File No. 033.5711/22
President Wilson’s Reply to the Norwegian Minister on Special Mission ( Nansen) on the Occasion of His Presentation of Letters of Credence, August 1, 1917
Mr. Minister: It gives me pleasure to receive from your hands the letters whereby His Majesty, the King of Norway, accredits you as Minister on Special Mission near the Government of the United States, and to accord you formal recognition in that high capacity.
The United States having suffered destruction of life and property by the relentless and inhuman tactics employed by Germany, can not fail to deeply sympathize with Norway in the crushing blows which have been inflicted upon her commerce and the lives of her subjects
It has been my earnest desire, in this time of strife and unrest, that the United States and Norway, in the conduct of their intercourse, should be animated by a desire and determination to deal justly and helpfully with each other. You are received among us as a representative of a brother nation, both sufferers from the same arbitrary acts, with the assurance that the representatives of your mission will receive the attentive consideration of the officials of this Government.