File No. 763.72113/649
The Belgian Minister ( De Cartier) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 1.]
Mr. Secretary of State: I took pains to forward to the Belgian Government the communication which Your Excellency was pleased to send me on May 25, 1918,2 as to the treatment of property in the [Page 306] United States belonging to Belgians residing in territory occupied by the enemy.
I also took pains to advise my Government that the Honorable the Assistant Secretary of the Department of State in his unofficial note of June 27, 1918,1 kindly told me that it was not intended to alienate property of that character, but only to place and keep it in custody until the Belgian territory is evacuated.
My Government has just sent me its answer: It has no objection to the American authorities assuming the management of the property and interests of Belgians residing in enemy territory or in territory occupied by the enemy whenever the management of said property is not looked after by an attorney who does not reside in enemy territory or territory occupied by the enemy.
Indeed the Belgian Government believes that such a measure would be uncalled for if Belgian individuals or companies had such an attorney, for the American authorities are in position to supervise the transaction of such an attorney, and see that he complies with the requirements of the Trading with the Enemy Act.
It should be understood:
- (1)
- That the stewardship of the Custodian could not injure the property rights of nor entail costs upon the owners;
- (2)
- That the property placed under custody should be returned as soon as it can be managed by the owners or by attorneys vested with legal powers;
- (3)
- That when such property should be taken into custody by the American authorities notice thereof should be given to the Belgian Government.
Liquidation proceedings could only be taken with property belonging to Belgians, or residents of that part of Belgium that is occupied, when the Belgian Government should formally declare that it is unwilling to protect them.
I avail myself [etc.]