File No. 763.72112/5637
The Secretary of State to the Norwegian Minister ( Bryn)
Sir: Referring further to your note of November 13,1 inquiring whether, under the “Trading with the Enemy Act,” Norwegian business concerns whose commercial intercourse with Germany is limited to the importation of goods from that country, would by reason of that fact be excluded from commerce with the United States, I have the honor to inform you that the War Trade Board to whom your note under acknowledgment was referred for consideration, states that even though the business of the Norwegian concerns be of the nature indicated, they would be regarded as subject to the liabilities provided for in the act in question. Any American firm dealing with a Norwegian concern engaged in business of this character could do so only under license. The granting or withholding of such a license by the War Trade Board would be dependent entirely upon the circumstances of the particular case.
Accept [etc.]
- Not printed.↩