File No. 860d.48/107

The Chargé in Sweden ( Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State


2970. Am reliably informed that there is great nervousness in Finland as to the possible consequences of the present withdrawal of the German troops from that country, since it is feared that the Finnish Reds with the aid of the Bolsheviks will attempt to start another social revolution, and this nervousness is increased by doubts as to our attitude, due apparently to the presence at Archangel of certain prominent leaders of the Finnish Bolsheviks.

I think the Finnish people should not be considered as definitely on the German side; public opinion has been turning away from the Germans on account their exactions, and this is an opportune moment to win them over to our side, which would also presumably facilitate the task of the forces at Archangel.

Under the circumstances and considering it as part of our fight against Bolshevism, I respectfully urge that 5,000 tons of the Finnish cereals in the United States be allowed to come forward to Haparanda via Narvik, consigned to this Legation.

I feel sure that if we could give some promise of support against a Bolshevik attack and quiet the population by sending some food we could count on their cooperation and regain our influence in Finland.

The British Chargé d’Affaires agrees with the above and wrote his Government October 8 in a similar sense.
