File No. 811.142/3836

The Special Agent in Corfu ( Dodge ) to the Secretary of State

No. 76

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the Serbian Agricultural Unit of the American Red Cross arrived at Corfu on the 21st instant and left on the 25th instant en route for Salonica via Valona and Argyro-Castro. The Unit was composed of Maj. Francis Jager and of Capts. Caryl B. Storrs, S. R. Moffett, D. S. M. Jager and Coates P. Bull. Upon their arrival they called at the Legation and [Page 617] I presented them to Mr. Yankovitch, Serbian Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, with whom and the principal officials of his Ministry they subsequently had several conferences. At these the whole plan of work of the Unit was carefully examined and, I am informed, cordially approved by Mr. Yankovitch. Major Jager furnished Mr. Yankovitch and myself with copies of a list of agricultural implements and supplies which the Unit were expecting soon to receive at Salonica.

During their stay at Corfu the Unit was shown every attention by the Serbian Government. They were invited to take all their meals at the hotel occupied by the Serbian Government; a dinner was given in their honor presided over by the Ministers of Agriculture and of Public Works and finally they were taken in the Government automobiles to one of the most beautiful spots of the island where they were given a large collation. Mr. Yankovitch and several of the other Ministers expressed to the Unit, and desired me to express also to my Government, their sincerest gratitude for this mission and its ample supply of implements which they considered to be a further proof of the friendship of the United States for Serbia and of inestimable value especially at the present moment not only to assist agricultural production but as an encouragement to the Serbian people. The official Srpské Noviné has published a very flattering notice of the Unit and a summary of the supplies which they are bringing.

I was also able to obtain for the Unit, at their request and through the courtesy of the Italian military authorities here, permission for them to visit the Italian agronomic stations at Barbato, Corfu, and at Valona. The Unit were conveyed to these stations as guests of the Italian authorities, all automobiles, lodgings, etc., being provided for them.

I have [etc.]

H. Percival Dodge