File No. 600.119/332a
The Secretary of State to the Ministers in Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden
Mr. Hoover has been carrying on informal discussions with representatives of neutrals adjacent to Germany in connection as to their needs. He is primarily seeking information for the guidance of Exports Council. In connection with discussions he gave following memorandum to representatives:
[Here follows memorandum, printed in full ante, p. 908.]
The above memorandum sent for your confidential information and guidance in discussing this question. It will probably be sent to the various neutral governments by their representatives here. No definite policy has as yet been established. Informal discussions with the neutrals still being carried on and this Government is securing the views of Great Britain and France as to (1) whether trade between Germany and neutrals should be entirely prohibited; (2) if the United States takes this position whether Great Britain and France will cancel outstanding agreements with neutrals, and (3) whether the Allies are prepared to meet such military emergency as may arise as result of cutting off neutrals refusing to [stop] trade with Germany. No definite policy settled.