File No. 841.3319/4

The Minister in Panama ( Price) to the Secretary of State

No. 1718

Sir: I have the honor to report that there was received on December 6 the instruction of the Department dated November 19, and numbered 444, to advise the Panaman Government that no objection existed on the part of our Government to the Government of Panama permitting British warships to remain off Taboga Island more than 24 hours.

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Panama had already before its receipt conveyed in an informal verbal manner to the British Minister here an expression as to there being no objection in this matter.

As far as I can learn the British authorities have not yet exercised the privilege. Unless instructed to the contrary, I shall permit the informal manner of my communication with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Panama relative to this, which I reported in my despatch No. 1697, of November 28, constitute a compliance with the Department’s instruction.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price