War Trade Board Files: Panama Canal, License Control

The Assistant Director of the Bureau of Exports ( Van Sinderen) to the Shipping Board Representative ( Munson)


Referring to your memorandum of October 12,2 I beg to advise you that the procedure for instructions to Panama was established last July, and that we can now give those in authority there any instructions which the board may desire, and have them carried out immediately.

At present the collectors at the ports of Panama and Colon are acting in accordance with the decision of the Exports Council of July 9 which is quoted below:

It was decided that “transit of cargoes and shipments through the Panama Canal would not require export licenses.”

The collectors are at present allowing all vessels in transit through the Canal to bunker as heretofore regardless of destination.

[H. B. Van Sinderen]
  1. Not printed.