File No. 763.72/7352

The Brazilian Ambassador ( Da Gama) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: In accordance with information just received from my Government, I have to apprize your excellency that the Minister of War of my country has appointed a commission coming to the United States on an official mission and consisting of Lieut. Col. Alipio Gama, Maj. João Borges Fortes, Capt. Alexandre Galvão Bueno, First Lieuts. Marcolino Fagundes, Othon de Oliveira Santos and Second Lieuts. Luiz Procopio de Souza Pinto and Franklin Emilio Rodrigues.

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Begging your excellency to be pleased to direct that every possible facility tending to make a success of its stay in this country be extended to the said commission, I have [etc.]

Domicio da Gama