File No. 860d.48/53

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden ( Morris)


487. It is proposed to ship certain oats or other foodstuffs to Finland to replace 40,000 tons flour purchased by Finnish Senate and requisitioned by United States Food Administration. Please confer with British Minister and Swedish Government on such points as may be necessary in the following method of controlling distribution which is proposed by this Department, including question of transit across Sweden:

Shipments will be made to Narvik. If desired, an American supercargo will go with each ship and certify correct delivery at Narvik. Consignments will be made to American Consul at Helsingfors who, in conjunction with American Legation at Stockholm, will undertake onward transmission from Narvik across Sweden to Haparanda. The Consul or his representative will consult with proper Finnish authorities and divert consignments to desired points where he will release the foodstuffs for consumption in the particular locality or district, still under such supervision as he finds requisite. The Finnish authorities undertake to account to the Consul in detail for the distribution of each consignment entering Finland and recognize the authority of the Consul to stop distribution at any time either before or after entry into Finland.

Answer urgent.
