File No. 763.72114/3206

The Secretary of State to the American Red Cross

Gentlemen: Replying to your letter of January 17, 1918, suggesting the advisability of effecting an arrangement between the United States and Germany covering the treatment and care of American prisoners, I take pleasure in informing you that this matter is having the careful consideration both of this Department and the War Department. For various reasons, a personal conference with representatives of the German Government, such as was held at The Hague in November between British and German delegates, is not considered advisable. A draft of a proposed arrangement to be submitted to the German Government through Spanish diplomatic channels is, however, being formulated and should soon be ready to send forward. This draft will cover questions [Page 68] of housing, clothing, rations, work, rates of pay, correspondence, money remittances, parcels, punishments, notification of capture, return of wills and property of the dead, etc. Any suggestions which you may desire to submit for incorporation in the proposed agreement will be given careful consideration by the Department.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Alvey A. Adee

Assistant Secretary