File No. 658.119/131
The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 15, 5.15 a.m.]
7977. Referring to my telegram 7952, December 13, 10 p.m. A further meeting was held this afternoon to receive Swedish proposals which were found to be of a general nature and it was therefore decided to appoint sub-committees to deal respectively with rations and imports, tonnage and iron ore.
These committees will begin work at once. Swedish delegates stated they were under instructions before commencing negotiations to endeavor to secure a modus vivendi under which they would be able immediately to obtain certain necessities urgently required in Sweden [as part] of their [eventual] deliveries. They mentioned to-day only the release of two grain ships detained at Las Palinas [Las Palmas] and the discharge by our Government of about 25,000 tons of nitrates which it is understood they have already purchased.
A committee was also appointed to deal with the question of the modus vivendi and will hold its first meeting to-morrow afternoon.