File No. 763.72112/9201

The Special Assistant of the Department of State ( Denby)1 to the Secretary of State

No. 11

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith duplicate copies of “Regulations Governing Punishments for Trading with the Enemy” which have been posted by the Chinese authorities throughout the country, the enclosure being a translation appearing in the Peking Daily News of the 21st instant.2 I find that the Chinese authorities are cooperating closely with the American and British authorities and are acting satisfactorily on information given them concerning infringements of this proclamation.

I have [etc.]

Chas. Denby
  1. According to an instruction of Mar. 18 to the Ambassador in Japan, Charles Denby was a Special Assistant of the Department of State, who had been “assigned to China and also to Japan and eastern Siberia for special duty in making investigations for the information of the Department and the War Trade Board in relation to the licensing of exports to the Far East.” (File No. 111.70D41/c)
  2. Not printed.