File No. 763.72114/4090

The Acting Secretary of War ( Crowell) to the Secretary of State

The Acting Secretary of War presents his compliments to the Honorable the Secretary of State and has the honor to submit the following copy of cablegram received from General Pershing:

Subparagraph F. Reference A–1604, paragraph 3, and P–1266, paragraph 2B, French Government recommends sending our enemy officer prisoners of war to the United States. I recommend the adoption of this as a policy. Under treaty of 1799 they do not work and their maintenance here involves unnecessary use of guards, lodging, and subsistence. We have 16 at Brest ready to send. More ready soon. Advise if you approve and when you will be ready to receive them. Suggest initial provision in United States for 100. Pershing.

Your recommendations on the above are requested.