File No. 763.72/4729
The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador ( Jusserand)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 12th instant in which you communicate to me the views of the President of the Council, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, regarding the importance to the interests of the nations in arms against Germany of a rupture of the diplomatic relations between Siam and Germany.
The American Government having in February last suggested to the Government of Siam that it would make for the peace of the world if the neutral powers could find it possible to take action similar to that of the United States by breaking off diplomatic relations with Germany, and having been told in reply that while the Siamese Government sympathized with the motives of the United States they preferred to maintain neutrality, the present moment does not appear to me to be opportune for a renewal of the suggestion.
Accept [etc.]