File No. 763.72114/3099

The Chargé in Switzerland ( Wilson) to the Secretary of State


2213. My 1510, August 24, regard proposed conference with Germany on prisoner matters. Two such conferences now being held Berne. First, between British and Turks, takes place one room, four British delegates, of whom two Foreign Office, two military, five Turks, sitting under presidency of Swiss military surgeon, Colonel Hauser, also representative Swiss Red Cross present. Delegates address chair, not each other. Subjects treated are: (1) general treatment prisoners; (2) release of invalids; (3) exchange of civilians. Progress slow as important questions referred to both Governments. Second, between French and Germans, also held under chairmanship of Colonel Hauser but delegates do not meet personally though occupying adjacent offices in same building. Swiss chairman serves as medium. Method appears cumbrous and [Page 66] wasteful of time but considered advisable by French Government. Two French delegates, both Foreign Office specialists in prisoner matters, including Panafieu, ex-minister; three German, of whom two military, one Foreign Office. This conference so far has only considered questions of exchange and release but expects to take up general treatment and other topics later. Both conferences likely to last some weeks. Recommend serious consideration of similar scheme to reach agreement for our prisoners. Berne or Geneva probably best place for meeting and believed Swiss officials from previous experience especially suited to act as intermediaries. Am advised that Spanish Embassy, Berlin, has created new special department for American prisoners in charge of Minister Delgado, who expresses anxiety to comply with our wishes in every respect and has already suggested that all American prisoners be housed in separate camp.
