File No. 861.48/252

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain ( Willard)


261. At request of Joint Distribution Committee of Funds for Jewish War Sufferers, ascertain from Spanish Government whether Spanish Ambassador in Berlin will undertake to receive funds cabled to him for the purpose of purchasing foodstuffs for non-combatant inhabitants of Poland, and transmit same to local relief committees in Warsaw and Vilna. Until now Polish relief committees in United States have cabled funds through Warburg & Co., Hamburg. From Hamburg money was transferred to Berlin and placed to credit of committee of influential Jews. This committee has branches in Poland and distributes money in accordance with their requests. Branch committees are composed of subjects of Russian Poland. A new arrangement must now be made for transmitting money to the Polish relief committees. Central Berlin committee would give guarantees to Spanish Ambassador regarding proper distribution by local committees of the money in Poland.
