File No. 867.48/703
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador ( Spring Rice)
My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I thank you for your letter of December 26, with regard to relief measures in Palestine, occupied by British forces, and have informed the Joint Distribution Committee and the Provisional Committee for General Zionist Affairs, of the contents of your letter.
The Department telegraphed to the American Ambassador in London on December 12,1 directing him to ascertain from the British Government what total sums of relief money might be sent monthly into Palestine, but has as yet received no reply thereto. The Department has however, noted the statement in your letter that the amounts forwarded ought to be limited and has conveyed this information to the War Trade Board which is competent to issue licenses for such remittances.
We shall gladly lend you our assistance so that the desires of the British authorities may be duly heeded and the Department will be glad at any time to receive further suggestions as to the desires of the British Government in this connection.
I am [etc.]
- Telegram not printed.↩