- Aerial navigation clauses of German peace treaty, summary, 371–372
- Aeronautical Commission, 78–81, 113–115
- Africa (see also Germany: Colonies: African), international conventions concerning: Commissions to revise, personnel, 142–144; signature of revised conventions at St. Germain, Sept. 10, 433
- Albania: Commission on Greek and Albanian Affairs, 83–84, 124, 875, 876; Greek claims in North Epirus, 859–861
- Alsace-Lorraine:
- Arab nations (see also
Hedjaz; Syria):
- Confederation of, proposed: Emir Feisal’s statement before Council of Ten, 889–894; opposition of Syrian Commission, 1028–1033
- Franco-British declaration respecting emancipation of peoples oppressed by Turks, 1016–1017
- International inquiry to determine nature of assistance desired from League of Nations, proposal by Emir Feisal, 891
- Mandatory system, discussions concerning application, 891, 892, 1017–1018, 1020, 1034–1036
- Military action in the war, 889–890, 891–892, 892–893
- Arbitration, 306–309
- Armenia, 873, 1018
- Armies, Allied:
- Demobilization program, 713–714
- Occupation of—
- Banat and Dobrudja, proposed, 829, 851
- Danzig and Danzig-Thorn railway, 471, 478–479, 670–675, 684–685
- Rhine:
- Commissions concerning. See Commissions: Rhine.
- Convention regarding military occupation, signature at Versailles, June 28, 423
- German peace treaty provisions: Guarantees, 376–378; political clauses, 337; protest by Marshal Foch, 384–388
- Passage of troops and supplies through Dutch territory, 1040–1041
- Russian territory, 582, 584, 590, 592, 625–626, 631, 641, 650–651, 666, 667, 1042, 1043–1044
- Syria, 1019–1020
- Teschen, 819–821
- Turkish territory and Trans-Caucasia, 805, 806–807, 816–817, 837–838, 955–956
- Strength on Western Front during armistice period:
- British proposal for reduction of German forces to permit reduction of Allied forces, 694–697, 702, 705–713
- Commission to study (Committee on Control of Production of Materials of War in Germany and Disarmament of German Army): Personnel, 85, 92–93, 713, 910; report and discussions thereof, 897–900, 910–925; resolution establishing, 696–697, 702, 713
- Marshal Foch’s reports and recommendations, 705–706, 896–897
- Statistics, 705–706, 896–897, 909
- Armistice, German:
- Enforcement:
- Renewal:
- Commissions and committees concerning. See under Germany: Disarmament; also under Enforcement, supra.
- Discussions, 469–481, 490, 495–500, 508–530, 594, 611, 612, 694–697, 705–714, 896–925, 929–934, 937–954, 971–999, 1001–1006, 1007–1012
- Technical advisers to assist in negotiations, 473–474, 477, 490, 498, 499, 509, 526, 528
- Terms, discussions and draft texts:
- Agricultural, industrial, and railway material, Polish, return of, 1007–1008, 1010–1011
- Cattle, French, return of, 978, 1007, 1008, 1011–1012
- Economic clauses. See Food relief, infra.
- Financial clauses, 469–470, 474, 495, 508–510, 517–519, 521, 523–524, 525–526, 529–530, 946–953, 978, 983–984, 1007–1008, 1010–1012
- Food relief: Agreement regarding use of German merchant fleet, 512–515, 521–522, 527–528, 594, 611, 612, 947, 983, 996; financial aspects, 515–517, 522–623, 528–529
- Machinery removed from occupied territory, restitution, 517–519, 523–524, 529–530
- Military clauses, 469–470, 495, 694–697, 702, 707, 707–708, 708, 896–908, 910–924, 929–933, 937–938, 1040–1041; proposed inclusion of disarmament provisions, 694–697, 707–713, 910–914, 916–924
- Naval clauses, 474–476, 498–499, 510–512, 519–520, 521, 524, 526, 530, 934–935, 938–943, 947–948, 949, 982–983, 992–999
- Poland, provisions regarding, 471–472, 477–479, 496, 953, 976, 981–982, 985–986, 987–992, 1007–1008, 1010–1011
- Prisoners of war, treatment and repatriation of, 470–471, 472–473, 479–481, 495–496, 490–497, 980–981, 982, 986–987, 992
- Railway material, return of, 469–470, 495
- Responsibility for the war, 953–954
- Violations, 517, 519–520, 980–984, 986–988, 992–999
- Arms convention, signature at St. Germain, Sept. 10, 433
- Asia Minor, Greek territorial claims, 868–875
- Australia:
- Austria:
- Food relief, 429
- German peace treaty clauses concerning, summary: Boundary, 335; political, 343
- League of Nations, views, 430
- Prisoners of War in Siberia (German, Austrian, and Hungarian), Commission on Repatriation of, 142
- Tientsin Concession, commission to study Italian demand for cession of, 131–132
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers (see also
Germany: Preliminary
- Austrian delegates to receive and sign, names, 426, 432
- Commission to Study Austrian Observations on Conditions of Peace, 135–139; to Coordinate Replies to Austrian Counter-propositions, 139
- Plenary sessions of Peace Conference concerning: May 29, postponement of consideration upon request of certain governments for actual text, 392–393; May 31, consideration of incomplete treaty, and declarations, suggestions, etc., 395–410
- Receipt of terms from Allies at St. Germain, June 2, 424–430; statement by Austrian delegate, 427–430
- Roumanian declarations concerning, 395–401, 408–409
- Signature at St. Germain, Sept. 10, 431–434
- Terms, discussions concerning:
- Boundaries, 395, 398–399, 402, 403, 404–405, 407
- Economic clauses, 397, 403
- Financial clauses, 398, 399, 401
- Italian Political Clauses, Commission on, 131
- Military, naval, and air clauses, proposed, 944; Italian desire for immediate imposition of, 1014–1015
- Political clauses relating to Europe, especially minorities: Commission on, 130; discussions, 395–397, 399, 399–401, 401, 402–403, 403–404, 405–410; President Wilson’s justification of, 405–408
- Reparation clauses, 395, 399, 401
- Austria-Hungary. See Austria; Hungary.
- Baltic Affairs, Commission on, 125–126
- Banat, statement of Roumanian and Serbian claims before Council of Ten, 814–815, 822–834, 851; question of occupation by Allied troops, 829, 851
- Belgium:
- Germany, relations with:
- Labor legislation, views, 249–253, 318
- League of Nations, views, 187, 292; disappointment over nonselection of Brussels as seat of League, 292
- Mandatory system, views, 812
- Representation at Peace Conference:
- Territorial claims: Commission on Belgian and Danish Affairs, 84, 124–125, 1006–1007, 1014; German colonies in Africa, 808, 809–813; Ghent-Terneuzen Canal, 961–963; Limburg, 963–966; Luxemburg, 966–968; Malmédy, 336, 968; Moresnet, 336, 969; Scheldt, 959–961; statement before Council of Ten, 808, 809–813, 957–969
- Treaties of 1839: Commission on Revision of, 145–146; discussions, 958–959, 969; German peace treaty provisions, 336
- Belligerents, representation at Peace Conference. See under Representation.
- Bessarabia: Participation in Prince’s Island conference, question of, 733; Roumanian claims to, 733, 847–848, 848–851
- Blockade of Germany, 418, 900, 901, 904, 905, 933–934, 951, 954, 984–985, 986
- Bolivia:
- Bolshevism. See under Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Wilson, Woodrow.
- Brazil, representation at Peace Conference:
- British Dominions and India (see also specific countries):
- Bukovina, Roumanian claims, 395, 847, 848–851
- Bulgaria:
- Commercial relations, resumption by Allies, 1008
- Convention with Greece regarding reciprocal emigration, signature at Neuilly-sur-Seine, Nov. 27, 443
- German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary, 351
- League of Nations, views, 440
- Territorial claims in Thrace contested by Greece, 861–866
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Bureau of Peace Conference. See under Organization.
- Cables, submarine: Commission on, 87, 126; German peace treaty provisions, summary, 361–362, 941–942; Portuguese claims, 380
- Canada:
- Censorship, 544, 562–563, 566–567, 575–576, 578–579, 585–586, 599
- Central Territorial Committee, 81, 117–118
- China:
- Chinese in the Red Army in Russia, 635, 656
- German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary, 348–349, 351; Chinese protest, 383–384
- Japan, relations with. See Shantung and Kiaochow, infra.
- League of Nations, support of, 186, 228–229
- Representation at Peace Conference:
- Shantung and Kiaochow:
- Chinese claim, 740, 755–757
- Japanese claim, presentation before Council of Ten: Presence of Chinese delegates, 736–737; statement and discussions, 738–740, 754–755, 756–757
- Protest and reservations by China regarding settlement provided in German treaty, 383–384; summary of treaty provisions, 348–349, 351
- Tientsin, commission to study Italian demand for Austrian Concession, 131–132
- Clemenceau, Georges (Premier):
- Addresses to plenary sessions of Peace Congress in communicating terms of peace to enemy delegations, 415–416, 422–423, 426–427, 432, 436
- Justification of preeminent position of the Great Powers at Peace Conference, 196–199, 505–506
- Nomination to presidency of Peace Conference, 164–167; speech of acceptance, 167–169
- Coal, European Commission on, 150
- Colonies (see also under Germany): Colonial Compensation Demanded by Italy from France and Great Britain, Commission on, 128; Colonial Mandates, Commission on, 129
- Commissions and committees of the Peace Conference (see also
- Aeronautical Commission, 78–81, 113–115
- Africa, Commission for the Revision of the Convention on the Control of Spirituous Liquors in, 143
- Albanian Affairs, Commission on Greek and, 83–84, 124, 875, 876
- Arms and Ammunition, Commission for the Revision of the Convention Relative to the Commerce of, 144
- Austrian Counterpropositions, Committee for the Coordination of the Replies to, 139
- Baltic Affairs, Commission on, 125
- Belgian and Danish Affairs, Commission on, 84, 124–125, 1006–1007, 1014
- Berlin and Brussels, Commission for the Revision of the General Acts of, 142–143
- Central Territorial Committee, 81, 117–118
- Coal, European Commission on, 150
- Colonial Mandates, Commission on, 129
- Colonies, Commission on (Colonial Compensation Demanded by Italy from France and Great Britain), 128
- Colonies, German, Commission on, 128–129
- Conditions of Peace, Committees for the Study of the Observations of the Austrian Delegation on, 135–139
- Conditions of Peace, Committees for the Study of the Observations of the German Delegation on, 132–135
- Credentials, Committee on, 59, 92, 167, 171, 173, 549
- Czechoslovak Affairs, Commission on, 81–82, 118–119
- Danish Affairs, Commission on Belgian and, 84, 124–125, 1006–1007, 1014
- Drafting Committee, 59, 92, 167, 171, 175
- Economic Commission. See Economic questions: Commission.
- Execution of the Clauses of the Treaty of Peace with Germany, Committee on, 140–142
- Financial Commission. See Financial questions: Commission.
- Fiume Incidents, Commission on, 153
- Geography, Committee on, 115–116
- German Counterpropositions, Committee for the Coordination of the Replies to, 139
- Germany, Commission on the Eastern Frontiers of, 122
- Germany, Committee for the Determination of the Conditions of the Disarmament of (Interallied Military and Naval Committee), 85, 93–94, 855, 933–934, 938–943, 979, 986, 1009, 1015
- Germany, Committee for the Study of the Means of Imposing the Armistice Conditions on. See under Armistice: Enforcement.
- Greek and Albanian Affairs, Commission on, 83–84, 124, 875, 876
- Italian Political Clauses, Commission on, 131
- Jugoslav Affairs, Commission on Roumanian and, 83, 122–124, 851–855, 857
- Kiel Canal, Subcommission on, 103–104
- Labor, Committee on the Organization of the International Conference of, 151–152, 257, 282
- Labor Legislation, Commission on International. See under Labor: Legislation.
- Laibach, Commission on Issues of, 153
- League of Nations, Commission on. See under League of Nations.
- League of Nations, Committee on the Organization of, 151, 289, 330
- Materials of War, Committee on the Control of the Production of, in Germany, and Disarmament of the German Army: Personnel, 85, 92–93, 713, 910; report and discussions, 897–900, 910–924; resolution establishing, 702, 713
- Materials of War Which May Be Demanded from Germany, Committee on the Specification of, 85, 93, 908, 929–933, 937–938
- Military, Naval, and Aerial Clauses in the Treaty with Germany, Committee for the Drafting of, 86–87, 126
- Morocco, Commission on, 87, 126–127, 130
- New States, Commission on, 130
- Poland, Interallied Mission to. See under Poland: Commissions.
- Polish Affairs, Commission on, 82–83, 119–121, 1007, 1014
- Political Clauses for Europe, Commission on (Treaty with Austria), 130
- Ports, Waterways, and Railways, Commission on the International Regime of. See under Ports, etc.
- Prisoners of war. See Prisoners of war: Commissions concerning.
- Reparation. See Reparation: Commissions concerning.
- Responsibility of the Authors of the War and the Enforcement of Penalties, Commission on. See Responsibility: Commission.
- Rhine questions: Committee on the Rhine Territory, 141; Interallied Commission on the Left Bank of the Rhine, 127; Interallied Commission on the Rhine Territory, 129
- Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, Commission on, 83, 122–124, 851–855, 857
- Scapa Flow, Committee on the Destruction of the German Fleet at, 141
- Smyrna, Commission on Issues of, 153
- Spitzbergen, Commission on, 144–145
- Submarine Cables, Enemy, Commission on, 87, 126
- Teschen Commission, Permanent Interallied. See under Poland: Teschen conflict.
- Tientsin, Commission on, 131–132
- Treaties of 1839, Commission for the Revision of, 145–146
- Constantinople, 864–865
- Costa Rica, nonrepresentation at Peace Conference, 534–535, 540
- Councils:
- Food: Interallied Food Council, 512, 522–523; Supreme Council of Supply and Relief, 779, 839–840
- Supreme Council (“The Ten”):
- Supreme Economic Council: Personnel, lists, 87–90, 146–150; questions for study, 946–948, 949–950, 954–955, 979, 1008, 1012; resolution establishing, 934–935
- Supreme War Council, meetings:
- Credentials, Committee on, 59, 92, 167, 171, 173, 549
- Cuba:
- Cyprus, Greek claim to, 861
- Czechoslovakia:
- Austrian peace treaty, observations on, 401–403
- German peace treaty clauses concerning, summary: Boundary, 335, 375; political, 343; ports, waterways, and railways, 375
- Representation at Peace Conference:
- Territorial claims (see also Poland: Teschen conflict):
- Treaty relating to, signature at St. Germain, Sept. 10, 433
- Troops in Russia, 582, 590, 636
- Danzig: German peace treaty political clauses concerning, summary, 344–345; Polish troops in France, question of return to Poland via Danzig, 471–472, 477–479, 496, 669, 670–675, 685–686
- Denmark: Commission on Belgian and Danish Affairs, 84, 124–125; German peace treaty boundary clauses concerning, summary, 336
- Directories of Peace Conference: Apr. 1, 1–90; Oct. 1, 91–153
- Disarmament. See under Germany.
- Dobrudja, Roumanian claims, 851
- Drafting Committee, 59, 92, 167, 171, 175, 562
- Economic questions:
- Austrian peace treaty provisions, Roumanian declaration concerning, 397
- Commission: Personnel, lists, 74–78, 108–113; powers with special interests, desire for increased representation, 457–466; terms of reference, preparation by Economic Drafting Committee, 718, 730–732
- German armistice, economic clauses, 512–515
- German peace treaty, economic clauses, 364–371
- Ecuador:
- Egypt, German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary, 350–351
- Enemy powers, question of representation at Peace Conference, 505, 535, 541, 597
- Financial questions:
- Agreements, signature at St. Germain, Sept 10: Cost of liberating territories of former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 433; reparation as regards Italy, 433
- Austrian peace treaty, Roumanian declarations concerning financial clauses, 398
- Commission on: Personnel, lists, 71–74, 104–108; powers with special interests, desire for increased representation, 457–466; terms of reference, preparation by Financial Drafting Committee, 701–702, 718, 730
- German armistice, financial clauses, 474, 508–510, 517–519, 521, 525–526, 946–953, 983–984
- German peace treaty, summary of financial clauses, 362–364
- Finland, question of recognition, 638, 734–735
- Fiume Incidents, Commission on, 153
- Foch, Marshal:
- Food relief (see also under Germany and Poland): Austria, 429; Interallied Food Council, 512, 522–523; Russia, question of, 652–653, 658–659, 667–668; Supreme Council of Supply and Relief, 779, 830–840
- Fourteen Points, cited, 418, 484, 677, 678, 762, 812, 865, 868–869, 889, 954, 959, 1016, 1020
- France:
- Censorship in, 544, 562–563, 578–579, 585, 599
- Claims to German colonies in Africa, 758–763; Franco-British convention relating to Togoland, cited, 750, 758–759
- German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary: Alsace-Lorraine, 340–342; boundary clauses, 335; Morocco, 349–350; Saar Basin, 337–340
- Joint declaration with Great Britain respecting emancipation of peoples oppressed by Turks, 1016–1017
- Labor legislation, international, views on, 247–249
- League of Nations, declarations and views concerning, 183–186, 219–224, 294–302, 313–314
- Mandatory system: Desire of Syrian Commission for France to be mandatory for Syria, 1035–1036; French views, 760–763, 768–769, 803–805
- Prisoners of war in Germany, German treatment of, 470–471, 495–496
- Representation at Peace Conference: Lists of personnel, 15–20, 60; number of plenipotentiaries, 172, 546, 548
- Restitution by Germany of property taken from occupied territory: Cattle, 978, 1007, 1008, 1011–1012; machinery, 517–519, 523–524, 529–530; railway material, 469–470, 495
- Treaties with United States and Great Britain regarding aggression unprovoked of Germany, 379
- Galicia. See under Poland.
- Geography, Committee on, 115–116
- Germany (see also
Poland: Germany, relations
with; Prisoners of war):
- Armistice. See Armistice.
- Blockade of, 418, 900, 901, 904, 905, 933–934, 951, 954, 984–985, 986
- Bolshevism, 516, 528, 639–640, 660, 992
- Boundaries: Commission on Eastern Frontiers of Germany, 122; peace treaty provisions, summary, 335–336
- Cables, submarine. See Cables.
- Colonies, possessions, and rights outside Germany:
- African colonies:
- China, rights in. See China: Shantung and Kiaochow.
- Commission on, 128–129
- Disposal of: Discussions concerning methods, 719–728, 736–737, 740–754, 760–771, 785–786, 787–809; peace treaty provisions, summary, 347–348, 941
- Pacific islands: Australian claims, 720, 720–722, 745–747; Japanese claims, 738–740; New Zealand claims, 720, 724–727, 751–753
- Disarmament:
- British proposal for reduction of German forces to permit reduction of Allied forces on Western Front, 654, 669, 694–697, 702, 705–713
- Commissions concerning:
- Control of Production of War Material in Germany and Disarmament of German Army: Personnel, 85, 92–93, 713, 910; report and discussions, 897–900, 910–924; resolution establishing, 702, 713
- Determination of Conditions of Disarmament of Germany (Interallied Military and Naval Committee), 85, 93–94, 855, 933–934, 938–943, 979, 986, 1015
- Specification of Materials of War Which May Be Demanded from Germany, 85, 93, 908, 929–933, 937–938
- Methods of accomplishing, discussions: Armistice terms, proposed, 694–697, 707–713, 910–914, 916–924; military, naval, and aerial terms of peace, proposal for immediate imposition of, 933–934, 938–943, 971–979, 985–986, 1001–1006, 1009, 1014–1015
- Military, naval, and aerial clauses of treaty of peace, and guarantees, summary, 352–355, 376–378, 939–943
- Food relief: Agreement regarding use of German merchant fleet, discussions, 512–515, 521–522, 527–528, 594, 611, 612, 947, 983, 996; financial aspects, 515–517, 522–523, 528–529
- League of Nations, views, 419
- Postal and telegraph facilities in occupied regions, German request for, 927, 935–936
- Preliminary peace of Germany and Austria-Hungary with Allied and Associated Powers, proposed, 933–934, 938–943, 971–979, 985–986, 1001–1006, 1009, 1014–1015
- Reparation. See Reparation.
- Responsibility for the war. See Responsibility.
- Submarines, 474–476, 498–499, 510–512, 521, 526, 643, 888–889, 939–940, 982–983, 992–999
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers (see also
Preliminary peace, supra):
- Commissions concerning:
- German delegates to receive and sign, names, 415, 422
- Receipt of terms from Allies at Versailles, May 7: Address by President Clemenceau, 415–416; statement by German delegate, 417–420
- Signature at Versailles, June 28, 421–423
- Summary communicated to plenary session of Peace Conference, May 6, 334–379; protests, reservations, declarations, etc., 379–390
- Terms, summary and declarations concerning:
- Aerial navigation, 371–372
- Boundaries of Germany, 335–336
- Economic clauses, 364–371
- Financial clauses, 362–364
- German rights and interests outside Germany, 347–351; Chinese protest against settlement of Shantung question, 383–384
- Guarantees, 376–378; Marshal Foch’s protest against provisions regarding occupation of the Rhine, 384–388
- Labor clauses, 268–269, 283–284, 315–318, 331–332, 376
- League of Nations Covenant, 287, 334, 335, 789
- Military, naval, and air clauses, 352–355, 938–943
- Miscellaneous, 378–379
- Penalties, 356–357
- Political clauses for Europe, 336–347
- Ports, waterways, and railways, 372–376
- Prisoners of war and graves, 356
- Reparation: Clauses, 357–362; Portuguese declaration, 379–383
- Responsibilities for the war and penalties, 356–357; Honduran declaration concerning, 334, 388–390
- Wilhelm II, former Emperor, proposed trial of: Honduran declaration concerning, 334, 388–390; peace treaty provisions, summary, 356–357
- Great Britain (see also
British Dominions and India):
- Cyprus, Greek claim to, 861
- Joint declaration with France respecting emancipation of peoples oppressed by the Turks, 1016–1017
- League of Nations, British views, 181–182, 215–217; views of British working classes, 225–226
- Mandatory system, views, 719–720, 747–748, 749–750, 763–765, 769–770, 785–786, 789–790, 795–796, 806–807
- Representation at Peace Conference: Lists of personnel, 5–14, 59–60; number of plenipotentiaries, 172, 546, 548
- Submarines, German, disposal of, 643
- Syria, troops in, 1019–1021
- Treaties with France: Convention relating to Togoland, cited, 750, 758–759; British and U. S. treaties regarding unprovoked aggression by Germany, 379
- Greece:
- Guarantees in German peace treaty, summary, 376–378
- Guatemala, representation at Peace Conference: Lists of personnel, 39, 61; number of plenipotentiaries, 172, 546, 548, 600
- Haiti, representation at Peace Conference: Lists of personnel, 39, 61; number of plenipotentiaries, 172, 546, 548, 600
- Hedjaz:
- Heligoland, 346, 941
- Honduras:
- Hungary:
- India:
- Inquiry, Commissions of: Fiume Incidents, 153; Issues of Laibach, 153; Issues of Smyrna, 153
- Italy:
- Austrian peace treaty, Italian interest in: Commission on Italian Political Clauses, 131; Italian desire for immediate imposition of military, naval, and air terms, 1014–1015
- German peace treaty, general reservations, 384
- Labor legislation, international, views, 253–255
- League of Nations, speeches concerning, 182–183, 217–219
- Mandatory system, views, 767–768, 791–792, 805–806
- Representation at Peace Conference:
- Territorial claims: Austrian Concession in Tientsin, Commission on, 131–132; Epirus and the Isles, 859
- Treaty concerning Italian reparation payments, signature at St. Germain, Sept. 10, 433
- Japan (see also China: Shantung and Kiaochow):
- Jugoslavia (see also Serbia):
- Kiaochow. See China: Shantung and Kiaochow.
- Kiel Canal, 103–104, 376, 941
- Labor:
- Conferences, international:
- German peace treaty provisions, summary, 268–269, 283–284, 315–318, 331–332, 376
- Legislation, international:
- Clauses for insertion in treaty of peace, 268–269, 283–284, 315–318, 331–332, 376
- Commission on:
- Discussions concerning, 177, 188, 188–189, 189, 192, 193, 195, 200, 451, 452, 452–453, 607, 653, 669, 682, 697–698
- Personnel, lists, 68–69, 100–101, 206–207
- Report: Presentation to plenary session of Peace Conference, 241–247; text, 261–284; views of the delegations, 247–260
- Resolution to establish, 202–203, 682, 697, 702
- Convention: Draft text, with annexed protocols, schedules, and resolutions, 270–283; resolution approving, 257, 260
- League of Nations Covenant, labor provisions, 213, 243, 244, 246, 247, 252, 258, 261–262
- Suggestion for, at opening session of Peace Conference, 169
- Laibach, Commission on Issues of, 153
- Language of Peace Conference, official, 553–561, 570–575
- Law, private and maritime, proposed commission on, 732–733
- League of Nations:
- Commission on the League of Nations:
- Discussions concerning, 177, 187–188, 190, 191, 193, 194, 194–195, 201, 448–449, 451, 452, 453, 653–654, 668–669, 677–682, 686–690, 692, 790, 857–858
- Meetings of, 321
- Personnel, lists, 63, 94–95, 203–204, 320–321, 694
- Reports: Discussions concerning, 286–319, 1023–1024; texts, 209–215, 319–330
- Resolution establishing: Adoption, 187, 679, 686; texts, 201, 319, 677–678, 692
- Committee on Organization of, 151, 289, 330
- Council, members, 287, 288–289, 314–315
- Covenant:
- Enemy powers, views: Austria, 430; Bulgaria, 440; Germany, 419
- Financial section, 199, 302, 730
- Geneva as seat of, 287, 292
- Labor provisions in Covenant, 213, 243, 244, 246, 247, 252, 258, 261–262
- Law, study of private and maritime, 733
- Mandates. See Mandates.
- Members, 330; states to be invited to adhere, 313–314, 330
- Plenary sessions of Peace Conference concerning:
- Jan. 25: Proposal by President Wilson, 178–181; views and declarations of the delegations, 181–187, 190
- Feb. 14: Submission of Covenant by President Wilson, 209–215; text of draft Covenant, 230–239; views and declarations of the delegations, 215–230
- Apr. 28: Submission by President Wilson of report of League Commission, and motion to adopt amended Covenant, 286–289, 319–330; text of Covenant, 321–329; views and declarations of the delegations, 289–315
- Publicity of treaties, 213
- Secretary General, appointment, 287, 288
- Wilson, President, and the League (see also Plenary sessions, supra), 653–654, 668–669
- Commission on the League of Nations:
- Lebanon, 890
- Liberia:
- Limburg, Belgian claims, 963–966
- Lloyd George, David (Prime Minister), addresses: Jam. 18, seconding nomination of Clemenceau as president of Peace Conference, 165–166; Jan. 25, seconding resolution on League of Nations, 181–182
- Luxemburg:
- Malmédy, 336, 968
- Mandates: Commission on Colonial Mandates, 129; discussions concerning mandatory system, 213–214, 225, 229, 701, 719–728, 736–737, 740–754, 760–771, 785–786, 787–809, 812, 891, 892, 1016–1021, 1034–1036; financial questions, 701, 741, 747–748, 764; United States as a mandatory, question of, 788, 807
- Medals, Allied war, 714
- Memel, German peace treaty clauses concerning, summary, 344
- Minorities, Austrian peace treaty provisions concerning treatment of, declarations by Czechoslovakia, 402–403; Jugoslavia, 403; Poland, 401; Roumania, 395–397, 399, 400–401, 408–409; Serbia, 404–405; Wilson, President, 405–408
- Monaco: French proposal for adherence to League Covenant, 313–314; German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary, 378
- Monroe Doctrine, cited, 310–313, 753
- Montenegro: Conditions in, proposed investigation, 489, 504; Nicholas I, message asking Montenegrins to cease armed resistance, 642, 662; representation at Peace Conference, question of, 173, 485, 487–489, 501, 503–504, 546, 548
- Moresnet, 336, 969
- Morocco: Commission on, 87, 126–127, 130; German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary, 349–350
- Netherlands: Belgian territorial claims, 959–966; passage across Dutch territory of Allied troops and supplies for occupation of Rhine, 1040–1041
- Neutrals, question of representation at Peace Conference, 172, 535, 541, 545–546, 600
- Newfoundland, representation at Peace Conference, 7, 60, 173, 483, 486, 533, 539, 540, 546, 548
- New Guinea, Australian claim, 720, 720–722, 745–747
- New states: Commission on, 130; question of representation at Peace Conference, 172, 487
- New Zealand:
- Nicaragua, representation at Peace Conference: Lists of personnel, 41, 61; number of plenipotentiaries, 172, 546, 548, 600
- Occupation of territories by Allied Armies. See under Armies, Allied.
- Organization and composition of Peace Conference:
- Bureau: Committees on Credentials and Drafting, 59, 92, 167, 171, 173, 175, 549; president and vice presidents, 57, 164–167, 170, 173, 549; Secretariat, 57–59, 91–92, 167, 170–171, 173–174, 549–550, 562, 609, 618
- Commissions. See Commissions; also under Special interests.
- Directories: Apr. 1, 1–90; Oct. 1, 91–153
- Plenary session, the Conference in, 59–62
- Representation of countries. See Representation.
- Rules of Peace Conference, 169, 172–175, 545–565, 567–577
- Supreme Council, personnel, 62, 91
- Orlando, V. E. (Prime Minister), address, Jan. 25, declaring adherence to League of Nations resolution, 182–183
- Pacific islands, formerly German-owned. See under Germany: Colonies.
- Palestine, 891, 1037
- Panama:
- Peace, treaties of. See Treaty of peace under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, and Hungary.
- Personnel of Peace Conference, directories: Apr. 1, 1–90; Oct 1, 91–153
- Peru, representation at Peace Conference:
- Plebiscite, Bulgarian views concerning, 441
- Plenary sessions:
- Peace Conference, Preliminary:
- Jan. 18, 157–175; preparations for, 537–538, 542, 564, 576, 598, 599, 600, 604–609, 615, 616, 618–619
- Jan. 25, 176–207; preparations for, 608, 653, 668, 679, 681–682, 690, 697, 699
- Feb. 14, 208–239; preparations for, 1023–1024
- Apr. 11, 240–284
- Apr. 28, 285–332
- May 6, 333–390
- May 29, 391–393
- May 31, 394–410
- Peace Congress: May 7 (Versailles), presentation of peace terms to German delegates, 413–420; June 2 (St. Germain), presentation of peace terms to Austrian delegates, 424–430; June 28 (Versailles), signature of German peace treaty and other instruments, 421–423; Sept. 10 (St. Germain), signature of Austrian peace treaty and other instruments, 431–434; Sept. 19 (Paris), presentation of peace terms to Bulgarian delegates, 435–441; Nov. 27 (Neuilly-sur-Seine), signature of Bulgarian treaty and other instruments, 442–444
- Peace Conference, Preliminary:
- Poincaré, Raymond (President), address of welcome at opening session of Peace Conference, 159–164
- Poland:
- Allied arms, munitions, and troops, question of supply to Poland, 478, 638, 642, 654, 662, 669, 673, 674, 685, 707, 784
- Austrian peace treaty, observations, 401
- Bolshevism, question of return of Polish troops in France for purpose of combating, 471–472, 477–479, 496, 669, 670–675, 684–686
- Commissions concerning:
- Interallied Mission to Poland: Discussions concerning, 642, 671–672, 674–675, 685, 686, 693, 695, 716–717, 735, 772–773, 779, 784, 813, 814, 838–840, 924–925, 981–982, 987–988; instructions for, 772, 779, 808, 838–840; personnel, 82, 119; press delegates to accompany, 717; report and recommendation for Interallied Teschen Commission, 818–822
- Negotiation of an Armistice Between Poland and the Ukraine, Commission on, 121–122
- Permanent Interallied Teschen Commission. See under Teschen conflict, infra.
- Polish Affairs, Commission on: Personnel, 82–83, 119–121, 1014; resolution establishing, 1007
- Food relief, 779, 839–840; German refusal to guarantee safety of food shipments, 982, 989–992
- Galicia, Eastern:
- Germany, relations with:
- Agricultural, industrial, and railway material taken by Germany, demand for return of, 1007–1008, 1010–1011
- Food shipments to Poland, German refusal to guarantee safety of, 982, 989–992
- German peace treaty provisions regarding Poland, summary: Boundary, 335–336; economic, 365; political, 343–344
- Hostilities in debatable territory, 672, 674, 685, 695, 774–775, 776, 903–904, 906, 924–925, 932–933, 949, 981–982, 987–988, 1005, 1008–1009
- League of Nations, statement concerning, 186–187
- Minorities, protection of, 401
- Recognition, 734
- Representation at Peace Conference:
- Statement of Polish case before Council of Ten, 773–779, 780–782
- Teschen conflict with Czechoslovakia:
- Treaty, Polish, signature at Versailles, June 28, 423
- Troops under French command, question of return to Poland via Danzig for purpose of combating Bolshevism, 471–472, 477–479, 496, 669, 670–675, 684–686
- Ports, waterways, and railways:
- Belgian claims to the Scheldt, Ghent–Terneuzen Canal, and other canals and railways, 961–966; reference to Ports and Waterways Commission, 1006–1007
- Commission on International Regime of: Discussions concerning, 177, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 200, 451, 452, 453, 454, 607, 701, 858; Kiel Canal, Subcommission on, 103–104; personnel, 69–71, 101–104, 207; resolution establishing, 203, 701, 703; study of Belgian claims, 1006–1007
- German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary, 372–376
- Kiel Canal, 103–104, 376, 941
- Portugal:
- Powers with special interests. See Special interests.
- Precedence of countries at Peace Conference, 173, 548–549, 568
- Preliminary peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary, proposed, 933–934, 938–943, 971–979, 985–986, 1001–1006, 1009, 1014–1015
- Presidency of Peace Conference, 57, 164–167, 173, 549
- Press (see also
- Attendance at, or exclusion from, plenary sessions, 333n, 391n, 394n, 550–553, 569–570, 576, 587, 598–599, 611, 612–615, 619–622
- Communiqués to, 493, 507, 538, 562–564, 565, 575–576, 609–611, 619–622; rules concerning, 174, 550
- Interallied Mission to Poland, press delegates to accompany, 717
- Leakages and unauthorized stories, 543–545, 566–567, 578–580, 585–588, 599, 614, 615, 786–787, 800, 815–816
- Message of the Council of Ten to the press: Draft prepared by Lloyd George, 599, 620–621; text amended by President Wilson, 609–611, 619, 621–622
- Prince’s Island (Prinkipo) conference, proposed. See under Russia.
- Prisoners of war:
- Allied, in Germany, 470–471, 495–496
- Commissions concerning: Commission on, 116; interallied commission under Armistice Commission, 472, 473, 497; Repatriation of German, Austrian, and Hungarian Prisoners of War in Siberia, 142; Repatriation of, 141–142
- German peace treaty clauses concerning, summary, 356
- German, question of repatriation, 419, 927–929, 936–937
- Russian, in Germany, 472–473, 470–481, 496–497, 982, 992
- Procedure of Peace Conference: Committees, decision to use, 604–606, 618, 668, 669; discussions, 169–170, 172–175, 476–477, 482–489, 492–494, 500–507, 531–593, 594–611, 612–622, 653–654, 668–669, 677–683, 686–690, 697–702, 729–733, 735–737, 813–816, 840, 857–859, 867–868, 956, 1022–1024; formal conferences vs. informal conversations, 492–494, 505–506, 535–538, 551–552, 560–570, 587–588, 594–595, 596–597, 604, 609, 619; precedence of subjects for consideration, 608, 699–700
- Prussia, East, German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary: Boundary, 336; political, 344
- Publicity of Peace Conference proceedings: Discussions concerning, 450, 492–493, 543–545, 550–553, 564, 566–567, 569–570, 578–580, 585–588, 594–599, 609–611, 612–615, 718, 867–868; rules, 174, 550
- Reparation:
- Claims for, question of precedence over national debts of enemy countries, 702
- Commissions concerning:
- Reparation Clauses in the Treaties with Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, 131
- Reparation Commission, Committee on Organization of, 152–153; German peace treaty provisions, 358–359
- Reparation of Damage: Discussions concerning, 177, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 193–194, 200, 606, 653, 669, 682–683, 690, 698–699, 733, 858; personnel, lists, 66–68, 97–100, 205–206; resolution establishing, text containing terms of reference, 202, 698–699, 703, 720–730
- German peace treaty clauses relating to, summary, 357–362, 385; Portuguese protest, 379–383
- German views, 419
- Treaty concerning Italian reparation payments, signature at St. Germain, Sept. 10, 433
- Representation at Peace Conference (see
also under specific countries):
- Belligerents: Powers with special interests, 157, 172, 482–483, 485, 486, 487, 501, 533–534, 545–548, 567–568, 580–581, 588, 599, 601–604, 616; Principal Allied and Associated Powers, 157, 172, 482, 545, 546, 548
- Enemy powers, 505, 535, 541, 597
- Neutral states and small states which severed diplomatic relations with the enemy, 157, 172, 485, 487, 501, 535, 540–541, 545–546, 564, 576, 600, 616
- New states and states in process of formation, 172, 487, 545–546, 599, 616, 734
- Number of plenipotentiaries, 172–173, 482–487, 500–503, 546–548, 601–604, 616–618
- Technical advisers, 173, 175, 493–494, 500, 501, 507, 535, 541, 546, 564
- Responsibility of the authors of the war and enforcement of
- Armistice terms, proposed inclusion in, 953–954
- Commission: Discussions concerning, 177, 189, 191–192, 193, 193–194, 199, 451–452, 453, 607, 699; personnel, lists, 63–65, 95–97, 204–205, 858–859; resolution, text, 202, 699, 703; work of, 953–954
- German peace treaty provisions, summary, 356–357
- German refusal to admit sole guilt and demand for neutral commission to inquire into guilt of all parties, 417–418
- Honduran declaration disapproving proposed trial of ex-Emperor of Germany, 334, 388–390
- Presentation of problem at opening plenary session of Peace Conference, 169–170
- Rhine. See under Armies: Occupation and under Commissions.
- Roumania:
- Austrian peace treaty, Roumanian declarations concerning provisions for protection of minorities by League of Nations, 395–397, 399, 400–401, 408–409
- Representation at Peace Conference:
- Territorial questions:
- Claims to Banat, 822–834, 851; Bessarabia, 733, 847–848, 848–851; Bukovina, 395, 847, 848–851; Dobrudja, 851; Transylvania, 845–847, 848–851
- Commission on Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs: Discussions concerning, 851–855; lists of personnel, 83, 122–124, 857; resolution establishing, 852, 855
- Statement before Council of Ten, 814–815, 840–851
- Treaties, cited: Allies-Roumania, Aug. 17, 1916, 822, 823, 826, 842, 845, 852–853; Bucharest, 844, 853
- War, participation in, 841–845
- Rules of Peace Conference, 169, 172–175, 545–565, 567–577
- Russia:
- Allied troops in Russia, 582, 584, 590, 625–626, 631, 652, 666, 667, 1042, 1043–1044; question of intervention to crush Bolshevism, 582, 590, 592, 637–638, 641–642, 645, 648, 650–651, 658–659, 661–662, 663–664, 666
- Bolshevism and general conditions, 472, 479–480, 491, 497, 504–505, 564, 577, 581–584, 589–593, 623–642, 643–646, 648–653, 655–662, 663–668, 992, 1043–1044
- Czechoslovak troops in Russia, 582, 590, 636
- Food relief, question of, 652–653, 658–659, 667–668
- German peace treaty, political clauses relating to Russia, summary, 347
- Peace overtures to Allies by Bolsheviks, Buckler report on conversations with Litvinoff, 643–646, 648, 662–663, 664
- Polish troops in Russia, 637, 638
- Prince’s Island (Prinkipo) conference between representatives of Allies and organized Russian groups, proposed: Allied representatives, nomination, 693; participation of groups formerly included in Czarist Russia, 733–734, 735; preliminary discussions concerning, 581–584, 589–593, 647–653, 662–668, 1041–1044; proclamation to Russian groups, 676–677, 686, 691–692; Soviet attitude, 835–836
- Prisoners of war in Germany, 472–473, 479–481, 496–497, 982, 992
- Representation at Peace Conference, question of, 173, 490–491, 504–505, 533, 540, 546, 564, 577, 581–584, 589–593
- Saar Basin, summary of political clauses of German peace treaty concerning, 337–340
- Samoa: Claims of New Zealand, 720, 724–727, 751–753; U. S. interest in, 753–754
- Scapa Flow, Commission on Destruction of German Fleet at, 141
- Scheldt, Belgian claims, 959–961
- Schleswig, summary of political clauses of German peace treaty concerning, 345–346
- Secretariat General of Peace Conference, 57–59, 91–92, 167, 170–171, 173–174, 549–550, 562, 569, 575, 609, 619
- Self-determination, 429, 487, 488, 644, 891
- Serb-Croat-Slovene State. See Jugoslavia.
- Serbia:
- Shantung and Kiaochow. See under China.
- Siam:
- Siberia, Commission on Repatriation of German, Austrian, and Hungarian Prisoners of War in Siberia, 142
- Small powers. See Special interests, powers having.
- Smyrna, Commission on Issues of, 153
- Sonnino, Baron (Foreign Minister), address, Jan. 18, seconding nomination of Clemenceau as president of Peace Conference, 166–167
- South Africa, Union of:
- Spain, German submarines in, 994, 998–999
- Special interests, powers having:
- Spitzbergen, Commission on, 144–145
- Submarines, German, 474–476, 498–499, 510–512, 521, 526, 643, 888–889, 939–940, 982–983, 992–999
- Supreme Councils. See under Councils.
- Switzerland, German peace treaty boundary clauses concerning, summary, 335
- Syria:
- Technical delegates, participation in—
- Ten, Council of. See Councils: Supreme Council.
- Territory in dispute, warning against use of force to gain possession of, 715
- Teschen conflict. See under Poland.
- Thrace, Bulgarian, Greek claims to, 861–866
- Tientsin, Commission on, 131–132
- Transylvania, Roumanian claims, 845–847, 848–851
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Africa, international conventions concerning. See Africa.
- Aggression unprovoked of Germany, Franco-American and Franco-British guarantees, proposed, 379
- Brest-Litovsk, cited, 347, 362, 843, 981, 988
- Bucharest, cited, 362, 844, 853
- Military convention regarding occupation of Rhine, signature at Versailles, June 28, 423
- Neuilly-sur-Seine, Nov. 27, signature, 443
- Peace treaties. See Treaty of peace under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, and Hungary.
- Secret treaties: Allies-Roumania, Aug. 17, 1916, cited, 822, 823, 826, 842, 845, 852–853; Germany-Ukraine, military convention relating to Poland, 981–982, 988; London, Treaty of, 759, 767
- St. Germain, Sept. 10, signature, 432–433
- Treaties of 1839. See under Belgium.
- Versailles, June 28, signature, 423
- Turkey (see also
Turkish and Trans-Caucasian questions):
- British and French joint declaration regarding emancipation of oppressed peoples, 1016–1017
- Commercial relations, resumption by Allies, 1008
- German peace treaty provisions concerning, summary, 351
- Territorial questions: Claims of Greece in Thrace and Asia Minor, 863–865, 868–875; mandatory system, application, 795–796, 805–808
- Turkish and Trans-Caucasian questions, 805, 806–807, 816–817, 837–838, 955–956
- Ukraine (see also Poland: Galicia: Conflict with Ukraine), Bolshevism and general conditions, 581–582, 589, 640, 660–661
- United States (see also Wilson, Woodrow):
- Uruguay:
- Wilson, Woodrow (President):
- Absence from Peace Conference, arrangements, 1003, 1004, 1024, 1040
- Addresses (see also under League of Nations, infra): May 22, 1917, to the Senate, cited, 300–301; June 7, 1918, to Mexican journalists, regarding Monroe Doctrine, cited, 311–312; Jan. 18, 1919, nominating Clemenceau as president of Peace Conference, 164–165
- Armistice, views on renewals of, 475, 476, 499, 509, 510, 511, 514, 519, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 897–898, 900–901, 902, 905, 908, 929–930, 931, 932, 934, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952, 972–974, 1001–1002, 1003–1004, 1004–1005
- Austrian peace treaty, justification of territorial settlements and provisions for protection of minorities, 405–408
- Bolshevism, views, 471, 516, 528–529, 583–584, 591–593, 648–649, 663–664, 709, 712, 1042, 1043
- Demobilization, 608, 905
- Food relief, 516, 528, 529, 902
- Fourteen Points, cited, 418, 484, 677, 678, 762, 812, 865, 868–869, 889, 954, 959, 1016, 1020
- Labor conference at Washington, Oct. 1919, invitation, 247
- League of Nations:
- Mandates, views, 214–215, 740–743, 748, 753–754, 765–766, 787–789, 791, 807
- Minorities, 405–408
- Prince’s Island conference, proclamation, 676–677, 686, 691–692
- Publicity of Peace Conference and relations with the press, views. 550–551, 552, 563, 565, 569, 576, 579, 580, 586, 587, 588, 595–597, 598, 599, 609–611, 612, 613–615, 619, 621–622, 717, 786–787
- Representation of powers at Peace Conference, views, 483, 484, 485, 486–487, 487, 488, 489, 492, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 532, 533, 534–535, 539, 540, 567, 600, 616
- Responsibility of authors of the war, 954
- Warning issued to belligerents against use of force to gain possession of disputable territory 715
- Woman suffrage, 1022–1023
- Woman suffrage, 321, 1022–1023