File No. 855.48/650

The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page) to the Secretary of State


7493. Poland1 of Belgian Relief Commission presents following to me with hope of your consideration in conference with Hoover:

When $75,000,000 American loan was made to Belgium it was universally announced and understood in Europe that our Government would thereafter bear whole burden of relief and that European Governments would be spared further expense. Now, however, for first time Poland is informed in telegrams from Hoover that United States money can be spent only for supplies bought in United States. Please, after conference with Hoover, instruct me [Page 462] what to inform Poland. The income from European Governments is discontinued and Relief Commission here has no income. Yet two-fifths of Commission’s outlay must be spent here.

Must Poland inform British and Belgian Governments that they must continue to contribute two-fifths of Commission’s outlay? Appeal to one will be unsuccessful, appeal to other doubtful. They had both understood that the American loan would relieve them of further payments.

  1. Not printed.