File No. 860d.48/19
The Department of State to the Swedish Legation 1
The memorandum dated August 8, 1918, handed to the Department of State by the Swedish Minister, stated that owing to the serious food situation in Finland, the three Scandinavian countries have felt themselves compelled to address the Governments of the United States and Great Britain with a view of possibly effecting an importation into Finland of about 8,000 tons of breadstuffs which are immediately needed there, and that in the event that the American and British Governments would favorably consider such an appeal, the Governments of Sweden, Norway and Denmark are prepared, if such should be desired, to control the distribution of the cereals thus granted so as to insure that they would be used exclusively for the benefit of the Finnish population.
The United States Government, fully appreciating the humanitarian nature of the proposed steps, feels compelled to reply that the requirements of the Allies in respect to both food and tonnage would in any case have made it difficult for the United States to accede to this request, however anxious to do everything in its power to relieve the distress in Finland. As long as Finland continues to be occupied by German military forces, which are constantly increasing in numbers, and while the Finnish Government is entirely under German influence, it is impossible for the United States Government to send food to a country which may, regardless of guarantees to the contrary, be used as a base for enemy operations against the Allies.
- The same, mutatis mutandis, on the same date, to the Danish and Norwegian Legations.↩