File No. 763.72114/3167
The Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister ( Sulzer)
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Minister of Switzerland, in charge of German interests in the United States, and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of his memorandum of [Page 19] January 8, 1918,1 in connection with the receipt by the Legation of numerous inquiries from prisoners of war and interned persons in the United States, with regard to the question of sending small sums of money to friends or relatives who are held prisoners in various countries.
In reply the Legation is informed that the Department of State has, in principle, no objection to the transmission of limited sums of money to enemy prisoners in the Entente countries, but begs to suggest that applications in each case for the transmission of funds to enemy subjects be referred to the War Trade Board by the applicants themselves.
- Not printed.↩