File No. 763.72112A/13
The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in Latin American Countries
Repeat consuls and transmit by mail to missions in contiguous countries:
Following is a list compiled by the War Trade Board of firms with whom it is illegal to trade under the Enemy Trading Act, without license. The list is composed of enemies and allies of enemies; other persons, firms and corporations who there is reasonable cause to believe have acted directly or indirectly for, on account of, on behalf of, or for the benefit of enemies or allies of enemies. This does not purport to be complete list. Any person, firm or corporation who there is reason or cause to believe is enemy or ally of enemy, or, in such trade is acting for, on account of, on behalf of or for the benefit of enemy or ally of enemy is not relieved from punishment and penalty imposed by Enemy Trading Act by reason of fact that name of any such person, firm or corporation does not appear upon this list.1
- Lists not printed; in the telegram to each country only the list of firms in the country was included. The full list, which “contains the names of some 1,600 concerns in Latin America,” is printed, together with a prefatory statement by the War Trade Board, in The Official Bulletin, Washington, Dec. 5, 1917 (Vol. 1 No. 176), pp. 8–16.↩