File No. 763.72/4480

The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador ( Jusserand)

No. 1860

Excellency: Referring to Your Excellency’s note of May 7, 1917, relative to a recent press announcement that this Government intends to establish a strict scrutiny of shipments destined for Switzerland, I have the honor to inform you that there is about to be passed by Congress a measure which, when introduced, contemplates, for the public safety and the interest of the Allies, the complete control by the Government of all exports from the United States under rules and regulations by or under the authority of the President.

The extent to which this control should go and the cooperation of the Allies in its enforcement have been tentatively discussed by members [Page 1166] of the Department and members of the British and French missions. I agree with your Government that a representative of the United States could advantageously be a member of the International Commission of Contingents and I shall take steps to have such a representative appointed if there appears no objection to that course when the present conferences are finished and the proposed measure has become a law.

Accept [etc.]

Robert Lansing