File No. No. 763.72113/653a

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala ( Leavell)1

No. 250

Sir: You are instructed to ask for an interview with President Cabrera and at this interview to tentatively sound him as to what steps might be contemplated by the Government of Guatemala with respect to the Germans and German-owned properties in that country. You may express to President Cabrera the deep interest which the Government of the United States takes in this question, pointing out at the same time the elaborate legislation and machinery created by the Government of the United States along these lines.

You may state that you feel confident that, should the Government of Guatemala be interested in taking similar steps, the Government of the United States would be prepared to loan to the Government of Guatemala for a short time a special agent of the United States War Trade Board and Alien Property Custodian, for the purpose of assisting The services of such an agent would give to the Government of Guatemala the benefit of the past experiences of the United States Government along these lines, as well as assuring a more perfect harmony of effort and closer cooperation between the two associated countries.

You may point out to President Cabrera that, were this special agent to come to Guatemala, his peculiar knowledge and experience could not fail to greatly facilitate commerce in general, an end greatly to be desired by both Governments.

The Department feels that it is highly desirable to have such an agent visit Guatemala and you are instructed to use your best efforts, reporting to the Department by cable the attitude which President Cabrera may take toward this proposition.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
William Phillips
  1. The same, mutatis mutandis, on July 31, to the Chargé in Honduras (No. 252) and to the Minister in Nicaragua (No. 219).