File No. 862.20235/177a

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina ( Stimson)


Washington Post and New York Sun have long articles on the subject of German despatches, which were given to the State Department to be deciphered, being withheld.2 Articles state that Naón is pro-Ally and will probably resign on account of ill health. This Department had told the Argentine Ambassador that the despatches would not be published for the present. The fact that the despatches had been given to us to be decoded was generally known as the information came from Argentina. This Department has been most careful not to give out any information, and the facts for these particular newspaper stories must have come from Argentina or from representatives of some other powers who knew of the existence of these messages. If the matter is mentioned, you can state positively the information did not come from the United States Government, but be very careful not to say where we suspect the information did come from.

  1. See the Ambassador’s telegram of Sept. 21, 11 a.m., ante, p. 329.