File No. 600.119/451

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France ( Sharp)


2855. For McCormick from War Trade Board:

Our 13. Submitted your cable November 19 respecting discontinuance navicerts to the President and he approved of our having representative on [of] the board in London to act in the manner and scope indicated in your cable provided it be distinctly understood that the decision of the War Trade Board with regard to licenses will be final and that licenses in all cases are to be honored. This proviso appears to us to be clearly covered by your cable and with that understanding the board has formally authorized the plan suggested by you in its entirety. In connection with Swiss agreement it will probably be necessary for this board to have representatives on the Commission Permanente Internationale des Contingents to supervise shipments to Switzerland. Board has authorized such representative with approval of the President. Enemy trade list has been approved by the President and will be published shortly.

Norway. Nansen says that under article 1 no fish oil is to go to Germany, also that under article 3 no copper or copper-bearing ores are to be exported to Germany. Referring to article 2 he says that some of the commodities mentioned are under outstanding contracts which could not be abrogated but this point remains to be cleared up further. We expect to formulate a counterproposal by Tuesday. War Trade Board.
