File No. 652.119/267
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain ( Willard)
769. Your 902 November 30.1 Department assumed that you knew that no licenses were being granted for cotton or oils and many other commodities for Spain at present. Everything is being held up that can be held up without giving impression of complete embargo. Statement made to the Spanish Ambassador here that some understanding would be necessary before trade could be completely reestablished. Department understood that you would take up with McCormick and representatives of the Army and representatives of France and Great Britain details of some agreement with Spain.
In view of possible delay in coming to an understanding the Department would like your views as to advisability of releasing limited amount of cotton owing to danger of financial losses to shippers of this country. Would in your opinion 30,000 bales spread over a period of several weeks be undesirable? Please cable immediately what discussions you had in Paris with representatives of the Allies and Army, and whether negotiations have been begun.
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