File No. 711.6221/165

The Acting Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister ( Sulzer )1

No. 29

Sir: Referring to my note No. 495, of August 13, 1917, relative to the competence of Swiss consuls, acting in the interests of absent German heirs, to receive personal property in settlement of inheritances, I now have the honor to inform you of the appointment by [Page 267] the President, in accordance with the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act, of Mr. A. Mitchell Palmer, 920 F Street, NW., Washington, D. C., as Alien Property Custodian.

Accept [etc.]

Frank L. Polk
  1. Similar letters were sent on the same date to the Swedish Minister, in charge of Austro-Hungarian interests in the United States (No. 276), and to the Spanish Ambassador, in charge of Turkish interests (No. 717). (File Nos. 763.72113/421a, 421b.)