File No. 860d.48/100a
The Assistant Secretary of State ( Phillips) to the Chairman of the War Trade Board ( McCormick)
My Dear Mr. McCormick: I enclose herewith copy of a telegram for the War Trade Board from the Embassy at London, No. 9448, dated April 11, 1918, 2 p.m.,1 inquiring what may be the situation in regard to sending foodstuffs to Finland.
The Finnish Food Commissioner, Doctor Ignatius, has been informed verbally that existing conditions in Finland do not, in the opinion of this Department, warrant the shipment of any grain or any other foodstuffs at present. Doctor Ignatius was informed of recent grave discourtesies to British and American officers on the part of the Finnish White Guard troops and the Acting Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs, his attention was called to the presence of considerable bodies of German troops in Finnish territory, the negotiations of the Finnish White Guard authorities with Germany for supplies of food, restoration of order and the reported movement to cut the Murman Railway.
The Department will not fail to advise you of any change in the situation which may modify the attitude of this Government.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed.↩