Inspector in the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Otchiai, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan at The Hague.
M. Matsuoka, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Sadao Saburi, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Yoshida, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Kimura, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Kawai, Secretary of Legation;
M. Arita, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
[Page 28]M. Saito, Secretary of Embassy;
M. Shigemitsu, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. K. Horiuchi, Secretary of Embassy;
M. H. Ashida, Secretary of Embassy;
M. Kato, Secretary of Embassy;
M. K. Kuriyama, Secretary of Embassy;
M. Tani, Secretary of Embassy;
M. Sawada, Attaché to Embassy;
M. Harada, Attaché to Embassy;
M. Koshida, Attaché to Embassy;
M. Yokoyama, Attaché to Embassy;
M. Matsumiya, Attaché to Embassy;
M. Mori, Vice Consul;
M. Sato, Vice Consul.
Hotel Lotti
(Tel. Central: 13–00; 71–85; 43–66)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (3 Places)
M. Hymans, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of State;
M. van den Heuvel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Belgians, Minister of State;
M. Vandervelde, Minister of Justice, Minister of State.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
legal questions
M. Rolin-Jaequemyns, Secretary General of the Delegation.
military questions
Lieut. Colonel of the General Staff Galet, Honorary Aide-de-Camp to the King.
aviation questions
Colonel van Crombrugghe, Commander of Belgian Military Aviation.
labor questions
M. Mahaim, Professor at the University of Liege, Secretary of the Belgian Section of the International Association for the Legal Protection of Workers.
[Page 29]economic, commercial and financial questions
M. Jaspar, Minister of Economic Affairs;
M. Brunet, Director General of Commerce and of Consulates in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Lepreux, Vice Governor of the National Bank of Belgium;
M. Despret, Advocate in the Court of Cassation, Administrator of the Bank of Brussels.
communications questions
M. Segers, Minister of State.
colonial questions
M. Orts, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
III. Technical Experts
legal questions
M. van Iseghem, President of the Court of Cassation;
M. Remy, Counselor to the Court of Cassation;
M. Dejace, Professor at the University of Liege;
Baron Descamps, Senator, Professor at the University of Louvain;
M. Errera, Professor at the University of Brussels;
M. Lafontaine, Senator;
M. Nys, Professor at the University of Brussels, Counselor to the Court of Appeals;
M. Prins, Professor at the University of Brussels;
M. Albéric Rolin, Professor Emeritus at the University of Ghent, Director of the Library of the Palace of Peace at The Hague;
M. Varlez, Professor at the University of Ghent.
military questions
Captain Commandant G. van Egroo, of the General Staff;
Captain Commandant Derousseaux, of the General Staff.
labor questions
M. de Brouckère, Counselor to the Ministry of Economic Affairs;
M. C. van Overberghe, Honorary Secretary General of the Department of Sciences and Arts;
R. P. Rutten, President of the Confédération des Syndicats Chrétiens;
M. Mertens, Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Labor Party and of the Independent Syndicates;
M. Lombard, Vice Deputy, Secretary General of the Miners Federation;
[Page 30]M. Hénin, Counselor to the Ministry of Economic Affairs;
M. van der Stegen, Industrialist, Ghent;
M. Fraipont, Director General of the Cristalleries du Val Saint-Lambert.
financial questions
M. E. Carton de Wiart, Director of the Société générale de Belgique;
M. Hautain, Director of the National Bank of Belgium;
M. Rombouts, Director General in the Ministry of Finance.
economic and industrial questions
M. Trasenster, Administrator of the Société d’Ougrée-Marihaye;
M. Canon-Legrand, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Mons;
M. Galopin, Deputy Administrator of the National Arms Factory of Herstal;
M. Jean de Hemptinne, Industrialist, Ghent;
M. Begault, Actuary;
M. Thomas Braun, Advocate at the Court of Appeals in Brussels;
M. Capitaine, Advocate in the Court of Appeals in Liège.
agricultural questions
M. E. Tibbaut, Vice President of the Chamber of Representatives, President of the Conseil Supérieur de l’Agriculture and of the Agricultural Section of the Comité National;
M. G. Dumont de Chassart, Member of the Conseil Supérieur de l’Agriculture;
M. Boël;
M. Crahay, Director General of Waters and Forests;
M. Frateur, Professor of Biology at the University of Louvain.
communications questions
M. van Gansberghe, Director General of Bridges and Highways;
M. Coppieters, Senator, Technical Adviser on Public Works;
M. van Mierlo, Honorary Engineer of Bridges and Highways, former Engineer of the State Marine;
M. Pierrard, Director General of the Marine;
M. Hostie, Legal Adviser in the Administration of the Marine;
M. Rotsaert, Lieutenant of Engineers.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Rolin-Jaequemyns.
[Page 31]Secretaries:
Count de Romrée de Vichenet, Secretary of Legation;
Viscount Jacques Davignon, Secretary of Legation, Attaché in the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Count Guillaume de Hemricourt de Grunne, Secretary of Legation;
Baron Capelle, Chief of Bureau in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Baron Jules Guillaume, Attaché of Legation, Sub-Lieutenant of Artillery;
Lieutenant of Artillery Henri Rolin, Attaché in the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Chief of the Chancery of the Secretariat General:
M. van Eycken, Chief of Bureau, Chief of the Chancery of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Commander of Military Personnel Attached to the Delegation:
Captain Commandant Nypels.
Assistants to the Delegation:
M. Charles Terlinden, Professor at the University of Louvain;
M. de Visscher, Professor at the University of Ghent;
M. Maurice Bourquin, Professor at the University of Brussels;
M. van den Ven, Professor at the University of Louvain, Special Delegate of the Ministry of Finance;
M. de l’Escaille, Counselor of Legation;
M. Louwers, Secretary of the Colonial Council;
Commandant Maury, Chief of the Cartographic Service of the Ministry for the Colonies;
M. Ganshof, Licencié ès lettres, with rank of subaltern.
Avenue de Malakoff, 104
(Tel. Passy: 74–63)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegate (1 Place)
M. Ismael Montes, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Bolivia at Paris.
IV. Secretariat General
M. I. Montes h., Secretary of Legation.
[Page 32]BRAZIL
Hotel Plaza Athéneé
(Tel. Passy: 62–37)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (3 Places)
M. Epitacio Pessõa, former Minister of State, former Member of the Supreme Court of Justice, Federal Senator;
M. Olyntho de Magalhaes, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of Brazil at Paris, former Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. Pandiá Calogeras, Deputy, former Minister of Finance;
M. Raoul Fernandes, Deputy.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
legal questions
M. Rodrigo Octavio, Professor of International Law of the Faculty of Rio de Janeiro, Legal Counselor of the Republic.
military questions
Commandant Malan d’Angrogne, Military Attaché at the Legation of Brazil at Paris.
naval questions
Captain Armando Burlamaqui.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Helio Lobo, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic.
First Secretaries:
M. J. J. Moniz de Aragão, Counselor of Embassy at Rome;
M. F. Pessõa de Queiroz, Consul General of Brazil in Roumania, of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. P. Leão Velloso Netto, Counselor of the Legation of Brazil at Paris.
Second Secretaries:
M. F. de Souza Dantas, Secretary of the First Class of the Legation of Brazil at The Hague;
M. Carlos C. de Ouro Preto, Secretary of the Second Class of the Legation of Brazil at London;
M. Mauricio Nabuco, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. L. de Andrade Muller, Secretary of the Second Class of the Legation of Brazil at Havana.
[Page 33]Attachés:
M. Gustavo Barroso, former Deputy;
M. Luiz Silveira, of the Ministry of Agriculture;
M. A.-A. Carneiro da Cunha, Advocate;
M. F. Mendes de Almeida, Jr., Advocate;
M. Eugenio G. Catta-Preta, Advocate;
M. P. de Castro Maya, Engineer;
M. Paulo Bittencourt, Advocate;
M. Raphael de Hollanda, Engineer;
M. O. de Carvalho Azevedo.
Hotel Lutetia
(Tel. Fleurus: 16–61)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
M. Lou Tseng-tsiang, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. Cheng-ting Thomas Wang, former Minister of Agriculture and Commerce;
M. Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of China at Washington;
M. Sao-Ke Alfred Sze, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of China at London;
M. Suntchou Wei, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of China at Brussels.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
political and diplomatic questions
M. Hawkling L. Yen, Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
legal questions
M. Liu Chung-cheh, Counselor of the Cabinet and Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Tsien Tai, Counselor of the Ministry of Justice.
military questions
Lieut. General Tang Tsai-li;
Major General Han Lin-chun;
Major General Dan Pao-tchao;
Major General Liang Shang-tung;
Colonel Tcheng-hung.
[Page 34]naval questions
Rear Admiral Woo Tsen-nan;
Captain Chen Shau Kwan.
economic and commercial questions
M. Tai-chi Quo, former Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic and former Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Wang Chiii-chun, Director of the Peking-Hankow Railway;
M. Tsang Ou, Engineer Attached to the Ministry of Communications and Director of the Chinese State Railway (Lung-Hai line);
M. Pehan B. Sze, Technical Expert of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce;
M. C. C. Wang, Counselor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce;
M. V. K. Ting, Director of the Geological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce;
M. Fong Tching-kouée.
III. Technical Experts
Sir John Mac Leavy Brown, C. M. G., Counselor of the Legation of China at London;
Dr. S. E. Morrison, Political Counselor of the Presidency of the Republic of China;
M. Henri de Codt, Legal Consultant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. G. Padoux, Counselor of the Court of Accounts;
M. Georges Bouillard, Engineer-Counselor of the Peking-Hankow Railway.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Yo Tsao-yeu, Counselor of the Legation of China at Paris.
M. Tchou Tsong-han, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Chang-hsuan Sun, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Chaohsiung Zee, Assistant Secretary of the Presidency of the Council, Assigned to the Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. Shen Tchong-huin, Secretary of the First Class of the Legation of China at The Hague;
M. Chang Yuen-chi, Secretary of the Second Class of the Legation of China at Paris;
[Page 35]M. Sze-ping, Secretary of the Second Class of the Legation of China at London;
M. Tchao Itao, Consul of China at Padang;
M. Wen Pin Wei, Secretary of the Third Class of the Legation of China at Washington;
M. Taï Mingfou, Secretary of the Third Class of the Legation of China at Paris;
M. Tchen Hio-lan, Secretary of the Third Class of the Legation of China at Paris;
M. Tehéou-wei, Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Shu-tze, Secretary of the Third Class of the Legation of China at Berne.
M. L. V. Pan, Attaché of the Legation of China at London;
M. Yang Ngan-chan, Secretary of the Third Class of the Legation of China at Washington;
M. Li Tchuin, Vice Consul of China at Paris;
M. Pih Min-yu, Attaché of the Legation of China at London;
M. Hianghieng Li, former Secretary of the First Class of the Legation of China at Rome;
M. King Pouzong, former Secretary of the Third Class of the Legation of China at Paris;
Commandant Tcheng Tse-li;
Commandant Tao Shou-mou.
Assistant Secretaries:
M. Hoo Chi-tsai, Doctor of Law;
M. Tsiao-ling C.-L. Soong;
M. Wunsz King;
M. Yun-kuan Kuo;
M. Chao Chuan;
M. Linson Edward Dzau;
M. Hsu Gnietseng;
M. Tcheng Kyd;
M. William Hsieh;
Captain Ou-tsing;
Captain Wang Jou-kiou;
Captain Wang Ken;
Lieutenant Chu Tsu-sien;
M. Chu Nei-chu.
[Page 36]CUBA
Avenue Mareeau, 51
(Tel. Passy: 18–42)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegate (1 Place)
M. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Havana, President of the Cuban Society of International Law.
III. Technical Experts
legal questions
M. Rafael M. Angulo, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Public Education and Fine Arts.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Guillermo de Blanck, Minister Plenipotentiary.
Assistant Secretaries:
M. Miguel Angel Campa, Secretary of Legation of the First Class;
M. Manuel Tejedor, Secretary of Legation of the First Class.
M. Pedro Martinez Fraga;
M. Luis Machado;
M. Gustavo S. de Bustamante.
Rue de la Bienfaisance, 9
I. Delegate Plenipotentiary (1 Place)
M. Dorn y de Alsua, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Ecuador at Paris;
Dr. Carlos B. Tobar, former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. G. Zaldumbide, Secretary of Legation of the First Class.
[Page 37]GREECE
Hotel Mercédès
(Tel. Passy: 72–67; 72–84)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
M. Eleftherios Veniselos, President of the Council of Ministers;
M. Nicolas Politis, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. A. Romanos, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes at Paris.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
M. A. Michalakopoulos, Minister of State;
M. L. Coromilas, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes at Rome.
III. Technical Experts
political and diplomatic questions
M. C. Rentis, Chief of Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. R. Raphaël, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. S. Marchetti, Secretary of Legation;
M. A. Negropontis, Attaché of Legation.
legal questions
M. M. Kebedgy, former Counselor to the Mixed Court of Appeals of Egypt;
M. Th. Jon, former Professor of International Law at Boston University.
military questions
Colonel A. Mazarakis.
naval questions
Captain N. Botassis, Naval Attaché in the Legation of Greece at Paris.
labor questions
M. I. Sophianopoulos, Secretary General of the Ministry of National Economy.
financial questions
M. Andreades, Professor at the University of Athens;
M. A. Mylonas, Secretary General in the Ministry of Agriculture.
[Page 38]commercial and economic questions
M. N. Speranza, Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. K. Varvaressos, Director in the Ministry of National Economy.
industrial questions and public works
M. A. Politis, Director of the Hellenic Railways;
M. M. Caramanos, Commercial Counselor of the Hellenic Government.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretaries General:
M. N. Speranza, Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. C. Rentis, Chief of Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
A. Greek Secretariat of the Conference
M. R. Raphaël, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. S. Marchetti, Secretary of Legation;
M. K. Veniselos, Secretary of Legation.
M. C. Papadiamantopoulos, Attaché in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. A. Negropontis, Attaché of Legation.
B. Offices of the Ministers and Plenipotentiary Delegates
Office of the President of the Council of Ministers, Minister of War Chief of the Office:
M. Jean Politis, Secretary of Legation.
Office of Ordinance:
Captain S. Veniselos.
M. A. Lianopoulos, Vice Consul.
Office of the Ministry of Foreign
Chief of the Office:
M. Georges Melas, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Lieutenant Ath. Politis, Attaché in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Avenue Kléber, 44
(Tel. Passy: 54–35)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegate (1 Place)
M. Joaquín Mendéz, former Minister of State for Public Works and Public Education, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Guatemala at Washington, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on Special Mission at Paris.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Guillermo Matos Pacheco, Chargé d’Affaires of Guatemala at Paris.
Assistant Secretary:
Dr. Rodolfo Robles.
Military Attaché:
Captain Miguel Idigoras, of the Military Academy of Guatemala, Personal Attaché of the President of Republic of Guatemala.
Boulevard de Courcelles, 104
(Tel. Wagram: 55–80)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegate (1 Place)
M. Tertullien Guilbaud, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Haiti at Paris.
IV. Secretariat General
M. Clément Dartiguenave, Secretary of the Legation of Haiti at Paris;
Dr. Auguste Casseus, former Counselor of Legation.
[Page 40]HEDJAZ
Avenue du Bois-de-Boulogne, 72
(Tel. Passy: 56–04)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
His Royal Highness Emir Feisal;
M. Rustem Haidar.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
General Noury;
Dr. Ahmed Kadry;
Farès Khoury;
Emine Arslan;
Captain Tahsine Kadry.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
Aouni Abdul-Hadi.
Hotel du Bon LaFontaine, Rue des Saints-Peres, 64 and
(Tel. Saxe: 18–80)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegate (1 Place)
Dr. Policarpo Bonilla, on Special Mission at Washington, former President of the Republic of Honduras; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.
Hotel Scribe
(Tel. Central: 39–46)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (1 Place)
Hon. C. D. B. King, Secretary of State;
M. C. B. Dunbar;
M. H. F. Worley.
[Page 41]IV. Secretariat General
M. H. A. Miller.
Boulevard de Magenta, 28
I. Plenipotentiary Delegate (1 Place)
M. Salvador Chamorro, President of the Chamber of Deputies.
IV. Secretariat General
First Secretary:
M. Guerrero-Montalvan, Advocate.
Second Secretary:
M. C. Chamorro-Bénard, Consul General of Nicaragua at Paris.
M. Pedro Cabrera;
M. Luis Jiménez.
Quai de Passy, 16
(Tel. Passy: 82–47)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegate (1 Place)
M. Antonio Burgos, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Panama at Madrid.
III. Delegates and Technical Advisers
M. Walter S. Penfield, Legal Counselor of the Legation of Panama at Washington;
Lieut. Colonel Arthur Dryhurst Budd, of the American Army.
IV. Secretariat General
Rue Cardinet, 70
(Tel. Wagram: 04–15)
M. Ernest Heurtematte, Consul of Panama at Paris, Attaché in the Legation.
Assistant Attaché:
M. Raul A. Amador, Chargé d’Affaires of Panama at Paris.
[Page 42]PERU
Rue Chateaubriand, 14
(Tel. Élysées: 49–93)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (1 Place)
M. Carlos G. Candamo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Peru at Paris;
M. Francisco Garcia Calderon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Peru at Brussels;
M. V. M. Maurtua, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Peru at The Hague, former Minister of Finance, former Deputy.
IV. Secretariat General
M. Juan B. de Lavalle;
M. Enrique Goytisolo.
Hotel des Champs-Élysées, 3, 5, Rue Balzac
Élysées: 06–87; 19–86; 19–87; and 19–88)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
M. Roman Dmowski, President of the Polish National Committee;
M. Ignace Paderewski, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
M. Casimir Dluski, Member of the Polish National Committee.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
legal questions
M. Stanislas Kutrzeba, Professor of History of Law at the University of Cracow and Member of the Polish Academy at Warsaw and of the Czech Academy at Prague.
questions relating to responsibility for the war
M. Constantin Skirmunt, Member of the Polish National Committee, Delegate to the Italian Government;
M. Léon Lubienski, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Casimir Rybinski, Delegate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
[Page 43]labor questions
M. Stanislas Patek, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Jean Zoltowski, Member of the Polish National Committee.
financial questions
M. Sigismond Chamiec, Secretary General of the Polish Economic Delegation, Director of the National Bank of Loans (Bank of Poland).
economic questions
Dr. Arthur Benis, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Cracow.
questions relating to reparation of damage questions
M. Sigismond Chamiec, Director of National Bank of Loans;
M. Ladislas Grabski, President of the Office of the Liquidation of War;
M. Casimir Olszowski, Director of the Department of Damages in the Ministry of Finances of Poland;
M. Roman Rybarski, Professor at the University of Cracow.
economic and commercial questions
M. André Wierzbicki, President of the Polish Economic Delegation, former Minister of Industry and Commerce, Director of the Society of Industrialists of Poland.
communication questions
M. Casimir Kasperski, Economist, Professor at the School of Higher Studies of Commerce of Warsaw.
III. Technical Experts
political and diplomatic questions
M. Joachim Bartoszewicz, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Casimir Downarowicz, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Erasme Piltz, Member of the Polish National Committee, Delegate to the French Government;
M. Nicolas Rey, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Marjan Seyda, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Ladislas Sobanski, Member of the Polish National Committee, Delegate to the British Government;
M. Gustave Szura, Delegate of the National Council from the Duchy of Teschen;
M. Vladimir Tetmajer, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Stanislas Thugutt, Member of the Polish National Committee, former Minister of the Interior;
[Page 44]M. Joseph Wielowieyski, Member of the Polish National Committee, Secretary General of the Committee;
M. Maurice Zamoyski, Member of the Polish National Committee.
historical and legal questions
M. François Pulaski, President of the Polish Commission of Preparatory Work for the Peace Conference, former President of the Council of State, Secretary General of the Society of Sciences of Warsaw;
M. Oscar Halecki, Professor of the History of Eastern Europe at the University of Warsaw;
M. Ladislas Konopczynski, Professor of the History of Poland at the University of Cracow, Member of the Society of Sciences of Warsaw;
M. Léon Valerian Nalecz d’Ostrorog, former Legal Counselor of the Ottoman Empire, former First Legal Counselor and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Sublime Porte;
M. Czeslas Prusrynski, Counselor of Legation;
M. Venceslas Sobieski, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Cracow, Member of the Society of Sciences of Warsaw;
M. Bohdan Winiarski, Lecturer of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the School of Political Science of Cracow.
naval questions
Colonel George Zwierkowski.
labor questions
M. François Sokal, Engineer, of the Ministry of Labor.
economic, industrial, agricultural, financial and commercial questions
M. Venceslas Babinski, Economist;
M. François Bujak, Economist, Professor at the University of Cracow, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Cracow;
M. Joseph Buzek, Economist, Professor at the University of Cracow, Director of the Central Statistical Office of Warsaw;
M. Sigismond Chrzanowski, Vice President of the Central Agricultural Society of Poland;
M. Antoine Doerman, Economist, Under Secretary of State for Commerce and Industry of Galicia;
M. Boguslaw Herse, President of the Society of Polish Merchants;
M. Stanislas Karlowski, Director of the Bank of Commerce at Warsaw;
[Page 45]M. Stefan Laurysiewicz, Vice President of the Society of Polish Merchants;
M. André Lubomirski, President of the Society of Industrialists of Galicia;
M. Étienne Markowski, former Director of the Russian Asiatic Bank at London and New York;
M. Edouard Natanson, Industrialist, Member of the Council of the Society of Industrialists of Poland;
M. Maurice Poznanski, Industrialist, Member of the Council of the Society of Industrialists of Poland;
M. Edouard Rose, of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce;
M. Alexandre Szczepanski, Economist, Director of the Economic Section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Warsaw;
M. Henri Tennenbaum, Economist, Professor at the School of Higher Studies of Commerce of Warsaw;
M. Gustave Wertheim, Economist, Professor at the School of Higher Studies of Commerce of Warsaw.
reparation of damage questions
M. Venceslas Kawinski, Director of the Central Industrial Commission of the Evaluation of Damages.
geographical and ethnographical questions
M. Jean Czekanowski, Professor at the University of Lwow;
M. Casimir Nitsch, Professor at the University of Lwow, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Cracow;
M. Eugène Romer, Professor at the University of Lwow, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Cracow;
M. Jean Rozwadowski, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Antoine Sujkowski, Professor of Geography at the University of Warsaw.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Stanislas Kozicki, Member of the Polish National Committee.
Assistant Secretaries:
M. Michel Sokolnicki, Member of the Polish National Committee;
M. Sigismond Chamiec, Secretary General of the Economic Delegation.
Chief of the Office of the Secretariat General:
M. Georges Tomaszewski, former Secretary of Legation.
Chief of the Press Service:
M. Louis Wlodek.
Hotel Campbell
(Tel. Élysées: 08–69, 08–70)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
Dr. Affonso Costa, former President of the Council of Ministers;
M. Augusto Soares, former Minister of Foreign Affairs;
Colonel Norton de Mattos, former Minister of War;
M. Alfredo Freire d’Andrade, Professor on the Faculty of Sciences, former Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. Jayme Batalha Reis, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Portugal at Petrograd.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
political and diplomatic questions
M. João Chagas, Minister Plenipotentiary, former President of the Council of Ministers;
M. Manuel Teixeira-Gomes, Minister Plenipotentiary;
M. Augusto de Vasconcellos, Minister Plenipotentiary, former President of the Council and former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
legal questions
M. Augusto Soares, former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
league of nations
M. Jayme Batalha Reis, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Portugal at Petrograd.
financial and communication questions
M. A. Santos Viegas, former Minister of Finances, Subdirector of the Portugal Railways Company.
military and aviation questions
Colonel Norton de Mattos, former Minister of War.
naval questions
Captain A. Botelho de Sousa, Professor at the Naval School, former Senator.
economic and labor questions
Dr. Albino Vieira da Rocha, Professor of Economics at the University of Lisbon.
[Page 47]colonial questions
M. Alfredo Freire d’Andrade, Professor on the Faculty of Sciences, former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Augusto de Vasconcellos, Minister Plenipotentiary, former President of the Council and former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Assistant Secretary General:
M. A. de S. Santos Bandeira, Minister Plenipotentiary.
M. João A. de Bianchi, First Secretary of the Delegation, Secretary of the Legation of Portugal at London;
M. José de Abreu, Chief of the Office of the President of the Delegation;
Captain T. W. Fernandes, Assistant Military Attaché in the Legation of Portugal at London;
Lieutenant Sebastião de Barros Abreu e Costa, Private Secretary of the President of the Delegation;
Second Lieutenant Alfredo da Cruz Nordeste, Assistant in the Secretariat;
Second Lieutenant Luiz Leote do Rego, Assistant in the Secretariat.
Avenue des Champs-Éilysées, 77
(Tel. Passy: 53–16)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
M. Jean J. C. Bratiano, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
General Constantin Coanda, General of the Army Corps, Royal Aide-de-Camp, former President of the Council of Ministers;
Dr. Vaida-Voevod, Minister of State;
M. Nicolas Misu, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Roumania at London;
M. Victor Antonesco, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Roumania at Paris, former Minister of Finance;
M. Constantin Diamandy, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Roumania at Petrograd;
[Page 48]M. Georges Danielopol, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Roumania at Washington.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
M. P. Zahariade, Engineer Inspector General, former Subdirector of the State Railways;
M. S. Rosental, Legal Consultant.
III. Technical Experts
legal questions
M. Ef. Antonesco, Counselor of the Court of Appeal of Bucharest, Secretary General of the Roumanian Delegation;
M. C. Antoniade, Counselor of the Court of Appeal of Bucharest;
M. M. Djuvara, Doctor of Law.
military questions
Staff-Colonel Thomas Dimitresco.
economic and financial questions
M. G. Caracostea, Engineer Inspector General, Director of the Commercial Service on the Railways;
Dr. Creanga, Professor at the University, former Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce;
M. C. Crishan (Banat);
M. N. Flondor, Secretary General of the Ministry for Bukovina;
M. D. Gheorghio, Director General of Customs;
M. D. Marinesco, Engineer Inspector General of Post and Telegraph;
M. Jean Mocsoni (Banat);
Dr. Moroiano, Commercial Attaché (Transylvania);
Dr. Mrazec, Professor at the University of Bucharest, Member of the Roumanian Academy;
M. Eugène Neguicea, Professor of the University, former Director General of Customs;
M. Michel Serban, Lecturer at the University, Agricultural Inspector (Transylvania);
M. Georges Popesco, Engineer Inspector General, Director of River Hydraulic Service;
M. Nicolas Stefanesco, Engineer Inspector General, former Director of River Navigation of the Roumanian State;
M. Jean Tanasesco, Engineer, Subdirector of Biological Institute of Bucharest;
M. Jean Pellivan, Director of Justice in Bessarabia.
[Page 49]ethnographical and geographical questions
M. Caïus Brediceano, Special Counselor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Banat);
Professor Doctor Coltor (Transylvania);
M. Lepadato, Member of the Roumanian Academy (Transylvania);
M. Arhip Roshca (Bukovina);
M. Basile Vitenco (Bukovina);
M. Trajan Vuia (Banat).
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Constantin Bratiano, former Director of the Political Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Assistants to the President of the Delegation:
M. Aurel Vassilio, Secretary of the First Class of the Legation of Roumania at Paris;
M. J.-J. Plessia, Chief of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Hotel Beau-Site, Rue de Presbourg, 4
(Tel. Passy:
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (3 Places)
M. N. P. Pachitch, former President of the Council of Ministers;
M. Ante Trumbić, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
M. Milenko R. Vesnitch, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Serbia at Paris;
M. M. Ivan Zolger, Professor of the University;
M. Mathias Boshkovitch, Minister Plenipotentiary in retirement;
M. Otokar Rybar, Deputy;
M. Josip Smodlaka, Deputy.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
M. Andreya Radovitch, former President of the Council of Ministers;
M. Costa Stoyanovitch, former Minister;
M. Miloche Savtchitch, former Minister;
M. Velizar Yankovitch, former Minister;
M. Andra Stanitch, former Minister.
[Page 50]legal questions
M. Slobodan Yovanovitch, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Rodolphe A. Reiss, Professor of the University;
M. Dragoljoub Arandjelovitch, former Minister, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Koumanoudi, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. M. A. Novakovitch, Lecturer at the University of Belgrade;
M. Léonide Pitamić, Professor of the University;
M. Iovan Voutchkovitch, Consul General.
military questions
General Pierre Péchitch, Deputy Chief of the Supreme General Staff;
Colonel of the General Staff D. Calafatovitch.
economic, financial, and communication questions
M. Dragolyoub Yoksimovitch, Deputy;
M. B. Voukovitch, Secretary General to the Board of Directors of the State Railways.
merchant marine questions
M. Melko Cingrija, Deputy;
M. Bozo Banac, Shipowner;
M. Bogdan Durbesić, Shipowner;
M. Filip Wolf Vuković, former Secretary of the Association of Shipowners at Trieste.
ethnographical and historical questions
M. Iovan Cvijić, former Rector of the University of Belgrade;
M. Andreja Radovitch, former President of the Council of Ministers;
Count L. de Vojnovitch, former Minister;
M. Tih. Djordjévitch, Lecturer at the University of Belgrade;
M. Alexandre Bélitch, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Boza Marković, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Iovan Radonitch, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Stanoyé Stanoyevitch, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Niko Zupanić, Vice Director of the Ethnographical Museum of Belgrade.
III. Technical Experts
military questions
Captain V. Sustersié;
Commandant Mirko Marinkovitch;
Commandant K. Stoyanovitch;
[Page 51]Lieutenant V. Boudissavlievitch;
Lieutenant Mil. Andritch, Secretary of the Mission;
Lieutenant S. Tobolar.
economic and financial questions
M. Velimir Baïkitch, Director of the State School of Commerce;
M. Franc Barac, Professor at the University of Zagreb;
M. Albert Bonetić;
M. Milko Brezigar, Economist;
M. Dragoutine Doutchitch, Chief of Section in the Administration of State Monopolies;
M. V. Jelavić, Secretary in the Chamber of Commerce of Sarajevo;
M. Ivan Ierman, Economist;
M. Vekoslav Kisovec, Advocate;
M. Svetomir Korporić, Advocate;
M. Milko Kramer, Industrialist;
M. losip Lakatos, Publicist;
M. Bogdan Markovitch, Director of Land Credit;
M. Ivo Politeo, Publicist;
M. Dragoutine Protitch, Advocate;
M. Nicolas Stanarevitch, Bank Director;
M. Nicolas Stoyanovitch, Deputy;
M. Milan Todorovitch, Inspector in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry;
M. Costa Yovanovitch, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade.
communication questions
M. Ranislav Avramovitch, Engineer in Chief of the State Railways;
M. Dragoutine Dimitrievitch, Chief of Section in the Ministry of Post and Telegraphs;
M. R. Lenac, Governor of the City and District of Rieka (Fiume);
M. Bora Paiévitch, Engineer of the State Railways;
M. Milan Pouitch, Inspector of the State Railways;
M. Milan Senoa, Professor at the University of Zagreb.
ethnographical and historical questions
M. Ivan Maria Cok, Advocate;
M. Franjo Kovacić, Professor;
M. J. Mackovsek, Engineer;
M. Stévan Mihaldjitch, Archpriest;
M. Ianko Pretnar, Professor;
M. Iosip Ribarić, Professor;
M. Rudolf Signjar, Director of the Statistical Bureau of Zagreb;
[Page 52]M. M. Slavić, Professor;
M. Milan Senoa, Professor at the University of Zagreb;
M. Ferdo de Sisić, Professor at the University of Zagreb;
M. Thomas Sorli, Notary;
M. André Tresic-Pavicic, Deputy;
Mgr. Hiralion Zeremsky, Bishop;
M. Nikola Zic, Professor.
Press Section:
M. Pa vie Popovitch, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Franjo Cvetisa, Publicist;
M. Milan Grol, Director of the National Theater of Belgrade;
M. Grégoire Jakchitch, Consul;
M. Lazar Markovitch, Professor at the University of Belgrade;
M. Ivan Shvegel, Doctor of Law;
M. Janko Spassoyévitch, former Minister;
M. Vassa Stayitch, Professor;
M. Pavle Stéfanovitch, Professor;
M. Jovan Tanovitch, Publicist;
M. D. Tomitch, Journalist.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretaries General:
M. Bogumil Vosnjak;
M. Jovan T. Markovitch, Minister Plenipotentiary.
M. Stévan Pavlovitch, Chief of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Legation of the First Class;
M. Brana Markovitch, Secretary of Legation of the First Class;
M. Lioubomir Néchitch, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Dragoutine Koyitch, Secretary of Legation;
M. Pavle Karovitch, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Ninko Péritch, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Pierre M. Yovanovitch, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Dragomir Kossidolatz, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Vassilyié Protitch, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Alexandre Tzintzar Markovitch, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Constantin Fotitch, Attaché of Legation;
M. Radomir N. Pachitch, Attaché of Legation.
[Page 53]Attachés:
M. M. Pétroniévitch, former Chief of the Office of His Majesty the King;
M. Jivko Barlovatz, former Honorary Consul General;
M. Frédéric Juvancić, Professor in the Marine Academy;
M. Drago Marusić, Advocate;
M. Bruno-Hugo Stare, Secretary;
M. Marcel Guieysse Subprefect unattached.
8, Rue Greuze
(Tel. Passy: 85–22)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
Prince Charoon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Siam at Paris;
Prince Traidos Prabandhu, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
Phya Bibadh Kosha, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Siam at Rome.
II. Technical Delegates
military questions
Lieut. Colonel Amoradhat, Aide-de-Camp of His Majesty the King of Siam, Military Attaché of the Siamese Legation at Paris.
naval questions
Captain Phra Pradiyat Navayuth, Aide-de-Camp of His Majesty the King of Siam, Member of the Siamese Military Mission at Paris.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. C. Kejara, Judge of the International Court of Bangkok.
Prince Vaidyakara, Secretary of the Legation of Siam at Paris.
Phra Ratanayapti, Attaché of Legation;
Luang Manja Vadi, Attaché in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Luang Mitra Karma, Attaché in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Choo Li, Attaché of Legation.
Hotel Lutetia
(Tel. Fleurus: 16–75)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (2 Places)
M. Charles Kramar, President of the Council of Ministers;
M. Edouard Benes, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
III. Technical Experts
legal questions
M. Jaroslaw Kallab, Professor of International Law in the University of Prague;
M. Jean Kramar, Professor of Civil Law in the University of Prague.
military questions
Lieut. Colonel Bodolphe Kalhous, of the Ministry of National Defense.
labor questions
M. Rudolph Broz, Advocate at Prerov (Moravia);
M. Charles Brozek, Secretary of the Syndicate of Workers of Czechoslovak Mine Fields at Most (Brux);
M. Charles Folber, Secretary of the Syndicate of Tailors at Prague;
M. Joseph Hudec, Deputy in the Parliament of Prague;
M. Rodolphe Laube, Deputy in the Parliament of Prague;
M. Joseph Macek, Counselor in the Ministry of Agriculture at Prague;
M. V. Rambousek, Deputy in Parliament.
economic and financial questions
M. Théodore Houdek, Slovak Deputy in the Parliament of Prague;
M. Jean Kolousek, Professor of Political Economy in the Polytechnic School of Prague;
M. Jaroslaw Preiss, Director in Chief of the Zivnostenka Bank at Prague.
industrial, commercial, colonial, and naval questions
M. J. J. Dienelt, Director of the Export Office of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Prague;
M. Jean Havlasa, Explorer;
M. Igor Hrusovsky, Expert on Statistics of Industrial Work in Slovakia;
M. Vladimir List, Professor at the Polytechnic School of Brno (Moravia);
M. Hugo Vavrecka, Engineer, Naval Officer.
[Page 55]communication questions
M. Antoine Klir, Professor at the Polytechnic School of Prague;
M. Eustache Moelzer, Engineer and Counselor in the Ministry of Public Works;
M. Vladimir Ibl, Engineer and Counselor of the Czecho-Slovak State Railways;
M. Vilém Cerno, Engineer of the Czecho-Slovak State Railways.
geological and mining industry questions
M. Joseph Voldrich, Professor of Geology at the Polytechnic School of Prague.
geographical, ethnographical and statistical questions
M. Antoine Bohac, Professor at Prague;
M. Adolphe Cerny, Professor of the University of Prague;
M. Jean Chotek, Professor of the University of Prague;
M. Victor Dvorsky, Professor of the University of Prague;
M. Joseph Malir, Professor at the Gymnasium of Zabreh (Moravia);
M. Lubos Niederle, Professor of the University of Prague;
M. Joseph Skultety, Slovak Deputy in the Parliament of Prague;
M. Thomas Stypa, Professor at Prague.
historical questions of czech law
M. Jean Kapras, Professor at the University of Prague.
cartographical questions
M. Jean Hocke, Professor at Prague;
M. Jaroslaw Pantoflicek, Professor at the Polytechnic School of Prague;
M. Jaroslaw Salac, Professor at Prague.
ecclesiastical questions
Mgr. Marian Blaha, Doctor of Theology, Dean at Trnava in Slovakia.
questions relating to affairs of teschen and of the rectification of the frontiers of czech silesia
M. Joseph Lukes, Agrarian Deputy for Silesia in the Parliament of Prague, Counselor of the Court of Assizes of Teschen.
lusatian affairs
M. Ernest Bart, Deputy in the Chamber of Saxony;
M. Jean Serbin, Professor and Delegate of Lusatia.
[Page 56]ruthenian affairs in eastern slovakia
M. Antoine Bezkyd, Advocate at Presov.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Stephen Osusky, Chargé d’Affaires at the Czecho-Slovakian Legation at London.
M. Miro P. Bozinov, Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
M. Vladimir Slavik, Advocate at Jindr. Hradec;
M. Cyril Dusek, Deputy in the Parliament of Prague.
Avenue Kléber, 78
(Tel. Passy: 64–38)
I. Plenipotentiary Delegates (1 Place)
M. Juan Antonio Buero, Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Minister of Industry, former Deputy;
M. Jacobo Varela Acevedo, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Senator;
M. Juan Carlos Blanco, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Uruguay at Paris, former Minister of Public Works, former Deputy.
II. Delegates and Technical Advisers
Colonel Julio Nunez Brian;
Lieut. Colonel Hector Marfetan.
IV. Secretariat General
Secretary General:
M. Julian Nogueira.
M. Rafael Capurro;
M. Adolfo Vaeza Belgrano;
M. Jorge B. Hardoy.
[Page 57]PART II. Organization of the Conference
A. Bureau of the Conference
President: M. Georges Clemenceau (France)
Vice Presidents: | Hon. Robert Lansing (United States of America); |
The Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George (British Empire); | |
M. V. E. Orlando (Italy); | |
Marquis Saionji (Japan). |
secretariat general
Secretary General: M. P. Dutasta
United States of America: | Mr. Joseph Clark Grew; |
Mr. Leland Harrison; | |
Colonel U. S. Grant, 3rd. | |
British Empire: | Lt. Colonel Sir Maurice Hankey; |
Mr. H. Norman; | |
Mr. Eric Phipps. | |
France: | M. Paul Gauthier; |
M. de Béarn. | |
Italy: | Count L. Aldrovandi; |
Marquis C. Durazzo; | |
M. G. Brambilla. | |
Japan: | M. Sadao Saburi; |
M. E. Kawai; | |
M. H. Ashida. |
functions of the secretariat
Office of the Secretariat General:
M. Arnavon, Secretary of Embassy of the First Class, Chief of Office.
M. de Montille;
Baron Pieyre;
Captain de Saint-Quentin;
M. Tetreau;
Lieutenant de Percin;
Captain Carteron;
M. Lavondès;
Captain Escoffier;
Viscount Emmery;
Lieutenant Duboin;
M. de Curzon.
[Page 58]Translators:
M. Mantoux, Translating Officer of the Third Class;
M. Bergery, Translating Officer of the Third Class;
M. Camerlynck, Fellow of the University;
M. Coullet, Fellow of the University;
M. Demolon, Translating Officer of the Second Class;
M. Digeon, Fellow of the University;
M. Fannière, Translating Officer of the Second Class;
M. Gauthier, Fellow of the University;
M. Letorey, Translating Officer of the Second Class;
M. Meyer, Translating Officer of the Second Class;
M. de Pomereu, Assistant Translator;
M. Talamon, Lieutenant of Infantry.
protocol and archives
Lieut. Colonel Rey, Chief of Office.
Captain Lèbre;
Lieutenant Bedel;
M. E. Bordier;
M. Duchat;
M. Varnoux.
Captain Arsandaux, Revising Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Bara, Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Buchet, Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Clavel, Stenographer of the Chamber of Deputies;
Captain Detot, Revising Stenographer of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. Duployé, Stenographer of the Council of State;
M. Gavelle, Stenographer of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. Guérie, Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Guérin, Revising Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Hellouin, Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Roger Heymann, Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Raymond Heymann;
M. Lefèvre, Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Lelioux, Stenographer of the Council of State;
M. Lenglet, Revising Stenographer of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. Lévy, Revising Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Mayéras, Revising Stenographer of the Senate;
Captain Meyer, Stenographer of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. de la Morandière, Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Pillon, Revising Stenographer of the Senate;
[Page 59]M. Raynaud, Chief of the Stenographic Office of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. Reddé, Assistant Stenographer of the Senate;
M. Robert, Revising Stenographer of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. Sarradin, Revising Stenographer of the Chamber of Deputies;
M. Vaudequin, Stenographer of the Algerian Financial Delegations;
M. Vincent, Stenographer of the Algerian Financial Delegations.
Captain Carteron;
M. de Curzon.
committee on the verification of powers
Hon. Henry White (United States of America);
The Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour (British Empire);
M. Jules Cambon (France);
Marquis G. F. Salvago Raggi (Italy);
M. K. Matsui (Japan).
drafting committee
Mr. James Brown Scott (United States of America);
Mr. C. J. B. Hurst (British Empire);
M. Fromageot (France);
M. A. Ricci-Busatti (Italy);
M. H. Nagaoka (Japan).
B. The Conference in Plenary Session
[Page 60] [Page 61] [Page 62]United States of America | |
(5 places): | The President of the United States; |
Hon. Robert Lansing; | |
Hon. Henry White; | |
Hon. Edward M. House; | |
General Tasker H. Bliss. | |
British Empire: | |
Great Britain (5 places): | The Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George; |
The Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour; | |
The Rt. Hon. A. Bonar Law; | |
The Rt. Hon. G. N. Barnes; | |
The Rt. Hon. Viscount Milner; | |
The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill. | |
Dominions and India: | |
Canada (2 places): | The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden; |
The Rt. Hon. Sir George Foster; | |
The Hon. C. J. Doherty; | |
The Hon. A. L. Sifton. | |
Australia (2 places): | The Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes; |
The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Cook. | |
South Africa (2 places): | General the Rt. Hon. Louis Botha; |
Lieut. General the Rt. Hon. J. C. Smuts. | |
New Zealand (1 place): | The Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey; |
The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Ward. | |
Newfoundland: | The Rt. Hon. Sir William F. Lloyd; |
Alternate: | |
Sir William Goode. | |
India (2 places): | The Rt. Hon. E. S. Montagu; |
Major General His Highness the Maharajah of Bikaner; | |
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Sinha. | |
France (5 places): | M. Georges Clemenceau; |
M. Pichon; | |
M. L.-L. Klotz; | |
M. André Tardieu; | |
M. Jules Cambon; | |
Marshal Foch. | |
Italy (5 places): | M. V. E. Orlando; |
Baron S. Sonnino; | |
Marquis G. F. Salvago Raggi; | |
M. A. Salandra; | |
M. S. Barzilai. | |
Japan (5 places): | Marquis Saionji; |
Baron Makino; | |
Viscount Chinda; | |
M. K. Matsui; | |
M. H. Ijuin. | |
Belgium (3 places): | M. Hymans; |
M. van den Heuvel; | |
M. Vandervelde. | |
Bolivia (1 place): | M. Ismaël Montes. |
Brazil (3 places): | M. Epitacio Pessõa; |
M. Olyntho de Magalhaes; | |
M. Pandiá Calogeras; | |
M. Raoul Fernandes. | |
China (2 places): | M. Lou Tseng-tsiang; |
M. Cheng-ting Thomas Wang; | |
M. Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo; | |
M. Sao-Ke Alfred Sze; | |
M. Suntchou Wei. | |
Cuba (1 place): | M. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante. |
Ecuador (1 place): | M. Dorn y de Alsua; |
Dr. Carlos R. Tobar, | |
Greece (2 places): | M. Eleftherios Veniselos; |
M. Nicolas Politis; | |
M. A. Romanos. | |
Guatemala (1 place): | M. Joaquín Méndez. |
Haiti (1 place): | M. Tertullien Guilbaud. |
Hedjaz (2 places): | His Royal Highness Emir Feisal; |
M. Rustem Haidar. | |
Honduras (1 place): | Dr. Policarpo Bonilla. |
Liberia (1 place): | Hon. C. D. B. King; |
M. C. B. Dunbar; | |
M. H. F. Worley. | |
Nicaragua (1 place): | M. Salvador Chamorro. |
Panama (1 place): | M. Antonio Burgos. |
Peru (1 place): | M. Carlos G. Candamo; |
M. Francisco Garcia Calderon; | |
M. V. M. Maurtua. | |
Poland (2 places): | M. Roman Dmowski; |
M. Ignace Paderewski, | |
Alternate: | |
M. Casimir Dluski. | |
Portugal (2 places): | Dr. Affonso Costa; |
M. Augusto Soares; | |
Colonel Norton de Mattos; | |
M. Alfredo Freire de Andrade; | |
M. Jayme Batalha-Reis. | |
Roumania (2 places): | M. Jean J. C. Bratiano; |
General Constantin Coanda; | |
Dr. Vaida-Voevod; | |
M. Nicolas Misu; | |
M. Victor Antonesco; | |
M. Constantin Diamandy; | |
M. Georges Danielopol. | |
Serbia (3 places): | M. N. P. Pachitch; |
M. Ante Trumbić; | |
M. Milenko R. Vesnitch; | |
M. M. Ivan Zolger; | |
M. Mathias Boshkovitch; | |
M. Otokar Rybar; | |
M. Josip Smodlaka. | |
Siam (2 places): | Prince Charoon; |
Prince Traidos Prabandhu; | |
Phya Bibadh Kosha. | |
Czecho-Slovak Republic (2 places): | M. Charles Kramar; |
M. Edouard Benes, | |
Uruguay (1 place): | M. Juan Antonio Buero; |
M. Jacobo Varela Acevedo; | |
M. Juan Carlos Blanco. |
C. Supreme Council of the Allies
Meeting Place: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Office of the Minister)
President: M. Georges Clemenceau
United States of America: | The President of the United States; |
Hon. Robert Lansing. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George; |
The Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour. | |
France: | M. Georges Clemenceau; |
M. Pichon. | |
Italy: | M. V. E. Orlando; |
Baron S. Sonnino. | |
Japan: | Marquis Saionji; |
Baron Makino. |
France: | M. P. Dutasta. |
United States of America: | Mr. Joseph Clark Grew. |
British Empire: | Lieut. Colonel Sir Maurice Hankey. |
Italy: | Count L. Aldrovandi. |
Japan: | M. Sadao Saburi. |
D. Commissions
I. League of Nations.
II. Responsibility of the Authors of the War and the Enforcement of Penalties.
III. Reparation of Damage.
IV. International Labor Legislation.
V. International Regime of Ports, Waterways, and Railways.
VI. Financial Questions.
VII. Economic Questions.
VIII. Aeronautical.
IX. Territorial Questions.
X. Interallied Military and Naval Committee.
XI. Control of the Production of Materials of War in Germany and the Disarmament of the German Army.
XII. Specification of Materials of War Which May Be Demanded From Germany.
XIII. Study of the Means of Imposing the Armistice Conditions on Germany.
XIV. Committee for Drafting of the Military, Naval, and Aerial Clauses in the Treaty with Germany.
XV. Morocco.
XVI. Submarine Cables.
XVII. Supreme Economic Council.
[Page 63]I. League of Nations
(Plenary Session of the Conference of January 25, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Hotel de Crillon
President: The President of the United States
United States of America: | The President of the United States; |
Hon. Edward M. House. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. the Lord Robert Cecil; |
Lieut. General the Rt. Hon. J. C. Smuts. | |
France: | M. Léon Bourgeois; |
M. F. Larnaude. | |
Italy: | M. V. E. Orlando; |
M. A. Scialoja. | |
Japan: | Baron Makino; |
Viscount Chinda. | |
Belgium: | M. Hymans. |
Brazil: | M. Epitacio Pessõa. |
China: | M. Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo. |
Greece: | M. Eleftherios Veniselos. |
Poland: | M. Roman Dmowski. |
Portugal: | M. Jayme Batalha Reis. |
Roumania: | M. Constantin Diamandy. |
Serbia: | M. Milenko R. Vesnitch. |
Czecho-Slovakia (Rep.): | M. Charles Kramar. |
United States of America: | Mr. Whitney Shepardson. |
British Empire: | Mr. Philip Baker. |
France: | M. Clauzel. |
Italy: | M. A. Ricci-Busatti. |
Japan: | M. Sadao Saburi. |
Liaison with the Secretariat General of the Conference: M. de Sillac.
II. Responsibility of the Authors of the War and the Enforcement of Penalties
(Plenary Session of the Conference of January 25, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Ministry of the Interior (Grand Dining Room)
President: Hon. Robert Lansing (United States of America)
Vice Presidents: | The Rt. Hon. Sir Gordon Hewart (British Empire); or Sir Ernest Pollock (British Empire); |
M. A. Scialoja (Italy) |
United States of America: | Hon. Robert Lansing; |
Mr. James Brown Scott. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Sir Gordon Hewart; |
Alternates: | |
Sir Ernest Pollock; | |
The Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey. | |
France: | M. André Tardieu; |
Alternates: | |
Captain Masson; | |
M. F. Larnaude. | |
Italy: | M. A. Scialoja; |
Alternates: | |
M. A. Ricci-Busatti; | |
M. Gustavo Tosti; | |
M. M. d’Amelio. | |
Japan: | M. Adatci; |
M. H. Nagaoka; | |
Alternate: | |
M. Sakutaro Tachi. | |
Belgium: | M. Rolin–Jaequemyns. |
Greece: | M. Nicolas Politis. |
Poland: | M. Constantin Skirmunt; |
Alternate: | |
M. Léon Lubienski. | |
Roumania: | M. S. Rosental. |
Serbia: | M. Slobodan Yovanovitch; |
Alternates: | |
M. Koumanoudi; | |
M. A. Novacovitch. |
Secretary General: M. A. de Lapradelle (France)
United States of America: | Mr. Alexander C. Kirk. |
British Empire: | Lieut. Colonel O. M. Biggar. |
Italy: | M. Gustavo Tosti. |
Japan: | M. K. Kuriyama. |
Belgium: | Baron Jules Guillaume. |
Greece: | M. S. Marchetti. |
Poland: | M. Casimir Rybinski. |
Liaison with the Secretariat General of the Conference: Captain M. Escoffier.
[Page 65]subcommissions
First Subcommission.—Criminal Acts
President: The Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey (British Empire)
United States of America: | Mr. James Brown Scott. |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey. |
France: | M. André Tardieu; |
Alternate: | |
Captain Masson. | |
Greece: | M. Nicolas Politis. |
Japan: | M. Adatci. |
Second Subcommission.—Responsibility of the Authors of the War
President: Sir Ernest Pollock (British Empire)
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Sir Gordon Hewart; |
or | |
Sir Ernest Pollock. | |
France: | M. F. Larnaude. |
Italy: | M. A. Scialoja; |
Alternates: | |
M. A. Ricci-Busatti; | |
M. Gustavo Tosti. | |
Belgium: | M. Rolin-Jaequemyns. |
Serbia: | M. Slobodan Yovanovitch; |
Alternates: | |
M. Koumanoudi; | |
M. A. Novacovitch. |
Third Subcommission.—Violation of the Laws and Customs of War
President: Hon. Robert Lansing (United States of America)
United States of America: | Hon. Robert Lansing. |
Italy: | M. M. d’Amelio. |
Japan: | M. H. Nagaoka; |
Alternate: | |
M. Sakutaro Tachi. | |
Poland: | M. Constantin Skirmunt; |
Alternate: | |
M. Léon Lubienski. | |
Roumania: | M. S. Rosental. |
III. Reparation of Damage
(Plenary Session of the Conference of January 25, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Ministry of Finance, Hôtel du Ministre, Rue de Rivoli, Porte D.
President: M. L.-L. Klotz (France)
Vice Presidents: | The Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes (British Empire); |
M. van den Heuvel (Belgium). |
United States of America: | Mr. Bernard M. Baruch; |
Mr. Norman H. Davis; | |
Mr. Vance McCormick. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes; |
Alternates: | |
Sir Robert Garran; | |
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Sumner of Ibstone; | |
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Cunliffe. | |
France: | M. L.-L. Klotz; |
M. Loucheur; | |
M. Albert Lebrun. | |
Italy: | M. A. Salandra; |
Alternates: | |
M. S. Crespi; | |
M. E. Chiesa; | |
M. M. d’Amelio. | |
Japan: | M. Kengo Mori; |
M. H. Nagaoka; | |
M. Tatsumi. | |
Belgium: | M. van den Heuvel; |
M. Despret. | |
Greece: | M. A. Romanos; |
M. A. Michalakopoulos. | |
Poland: | M. Sigismond Chamiec; |
M. Casimir Olszowski. | |
Portugal: | Dr. Affonso Costa; |
M. Alfredo Freire d’Andrade. | |
Roumania: | M. Georges Danielopol; |
M. P. Zahariade. | |
Serbia: | M. Costa Stoyanovitch; |
Alternates: | |
M. Dragoutine Protitch; | |
M. Velimir Baikitch; | |
M. Miloche Savtchitch. | |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Edouard Benes; |
M. Stephen Osusky. |
United States of America: | Mr. Jerome D. Greene. |
British Empire: | Lieut. Colonel the Hon. Sidney Peel. |
France: | M. de Lasteyrie. |
Italy: | M. F. Foberti. |
Liaison with the Secretariat General of the Conference: Baron M. Pieyre.
First Subcommission.—Evaluation of Damage
President: The Rt. Hon. the Lord Sumner of Ibstone (British Empire)
Vice President: M. E. Chiesa (Italy)
United States of America: | Mr. Vance McCormick. |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. the Lord Sumner of Ibstone. |
France: | M. Albert Lebrun. |
Italy: | M. E. Chiesa. |
Japan: | M. Kengo Mori. |
Belgium: | M. van den Heuvel. |
Greece: | M. A. Michalakopoulos. |
Poland: | M. Casimir Olszowski. |
Portugal: | M. A. Santos Viegas. |
Roumania: | M. Georges Danielopol. |
Serbia: | M. Miloche Savtchitch. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Edouard Benes. |
Secretary: M. E. Minost (France)
Second Subcommission.—Study of Financial Capacity of Enemy States, Their Means of Payment and Reparation
President: The Rt. Hon. the Lord Cunliffe (British Empire)
Vice President: M. Loucheur (France)
United States of America: | Mr. Norman H. Davis. |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. the Lord Cunliffe. |
France: | M. Loucheur. |
Italy: | M. A. Salandra; |
Alternate: | |
M. M. d’Amelio. | |
Japan: | M. Tatsumi. |
Poland: | M. Sigismond Chamiec. |
Portugal: | M. Alfredo Freire d’Andrade. |
Roumania: | M. Georges Danielopol. |
Serbia: | M. Costa Stoyanovitch. |
Secretary: M. F. Foberti (Italy)
[Page 68]Third Subcommission.—Measures of Control and Guarantees
President: The Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes (British Empire)
Vice President: Mr. Bernard M. Baruch (United States of America)
United States of America: | Mr. Bernard M. Baruch. |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes. |
France: | M. L.-L. Klotz. |
Italy: | M. M. d’Amelio. |
Japan: | M. H. Nagaoka. |
Belgium: | M. Despret. |
Greece: | M. A. Romanos. |
Poland: | M. Casimir Olszowski. |
Secretary: Lieutenant James (United States of America)
IV. International Labor Legislation
(Plenary Session of the Conference of January 25, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Ministry of Labor, Hôtel du Ministre, Dining Room
President: Mr. Samuel Gompers (United States of America).
Vice Presidents: | Mr. G. N. Barnes (British Empire); |
M. Colliard (France). |
United States of America: | Mr. Samuel Gompers; |
Mr. Edward N. Hurley; | |
Alternate: | |
Mr. Henry M. Robinson. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. G. N. Barnes, |
Alternates: | |
Mr. H. B. Butler; | |
Sir Malcolm Delevingne. | |
France: | M. Colliard; |
M. Loucheur. | |
Italy: | Baron B. Mayor des Planches; |
M. A. Cabrini; | |
Alternate: | |
M. S. Coletti. | |
Japan: | M. Otchiai; |
M. Oka. | |
Belgium: | M. Vandervelde; |
M. Mahaim. | |
Cuba: | M. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante. |
Poland: | M. Stanislas Patek; |
Alternate: | |
M. François Sokal. | |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Rudolph Broz. |
Secretary General: M. Arthur Fontaine (France)
Assistant Secretary General: Mr. H. B. Butler (British Empire)
United States of America: | Mr. Guy H. Oyster. |
Italy: | M. di Palma Castiglione. |
Japan: | M. Yoshisaka. |
Liaison with the Secretariat General of the Conference: Lieutenant Duboin.
V. International Regime of Ports, Waterways, and Railway
(Plenary Session of the Conference of January 25, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Ministry of Public Works, Room 39
President: M. S. Crespi (Italy)
Vice President: The Hon. A. L. Sifton (British Empire)
[Page 70]United States of America: | Hon. Henry White; |
Mr. David Hunter Miller; | |
Alternate: | |
Mr. Manley O. Hudson. | |
British Empire: | The Hon. A. L. Sifton; |
Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith; | |
Alternate: | |
Brigadier General H. O. Mance. | |
France: | M. Claveille; |
M. André Weiss. | |
Italy: | M. S. Crespi; |
M. G. de Martino. | |
Japan: | M. Adatci; |
Colonel Sato. | |
Belgium: | M. Segers; |
Alternates: | |
M. de Visscher; | |
M. Jean Hostie. | |
China: | M. Cheng-ting Thomas Wang; |
Alternate: | |
M. Wang Chin-chun. | |
Greece: | M. L. Coromilas. |
Poland: | M. Casimir Kasperski. |
Portugal: | Count de Penha Garcia; |
Succeeded by: | |
M. Augusto de Vasconcellos; | |
Then by: | |
Colonel Norton de Mattos. | |
Roumania: | M. Nicolas Misu; |
Alternate: | |
M. Nicolas Stefanesco. | |
Serbia: | M. Ante Trumbić. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Charles Kramar. |
Uruguay: | M. Juan Carlos Blanco. |
Secretary General: M. Charguéraud (France)
United States of America: | Mr. Christian A. Herter. |
British Empire: | Mr. W. T. Turner. |
Italy: | M. M. Mosca. |
Japan: | M. K. Horiuchi. |
Liaison with the Secretariat General of the Conference: Captain Lèbre.
First Subcommission.—Questions Relating to Freedom of Transit
President: Hon. Henry White (United States of America)
Vice President: Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith (British Empire)
[Page 71]United States of America: | Hon. Henry White. |
British Empire: | Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith; |
Alternate: | |
Brigadier General H. O. Mance. | |
France: | M. Claveille. |
Italy: | M. S. Crespi. |
Japan: | M. Adatci. |
China: | M. Cheng-ting Thomas Wang; |
Alternate: | |
M. Wang Chin-chun. | |
Greece: | M. L. Coromilas. |
Poland: | M. Casimir Kasperski. |
Portugal: | Count de Penha Garcia; |
Succeeded by: | |
M. Augusto de Vasconeellos; | |
Then by: | |
Colonel Norton de Mattos. | |
Uruguay: | M. Juan Carlos Blanco. |
Second Subcommission.—Regime of Ports, Waterways, and Railways
President: M. Andre Weiss (France)
United States of America: | Mr. David Hunter Miller; |
Alternate: | |
Mr. Manley O. Hudson. | |
British Empire: | The Hon. A. L. Sifton. |
France: | M. André Weiss. |
Italy: | M. G. de Martino. |
Japan: | Colonel Sato. |
Belgium: | M. Segers; |
Alternates: | |
M. de Visscher; | |
M. Jean Hostie. | |
Roumania: | M. Nicolas Misu; |
Alternate: | |
M. Nicolas Stefanesco. | |
Serbia: | M. Ante Trumbić. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Charles Kramar. |
VI. Financial Questions
(Sessions of the Supreme Council of the Allies of January 23 and March 1, 1919)
Place of Meeting:Ministry of Finance (Hôtel du Ministre)
President: The Rt. Hon. E. S. Montagu (British Empire)
Vice Presidents: | M. S. Crespi (Italy); |
Viscount S. Chinda (Japan). |
United States of America: | Mr. Albert Strauss; |
(2 members from the following) | Mr. Thomas W. Lamont; |
Mr. Norman H. Davis; | |
Captain Jeremiah Smith, Jr.; | |
Mr. George Whitney. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. E. S. Montagu; |
(2 members from the following) | Mr. J. M. Keynes; |
Mr. S. Armitage Smith; | |
Mr. O. T. Falk. | |
France: | M. L.-L. Klotz; |
M. Sergent. | |
Italy: | M. A. Salandra; |
(2 members from the following) | M. S. Crespi; |
M. Stringher; | |
M. L. della Torre. | |
Japan: | Viscount S. Chinda; |
(2 members from following): | M. Kengo Mori; |
M. Tatsumi; | |
M. E. Fukai; | |
M. M. Kikuchi. | |
Belgium: | M. Jaspar; |
Alternate: | |
M. Despret. | |
Greece: | M. A. Michalakopoulos. |
Poland: | M. Sigismond Chamiec. |
Roumania: | M. Victor Antonesco. |
Serbia: | M. Velizar Yankovitch. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Edouard Benes. |
United States of America: | Mr. George Whitney. |
British Empire: | Mr. Michael Sadler. |
France: | M. Petit. |
Italy: | Captain Guido Jung. |
Liaison with the Secretariat General of the Conference: Lieutenant Duboin.
First Subcommission
(a) Urgent Problems Relating to the Preliminaries of Peace
President: M. S. Crespi (Italy)
[Page 73]United States of America: | Mr. Albert Strauss; |
(2 members from following) | Mr. Thomas W. Lamont; |
Mr. Norman H. Davis; | |
Captain Jeremiah Smith, Jr.; | |
Mr. George Whitney. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. E. S. Montagu; |
(2 members from following) | Mr. J. M. Keynes; |
Mr. S. Armitage Smith; | |
Mr. O. T. Falk. | |
France: | M. L.-L. Klotz; |
M. Sergent. | |
Italy: | M. A. Salandra; |
(2 members from the following) | M. S. Crespi; |
M. Stringher; | |
M. L. della Torre. | |
Japan: | Viscount S. Chinda; |
(2 members from the following) | M. Kengo Mori; |
M. Tatsumi; | |
M. E. Fukai; | |
M. M. Kikuchi. | |
Belgium: | M. Jaspar; |
Alternate: | |
M. Despret. | |
Greece: | M. A. Michalakopoulos. |
Poland: | M. Sigismond Chamiec. |
Roumania: | M. Victor Antonesco. |
Serbia: | M. Velizar Yankovitch. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Edouard Benes. |
(b) Special Subcommission on Monetary Questions
(In Liaison with the Commission on Reparation)
President: M. Lepreux (Belgium)
France: | M. Sergent; |
Alternate: | |
M. Jouasset. | |
Italy: | M. P. Conte. |
Poland: | M. Sigismond Chamiec. |
Roumania: | M. Victor Antonesco. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Edouard Benes. |
Second Subcommission.—Monetary Questions
Third Subcommission.—Enemy Debts
(In Liaison with the Economic Commission)
The members of the Second and Third Subcommissions have not yet been appointed.
[Page 74]Fourth Subcommission.—Interallied Problems and Project of Financial Section of the League of Nations
President: M. L.-L. Klotz (France)
United States of America: | Mr. Thomas W. Lamont; |
Captain Jeremiah Smith, Jr. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. E. S. Montagu; |
Mr. O. T. Falk. | |
France: | M. L.-L. Klotz. |
Italy: | Captain Guido Jung; |
M. Brofferio. | |
Japan: | M. Kengo Mori; |
M. K. Kikuchi. | |
Belgium: | M. Despret. |
Greece: | M. A. Michalakopoulos. |
Poland: | M. Sigismond Chamiec. |
Roumania: | M. Victor Antonesco. |
Serbia: | M. Vélimar Baikitch. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Edouard Benes. |
Fifth Subcommission.—Payment of Austro-Hungarian Coupons
President: M. Edouard Benes (Czecho-Slovak Republic)
France: | M. Sergent. |
Italy: | Captain Guido Jung. |
Poland: | M. Sigismond Chamiec. |
Roumania: | M. Victor Antonesco. |
Serbia: | M. Velizar Yankovitch. |
Czecho-Slovak Republic: | M. Edouard Benes. |
VII. Economic Questions
(Sessions of the Supreme Council of the Allies of January 27 and March 1, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Ministry of Commerce (Hôtel du Ministre)
President: M. Clémentel (France)
[Page 75]United States of America: | Mr. Bernard M. Baruch; |
Mr. Thomas W. Lamont. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Sir George Foster; |
Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith. | |
France: | M. Clémentel; |
M. Jean Morel. | |
Italy: | M. S. Crespi; |
M. A. Ciuffelli; | |
Alternate: | |
M. G. Paratore. | |
Japan: | M. K. Matsui; |
M. Fukui. | |
Belgium: | M. Jaspar. |
Brazil: | M. Pandiá Calogeras. |
China: | M. Sao-Ke Alfred Sze. |
Poland: | M. Jean Rozwadowski. |
Portugal: | M. Affonso Costa. |
Roumania: | M. Constantin Diamandy. |
Serbia: | M. Andra Stanitch. |
Secretary General: M. Serruys (France)
United States of America: | Colonel L. P. Ayres. |
British Empire: | Mr. W. Carter. |
Italy: | M. F. Giannini. |
Japan: | M. H. Ashida. |
Liaison with the Secretariat General of the Conference: Lieutenant Duboin.
First Section: Permanent Commercial Relations
President: Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith (British Empire)
United States of America: | Mr. Bernard M. Baruch; |
Mr. Thomas W. Lamont. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Sir George Foster; |
Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith. | |
France: | M. Clémentel; |
M. Jean Morel. | |
Italy: | M. A. Pirelli; |
M. L. Luciolli; | |
Alternates: | |
M. A. Dell’Abbadessa; | |
M. C. Bresciani Turrorio. | |
Japan: | M. K. Matsui; |
M. Fukui. | |
China: | M. Tai-chi Quo. |
Roumania: | M. Eugéne Neguicea. |
Secretary: Mr. W. Carter (British Empire)
[Page 76]First Subcommission.—Customs Regulations, Duties, and Restrictions
President: Dr. A. A. Young (United States of America)
United States of America: | Dr. A. A. Young. |
British Empire: | Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith; |
Alternate: | |
Mr. Henry Fountain. | |
France: | M. Jean Morel. |
Italy: | M. L. Luciolli; |
Alternate: | |
M. A. Dell’Abbadessa. | |
Japan: | M. Fukui. |
Belgium: | M. Brunet. |
Roumania: | M. Eugène Neguicea. |
Serbia: | M. Tomitch. |
Secretary: Mr. W. Carter (British Empire)
Second Subcommission.—Treatment of Shipping
President: M. Bouisson (France)
United States of America: | Mr. Henry M. Robinson. |
British Empire: | Mr. Charles Hipwood. |
France: | M. Bouisson. |
Italy: | Commandant Genta; |
Alternate: | |
M. G. Ingianni. | |
Japan: | M. Kurokawa. |
Belgium: | M. Brunet. |
Brazil: | Captain Armando Burlamaqui. |
Poland: | M. Joseph Buzek. |
Roumania: | M. Nicolas Stefanesco. |
Serbia: | M. Milan Todorovitch. |
Secretary: Paymaster-Commander W. H. Eves (British Empire)
Third Subcommission.—Unfair Methods of Competition
President: Mr. W. Temple Franks (British Empire)
[Page 77]United States of America: | Mr. L. L. Summers. |
British Empire: | Mr. W. Temple Franks. |
France: | M. Drouets. |
Italy: | M. C. Dragoni. |
Japan: | M. M. Kita. |
Belgium: | M. de Visscher. |
China: | M. Hawkling L. Yen. |
Portugal: | M. Jayme Batalha Reis. |
Secretary: Mr. A. J. Martin (British Empire)
second section
First Subcommission.—Industrial Property
President: Mr. W. Temple Franks (British Empire)
United States of America: | Mr. J. E. Brown. |
British Empire: | Mr. W. Temple Franks. |
France: | M. Ch. Lyon-Caen. |
Italy: | M. E. Venezian. |
Japan: | M. M. Kita. |
Belgium: | M. de Visscher. |
Brazil: | M. Rodrigo Octavio. |
Roumania: | M. Jean Pellivan. |
Secretary: Mr. A. J. Martin (British Empire)
Second Subcommission.—Pre-War Contracts
President: The Hon. C. J. Doherty (British Empire)
United States of America: | Mr. Bradley W. Palmer. |
British Empire: | The Hon. C. J. Doherty. |
France: | M. Albert Tissier. |
Italy: | M. C. Dragoni. |
Japan: | M. M. Kita. |
Belgium: | M. Charles Terlinden. |
China: | M. Sao-Ke Alfred Sze. |
Poland: | Dr. Arthur Benis. |
Portugal: | M. Augusto Soares. |
Secretary: M. Tessayre (France)
Third Subcommission.—Liquidation of Enemy Property
President: M. Petit (France)
United States of America: | Mr. Bradley W. Palmer. |
British Empire: | Mr. H. A. Payne. |
France: | M. Petit. |
Italy: | M. M. d’Amelio. |
Japan: | M. Fukui. |
Brazil: | M. Raoul Fernandes. |
Roumania: | M. Ef. Antonesco. |
Serbia: | M. Lazar Markovitch. |
Secretary: Mr. W. W. Cumberland (United States of America)
[Page 78]third section: ex-enemy aliens
President: M. A. Ricci-Busatti (Italy)
United States of America: | Mr. George Louis Beer. |
British Empire: | Mr. L. Kershaw. |
France: | M. Charmeil. |
Italy: | M. A. Ricci-Busatti; |
Alternates: | |
M. V. Bianchi; | |
M. M. Pilotti. | |
Japan: | M. Okubo. |
Belgium: | M. Charles Terlinden. |
Poland: | M. Bohdan Winiarski. |
Portugal: | M. Alfredo Freire d’Andrade. |
Secretary: Mr. Bertram F. Willcox (United States of America)
fourth section: economic treaties
President: M. C. Dragoni (Italy)
United States of America: | Dr. A. A. Young. |
British Empire: | Mr. C. J. B. Hurst. |
France: | M. Herbette. |
Italy: | M. C. Dragoni. |
Japan: | M. Oka. |
Belgium: | M. Rolin-Jaequemyns. |
Brazil: | M. Pandiá Calogeras. |
Poland: | M. Henri Tennenbaum. |
Secretary: M. Teyssaire (France)
VIII. Aeronautical Commission
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of March 12, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Boulevard Saint-Germain, No. 282
President: Colonel Dhé (France)
[Page 79]United States of America: | Rear Admiral H. S. Knapp; |
Major General Mason N. Patrick. | |
British Empire: | Major General the Rt. Hon. J. E. B. Seely; |
Major General Sir Frederic Sykes. | |
France: | Colonel Dhé; |
Captain Chauvin. | |
Italy: | M. E. Chiesa; |
General M. Moris. | |
Japan: | General Tanaka; |
M. Yamakawa. | |
Belgium: | Colonel van Crombrugghe. |
Brazil: | Captain Armando Burlamaqui. |
Cuba: | M. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante. |
Greece: | Colonel A. Mazarakis. |
Portugal: | Colonel Norton de Mattos. |
Roumania: | Staff-Colonel Thomas Dimitresco. |
Serbia: | Commandant Mirko Marinkovitch. |
Secretary General: Lieut. Colonel Pujo (France)
United States of America: | Captain C. E. Morton; |
Lieutenant Kiely. | |
British Empire: | Captain E. H. Tindal Atkinson; |
Major D. C. James. | |
France: | Commandant Poli-Marchetti. |
Italy: | Commandant A. Guidoni; |
Lieutenant U. Sauda. | |
Japan: | Captain K. Nishihara. |
1. Military Subcommission
Place of Meeting: Boulevard Saint-Germain, No. 199 bis
President: Brigadier General P. R. C. Groves (British Empire)
Vice President: Brigadier General Tanaka (Japan)
United States of America: | Brigadier General B. D. Foulois; |
Captain L. McNamee. | |
British Empire: | Brigadier General P. R. C. Groves. |
France: | General Duval; |
Lieut. Colonel Saconney; | |
Commandant Poli-Marchetti; | |
Commandant Vuillemin; | |
Captain Leroy; | |
Lieutenant Sablé. | |
Italy: | General M. Moris; |
Rear Admiral P. Orsini; | |
Colonel A. de Siebert; | |
Lieut. Colonel P. R. Piccio. | |
Japan: | Brigadier General Tanaka; |
Captain Osumi. |
2. Technical Subcommission
Place of Meeting: Boulevard Saint-Germain, No. 199 bis.
President: Lieut. Colonel A. D. Butterfield (United States of America)
Vice President: Captain S. Finzi (Italy)
United States of America: | Lieut. Colonel A. D. Butterfield; |
Lieut. Commander J. L. Callan; | |
Lieutenant Kiely. | |
British Empire: | Colonel L. F. Blandy. |
France: | Captain l’Escaille; |
M. Lallemand; | |
Captain Leroy; | |
Lieutenant Sablé; | |
Lieut. Colonel Saconney; | |
M. Soreau. | |
Italy: | Rear Admiral P. Orsini; |
Lieut. Colonel G. Costanzi; | |
Lieut. Colonel C. Berliri-Zoppi; | |
Commandant A. Guidoni; | |
Captain G. Finzi. | |
Japan: | M. Tanakadate; |
Lieutenant Takata. |
3. Judicial, Commercial, and Financial Subcommission
Place of Meeting: Boulevard Saint-Germain, No. 199 bis.
President: M. d’Aubigny (France)
Vice President: Mr. H. White Smith (British Empire)
[Page 81]United States of America: | Commander Pollock; |
Captain Bacon. | |
British Empire: | Mr. White Smith; |
Captain E. H. Tindal Atkinson. | |
France: | Commandant d’Aiguillon; |
M. Bolley; | |
M. Branet; | |
M. Fighiera; | |
M. Pierre-Étienne Flandin; | |
M. de Navailles; | |
M. A. de Lapradelle; | |
M. Wahl. | |
Italy: | M. E. Chiesa; |
M. M. d’Amelio; | |
Rear Admiral M. Grassi; | |
M. E. Delmati; | |
M. G. C. Buzzati; | |
Lieut. Colonel C. Berliri-Zoppi. | |
Japan: | M. Yamakawa; |
Captain Funakoshi. |
IX. Territorial Questions
Central Territorial Committee
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 27, 1919)
President: M. André Tardieu (France)
Vice President: Marquis G. F. Salvago Raggi (Italy)
United States of America: | Dr. S. E. Mezes. |
British Empire: | Sir Eyre Crowe. |
France: | M. André Tardieu. |
Italy: | Marquis G. F. Salvago Raggi, |
Assisted by: | |
M. G. de Martino. | |
Japan: | M. Otchiai. |
France: | M. de Montille (Chargé of the Secretariat General) |
United States of America: | Mr. Parker Thomas Moon. |
British Empire: | Mr. H. Norman. |
Italy: | Marquis C. Durazzo. |
A. Commission on Czecho-Slovak Affairs
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 5, 1919)
President: M. Jules Cambon (France)
Vice President: Marquis G. F. Salvago Raggi (Italy)
United States: | Dr. Charles Seymour; |
Mr. Allen W. Dulles. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Cook; |
The Hon. Harold Nicolson. | |
France: | M. Jules Cambon; |
M. Laroche. | |
Italy: | Marquis G. F. Salvago Raggi; |
M. A. Stranieri. |
United States of America: | Captain Lester W. Perrin. |
British Empire: | Lieut. Commander J. G. Latham. |
France: | M. Lavondès. |
Italy: | Count D. Rogeri. |
B. Polish Affairs
1. Interallied Mission to Poland
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of January 29, 1919)
President: M. Noulens (France)
United States of America: | Major General F. J. Kernan; |
Dr. R. H. Lord. | |
British Empire: | Sir Esme Howard; |
Brigadier General A. Carton de Wiart. | |
France: | M. Noulens; |
General Niessel. | |
Italy: | M. G. C. Montagna; |
General Romei Longhena. |
2. Permanent Interallied Teschen Commission
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of January 31, 1919)
President: M. Grenard (France)
United States of America: | Mr. Marcus A. Coolidge. |
British Empire: | Lieut. Colonel B. J. B. Coulson. |
France: | M. Grenard. |
Italy: | Lieut. Colonel Tissi. |
3. Commission on Polish Affairs
(Permanently at Paris)
(Sessions of the Supreme Council of the Allies of the Evening of February 12, and of February 26, 1919)
President: M. Jules Cambon (France)
United States of America: | Dr. Isaiah Bowman. |
British Empire: | Sir William Tyrrell. |
France: | M. Jules Cambon. |
Italy: | Marquis P. della Torretta |
Japan: | M. Otchiai. |
United States of America: | Captain Stewart Montgomery. |
British Empire: | Lieut. Colonel F. H. Kisch. |
France: | Lieutenant de Percin. |
Italy: | M. G. Brambilla. |
C. Commission on Roumanian and Yugo-Slav Affairs
(With the exception of frontier questions common to the Yugo-Slav State and Italy)
(Sessions of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 1 and 18, 1919)
President: M. André Tardieu (France)
Vice President: M. G. de Martino (Italy)
United States of America: | Dr. Clive Day; |
Dr. Charles Seymour. | |
British Empire: | Sir Eyre Crowe; |
Mr. A. Leeper. | |
France: | M. André Tardieu; |
M. Laroche. | |
Italy: | M. G. de Martino; |
Count Vannutelli-Rey. |
France: | Captain de Saint-Quentin (Chargé of the Secretariat General) |
United States of America: | Lieutenant Reuben Horschow. |
British Empire: | Mr. M. Palairet. |
Italy: | Count L. O. Vinci. |
D. Commission on Greek and Albanian Affairs
(Sessions of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 4 and 24, 1919)
President: M. Jules Cambon (France)
Vice President: The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden
[Page 84]United States of America: | Dr. W. L. Westermann; |
Dr. Clive Day. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden; |
Sir Eyre Crowe. | |
France: | M. Jules Cambon; |
M. Gout. | |
Italy: | M. G. de Martino; |
Colonel Castoldi; | |
Alternate: | |
M. C. Galli. | |
Technical Advisers: | |
British Empire: | The Hon. Harold Nicolson. |
France: | M. Laroche; |
M. Krajewski. | |
Italy: | M. C. Galli; |
Captain U. Conz. |
United States of America: | Mr. George Redington Montgomery. |
British Empire: | Mr. M. Palairet. |
France: | M. de Montille. |
Italy: | Count L. O. Vinci. |
E. Commission on Belgian and Danish Affairs
(Sessions of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 12 and 21, 1919)
President: M. André Tardieu (France)
Vice President: Sir Eyre Crowe (British Empire)
United States of America: | Dr. Charles H. Haskins; |
Colonel S. D. Embick. | |
British Empire: | Sir Eyre Crowe; |
Mr. J. W. Headlam-Morley. | |
France: | M. André Tardieu; |
M. Laroche. | |
Italy: | M. Gustavo Tosti; |
Count Vannutelli-Rey. | |
Japan: | M. H. Nagaoka; |
M. Sakutaro Tachi. |
United States of America: | Mr. Frank L. Warrin, Jr. |
British Empire: | Mr. E. Fullerton-Carnegie. |
France: | Lieutenant de Percin. |
Italy: | Count D. Rogeri. |
Japan: | M. Kawai. |
X. Interallied Military and Naval Committee
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 12, 1919)
President: Marshal Foch
United States of America: | General Tasker H. Bliss; |
Admiral W. S. Benson; | |
Major General Mason N. Patrick. | |
British Empire: | General Sir Henry Wilson; |
Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss; | |
Major General Sir Frederic Sykes. | |
France: | General Degoutte; |
General Duval; | |
Vice Admiral de Bon. | |
Italy: | General A. Diaz; |
Rear Admiral M. Grassi; | |
General U. Cavallero. | |
Japan: | Vice Admiral Takeshita; |
Lieut. General Nara; | |
Colonel Nagai. |
XI. Control of the Production of Materials of War in Germany and the Disarmament of the German Army
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of January 24, 1919)
United States of America: | General John J. Pershing. |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill. |
France: | Marshal Foch; |
M. Loucheur. | |
Italy: | General A. Diaz. |
XII. Specification of Materials of War Which May Be Demanded From Germany
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 7, 1919)
United States of America: | Hon. Robert Lansing. |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. Viscount Milner. |
France: | M. André Tardieu. |
Italy: | General U. Cavallero. |
XIII. Study of the Means of Imposing the Armistice Conditions on Germany
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 10, 1919)
President: Marshal Foch
[Page 86]United States of America: | General Tasker H. Bliss; |
Mr. Norman H. Davis. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. the Lord Robert Cecil; |
Major General W. Thwaites. | |
France: | M. Clémentel; |
General Degoutte. | |
Italy: | M. S. Crespi; |
General U. Cavallero. | |
Japan: | Colonel Nagai; |
M. Kengo Mori. |
members associated with the commission as a consequence of the decision of the supreme council of the allies
United States of America: | General McAndrew (Representing General Pershing); |
Admiral W. S. Benson. | |
British Empire: | Rear Admiral George P. Hope. |
France: | Marshal Pétain; |
Vice Admiral de Bon. | |
Italy: | General A. Diaz; |
Rear Admiral M. Grassi. |
XIV. Committee for Drafting of the Military, Naval, and Aerial Clauses in the Treaty With Germany
President: General Degoutte (France)
[Page 87]United States of America: | Major General Mason N. Patrick; |
Colonel W. S. Browning; | |
Colonel Gorrell; | |
Captain F. H. Schofield; | |
Mr. James Brown Scott. | |
British Empire: | Major General W. Thwaites; |
Rear Admiral George P. Hope; | |
Brigadier General P. R. C. Groves; | |
Captain C. T. M. Fuller; | |
Paymaster-Captain C. F. Pollard; | |
Mr. C. J. B. Hurst. | |
France: | General Degoutte; |
General Duval; | |
Captain Levavasseur; | |
M. Fromageot. | |
Italy: | General U. Cavallero; |
Rear Admiral M. Grassi; | |
M. Gustavo Tosti; | |
Captain V. Fracchia. | |
Japan: | Captain Fugioka; |
Captain Yamamoto; | |
M. H. Nagaoka. |
XV. Morocco
(Council of Foreign Ministers March 28, 1919)
President: M. de Peretti de la Rocca (France)
United States of America: | Mr. George Louis Beer. |
British Empire: | The Hon. A. Akers-Douglas. |
France: | M. de Peretti de la Rocca. |
Italy: | M. R. Piacentini. |
Belgium: | M. Louwers. |
Portugal: | M. Augusto Soares. |
United States of America: | Mr. Bertram F. Willcox. |
British Empire: | Mr. Palairet. |
France: | Captain de Saint-Quentin. |
Italy: | Count L. O. Vinci. |
XVI. Submarine Cables
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of March 7, 1919)
President: M. Fromageot (France)
United States of America: | Mr. James Brown Scott. |
British Empire: | Dr. A. Pearce Higgins. |
France: | M. Fromageot. |
Italy: | M. Gustavo Tosti. |
Japan: | M. Yamakawa. |
XVII. Supreme Economic Council
(Session of the Supreme Council of the Allies of February 10, 1919)
Place of Meeting: Ministry of Commerce (Hôtel du Ministre)
President: (The Different Members in Succession)
[Page 88] [Page 89]United States of America: | Mr. Bernard M. Baruch (Raw Materials); |
Mr. Norman H. Davis (Finance); | |
Mr. Herbert Hoover (Food); | |
Mr. Vance McCormick (Blockade); | |
Mr. Edward N. Hurley; | |
Succeeded temporarily by: | |
Mr. Henry M. Robinson (Maritime Transport). | |
British Empire (5 members from the following): | |
Great Britain: | The Rt. Hon. the Lord Robert Cecil; |
Mr. Austen Chamberlain (Finance); | |
Alternates: | |
Mr. J. M. Keynes; | |
Sir Joseph Maclay (Shipping); | |
Alternates: | |
Sir Thomas Royden; | |
Mr. G. H. Roberts (Food); | |
Alternates: | |
Mr. E. F. Wise; | |
Sir William Goode; | |
Mr. Cecil Harmsworth (Blockade); | |
Alternates: | |
Sir William Mitchell Thomson; | |
Sir Albert Stanley; | |
Alternates: | |
Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith; | |
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Inverforth (Commerce and Raw Materials); | |
Alternate: | |
Mr. W. T. Layton. | |
Dominions and India: | |
Canada: | The Rt. Hon. Sir George Foster; |
Alternates: | |
The Hon. A. L. Sifton; | |
The Hon. C. J. Doherty. | |
Australia: | The Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes. |
South Africa: | General the Rt. Hon. Louis Botha. |
New Zealand: | The Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey. |
India: | The Rt. Hon. E. S. Montagu. |
France: | M. Clémentel; |
M. L.-L. Klotz; | |
M. Loucheur; | |
M. Boret; | |
M. Vilgrain. | |
Italy: | M. Stringher; |
M. Ciuffelli; | |
M. S. Crespi; | |
M. G. Paratore; | |
Alternates: | |
Count Macchi di Celere; | |
M. E. Chiesa; | |
M. l’Ingéieur Dante Ferraris. |
United States of America: | Captain E. H. Hart. |
British Empire: | Dr. Gertrude Dixon. |
France: | M. J. M. Charpentier. |
Italy: | Count Zucchini. |
blockade section
President: Mr. Vance McCormick (United States of America)
United States of America: | Mr. Vance McCormick. |
British Empire: | Sir William Mitchell Thomson. |
France: | M. Vilgrain. |
Italy: | M. S. Crespi. |
Secretary: Mr. Clarence C. Stetson (United States of America)
finance section
President: Mr. Norman H. Davis (United States of America)
United States of America: | Mr. Norman H. Davis. |
British Empire: | Mr. J. M. Keynes. |
France: | M. de Lasteyrie. |
Italy: | Captain Guido Jung. |
Secretary: Mr. H. A. Siepmann (United States of America)
raw materials section
President: Mr. Bernard M. Baruch (United States of America)
United States of America: | Mr. Bernard M. Baruch; |
Mr. L. P. Summers. | |
British Empire: | The Rt. Hon. the Lord Robert Cecil; |
Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith. | |
France: | M. Loucheur; |
M. Clémentel. | |
Italy: | M. B. Attolico; |
M. A. Pirelli. |
Secretary: M. Simiand (France)
[Page 90]maritime transport section
President: Mr. Henry M. Robinson (United States of America)
United States of America: | Mr. Henry M. Robinson. |
British Empire: | Mr. Thomas Lodge. |
France: | M. de Lubersac. |
Italy: | M. B. Attolico. |
Secretary: M. de Lubersac (France)
food section
President: Mr. Herbert Hoover (United States of America)
United States of America: | Mr. Herbert Hoover; |
Colonel J. A. Logan; | |
Mr. R. A. Taft. | |
British Empire: | Mr. E. F. Wise; |
Sir William Goode. | |
France: | M. Jean Monnet; |
Commandant Fillioux. | |
Italy: | M. B. Attolico. |
Secretary: Dr. Gertrude C. Dixon (British Empire)
communications section
President: Brigadier General H. O. Mance (British Empire)
United States of America: | Colonel Atwood. |
British Empire: | Brigadier General H. O. Mance. |
France: | General Gassouin. |
Italy: | General Levi. |
Secretary: Captain Thornton (British Empire)
Index of abbreviations:
U. S. A. United States Army. U. S. N. United States Navy. [Footnote in the original.]
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Index of Abbreviations.
A. D. C. Aide-de-camp. Bt. Baronet. C. B. Companion of the Order of the Bath. C. B. E. Commander of the Order of the British Empire. C. I. E. Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire. C. M. G. Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. C. S. I. Companion of the Order of the Star of India. D. S. C. Distinguished Service Cross. D. S. O. Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. G. B. E. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire. G. C. B. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. G. C. I. E. Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire. G. C. M. G. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. G. C. S. I. Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India. G. C. V. O. Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. K. B. E. Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. K. C. King’s Counsel. K. C. B. Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath. K. C. M. G. Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. K. C. S. I. Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India. K. C. V. O. Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. K. G. Knight of the Order of the Garter. M. B. E. Member of the Order of the British Empire. M. C. Military Cross. M. P. Member of Parliament. M. V. O. Member of the Royal Victorian Order. O. B. E. Officer of the Order of the British Empire. O. M. Order of Merit. R. E. Royal Engineers. R. M. Royal Marines. R. N. Royal Navy. R. N. V. R. Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve. V. C. Volunteer Cross. [Footnote in the original.]