File No. 812.00/21771

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador ( Bonillas)

No. 403

Excellency: Referring to the Department’s note No. 380, of the 15th ultimo,1 informing you that the Attorney General had sent a telegram to the representative of the Department of Justice in Tucson, directing him to give special attention to your complaint that certain disaffected Mexicans in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, were arming Yaqui Indians and organizing an expedition for the purpose of invading the State of Sonora, I have the honor to inform you that the Department is in receipt of a letter from the Attorney General, dated the 25th ultimo, in which he states that a telegram has been received from the representative, in which the latter states that the Yaqui matter had been brought to his attention by the Mexican Consul, and that he gave it respectful attention; but that a diligent investigation showed that it had not sufficient foundation to justify a report. The representative adds that the matter would receive his further special attention; but that he considered further developments improbable.

Accept [etc.]

Frank L. Polk
  1. Not printed.