File No. 710/6
The Secretary of State to the Ecuadoran Minister for Foreign Affairs ( Tobar y Borgoño)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, through the courtesy of the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister [Page 353] Plenipotentiary of Ecuador at this Capital, of the note of September 11, 1917, and the accompanying memorandum in which your excellency proposes the union and solidarity of all American countries.1
In reply it affords me pleasure to assure your excellency that the aspirations expressed in the memorandum of the Ecuadoran Foreign Office for a Pan-American understanding, which should procure a continental policy for the realization of the common ideals of all American countries and the defense of the interests of all, can not fail to receive the sympathetic consideration of the American Chancelleries to which it is addressed.
The attainment of such a result has ever been the endeavor of the United States in the development of its continental policy, and the interdependence of the free nations of America could in no way be better demonstrated than by their united and definite alignment with the powers that are now dedicating their all in the struggle for democratic principles that is convulsing the world.
I avail myself [etc.]