Navy Department Reference No. M.5.12202

The Chief of the Navy Department Bureau of Steam Engineering ( Griffin) to the Commander in Chief of United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters ( Sims)

Subject: High Power Radio Station—Southwest France

From a study of the correspondence and telegrams relative to the above subject, it appears that a certain amount of uncertainty exists in the minds of the various officials concerned attending the conference in France, as to what the exact intention of this Government is.
In so far as the Navy Department has been designated by the President to take charge of all radio communication during the war, it is the intention of this Department to furnish at as early a date as possible a complete high power radio station that will fulfill in every way the necessary requirements as indicated by communications received from the French Government.
All material excepting bricks, lumber, concrete, etc. is now being fabricated for a 1,000-KW duplicate arc installation, including [Page 839] a steam plant and turbo-generator as a standby prime mover (oil engines for this purpose are not obtainable). Eight (8) self-supporting steel towers which weigh about 500 tons each, are being constructed and will be shipped as soon as fabricated. These towers will support an antenna of .05 capacity and an antenna current of from 500 to 700 amperes is guaranteed by the contractor, the Federal Telegraph Co., provided the antenna and ground resistance is not greater than 1.5 ohms.
During the erection of this station, engineers from the Navy Department will superintend the work and when the station is ready for commissioning, competent personnel will be furnished to run the station and “break in” any of the French operators that may be sent to assist in the operation of the taking over of the station.
The apparatus for this equipment is already about 20 per cent completed, and the contracts for the towers are being let. It is expected that all material will be on the ground by August 30, 1918, and that the station will be ready for commissioning soon afterwards.
Further information concerning the progress of this station will be forwarded from time to time.