File No. 701.03/14a

The Acting Secretary of State to the Heads of Diplomatic Missions at Washington

Circular Memorandum

It will be readily understood that since the entrance of the United States into war the Government of the United States is under the necessity of taking measures not contemplated in normal times. The Acting Secretary of State, presenting his compliments to Their Excellencies and Messieurs, the Heads of Diplomatic Missions at Washington, has, therefore, the honor to request them to agree to [Page 1238] the following restrictions in the dispatch of their diplomatic mail to countries abroad.

That only the official correspondence of the Diplomatic Mission shall be sent under official cover or seal of office.

That diplomatic pouches shall contain no private letters except those of diplomatic or consular officers de carrière.

For the fulfilment of this arrangement the Department of State is confident that the Heads of the Diplomatic Missions will exercise all necessary vigilance.