File No. 763.72114A/153

The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State


4641. Spanish Ambassador at Berlin learns from German Foreign Office that the German mission to the Berne prisoners conference will [Page 87] be composed as follows: (1) Major General Friedrich; (2) Count Montgelas as Minister Plenipotentiary; (3) Doctor von Keller, Counsellor of Legation; (4) Major Draudt; (5) Captain Wilke, German Navy. The following are attached to the mission: (1) Doctor Roediger, Secretary of Legation, and (2) Naval Lieutenant Mensing. Von Hindenburg, Minister Plenipotentiary and chief of prisoners section of German Legation at Berne, has also been asked to take part in conference.

I would add that the death of General Friedrich is announced in the press. Garrett notified.
