File No. No. 763.72112C26/65

The Peruvian Minister ( De Freyre) to the Secretary of State

Sir: Supplementing the information contained in my note of the 14th instant with reference to the measures taken by my Government in regard to the Casa Grande Sugar Plant, I have the honor to advise you that my Government has given its approval to an agreement with the said Casa Grande Sugar Plant, whereby my Government will appoint a general administrator, who will effect the sales of the products of the Plant, will defray the expenses of its management, will deposit the balance to the order of my Government in the Caja de Depósitos y Consignaciones, and will also deposit therein the proceeds of the shares of the Plant, which their present owners may dispose of. These deposits will be retained by my Government until after termination of the war.

The Casa Grande Sugar Plant agrees moreover not to execute in any form any credit transaction based upon these deposits.

The general administrator, finally, will possess full authority to appoint and dismiss the employees of the Plant.

Mr. Emilio Althaus, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, has been appointed by my Government to be general administrator of the Casa Grande Sugar Plant.

As my Government has now complied with the conditions specified in your note of the 6th instant on the same subject, I have furthermore the honor to request that due notice be given to the proper officials of the United States Government that the sale and purchase of articles and products, and the discount of drafts, effected by the [Page 406] general administrator appointed by my Government, be not subject to the restrictions existing against the maintenance of trade relations between American individuals or corporations, and enemy individuals or corporations.

Before concluding, I am instructed to express, as I hereby have the honor to do, that my Government appreciates to its full extent the friendly spirit displayed anew by the Government of the United States upon this occasion.

Accept [etc.]

M. de Freyre