File No. 763.72114/4522

The French Ambassador ( Jusserand) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: Your Excellency was pleased to acquaint me with the intentions of the American Red Cross with regard to the relief of Serbian prisoners of war and to inquire of me whether the French Government would not be disposed to facilitate such shipments by way of Switzerland.

My Government has just informed me in reply that French delegates were sent to Berne in December last to discuss the questions bearing on prisoners of war. They were instructed at the same time to inquire into the conditions of providing with food the Allied Serbian, Montenegrin, Roumanian and Portuguese prisoners.

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As a result of those conferences which were attended by Mr. Dresel of the Legation of the United States and two representatives of the British Government, a plan was devised which provides for a committee in Paris composed of American, English, French delegates whose duty will be to coordinate and regulate the shipments of relief intended for those prisoners.

My Government has given its full approval to the plan which was probably submitted to Your Excellency by Mr. Dresel. The British Government also approves it.

In my Government’s opinion, if that organization were called upon to operate in the near future, separate action on the part of the American Red Cross would be unnecessary and it could be brought into play through that committee.

Be this as it may, my Government, glad to aid in such a useful undertaking, will omit nothing that can insure the transit through its territory of shipments sent to Serbian prisoners by the American Red Cross which for its part shall be careful to comply with the obligations that go with shipments of that character.

Be pleased to accept [etc.]
