File No. 763.72/4655

The Minister in Sweden ( Morris ) to the Secretary of State


358. Referring our 346. Following has been given out officially to which conference agreed:

To continue impartial neutrality policy heretofore followed. Consider it out of question to take initiative either alone or in conjunction with other neutral countries in mediation of peace or to take other similar measures. To try to bring about cooperation with other neutral states for mutual interests at time of or after ending of war and also interest of neutrals to participate in general work to be taken up concerning future international laws. Three governments have attention called to fact that inter-parliamentary groups of Scandinavian countries have taken up this latter question. Question of present difficult situation of importation by sea was most carefully discussed. Certain principal lines were established for economic cooperation during and after war and desirability of continuing economic cooperation and exchange of goods between Scandinavian countries during war and of further development this cooperation. That it would be advisable have renewed conferences between technical representatives of three countries as to which measures should be [Page 1019] taken to prepare for overcoming of danger from mines even after war ended. All parties expressed hope that present cooperation might be continued.
