File No. 867.48/959b
The Acting Secretary of State to the War Trade Board
Gentlemen: I beg to inform you that this Department is inclined to view with favor certain relaxations in the amount of relief remittances for Turkey and remittances for the maintenance of American educational and philanthropical institutions in Turkey.
The Department would accordingly be glad to see licenses granted for the remittance of the following sums for the purpose stated:
[Page 561]1. Maintenance:
Robert College | $100,000 |
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions | 200,000 |
Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions in Syria | 200,000 |
Danish Mission to the Orient | 10,000 |
Various Independent Missions | 5,000 |
Friends’ Foreign Mission Association | 5,000 |
Lebanon Hospital for the Insane | 5,000 |
Reformed Presbyterian Mission | 10,000 |
Constantinople College for Girls | 50,000 |
Syrian Protestant College, Beyrout | 100,000 |
$690,0001 |
This total of $690,000 is to cover arrearages of these institutions since July 1, 1918, and to permit continuance of the work of the various institutions to July 1, 1919.
2. Relief:
American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief | $252,800 |
Individual Relief Societies for Lebanon Villages | 50,000 |
Individual remittances to Syrian relatives | 100,000 |
$402,800 |
This sum is in the nature of a reimbursement for amounts paid out by the various local relief committees prior to the recent reduction in the monthly allotment or in partial ignorance of the limits which were to be observed.
The Department would further regard with favor an increase in the amount allotted for the months of July, August, September, 1918, for the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief from $119,200 to $200,000. This sum of $200,000 would accordingly include both individual and general relief. It is understood that the Committee has made application for the month of July for a total remittance of $119,200. The increase for July would, therefore, be $80,800 yet to be applied for.
I am [etc.]
- Total should be $685,000 unless there is an error in the items.↩