File No. No. 763.72112/6465
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Guayaquil ( Goding)
Sir: Referring to your despatch No. 260, dated December 12, 1917,1 and to the Department’s telegram to you of this date,1 regarding the question whether retail sales to persons on the enemy trading list are prohibited by the Trading with the Enemy Act, you are informed that the War Trade Board advises as follows:
American citizens resident outside of the United States, who trade with persons whose names appear on the enemy trading list are not subject to the penal provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act. In this connection reference is made to sections 3 (a) and 16 of the Trading with the Enemy Act.
The Department desires to call attention, however, to the fact that while Americans residing outside of the United States may not be subject to the penalties of the Trading with the Enemy Act, it would be their patriotic duty to assist in carrying out the policy of the United States Government by avoiding, whenever possible, all dealings forbidden by that act.
I am [etc.]