File No. 763.72/3971
The Secretary of State to the Guatemalan Minister ( Méndez)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of April 18,1 transmitting a copy of a memorandum expressing your Government’s desire to cooperate with the United States in its activities occasioned by the state of war existing between the United States and Germany, which memorandum was handed to the American Minister at Guatemala City by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guatemala.
You quote from a letter in which the President of Guatemala requests you to ascertain how he can best support the United States in this conflict, and you offer me your services in reporting to your President and Government all that may contribute to the fulfilment of Guatemala’s wish to uphold this Government in its efforts to achieve a just peace.
In reply I beg to say that your note and its enclosure have been read with profound gratification, and to request you to convey to the President of Guatemala this Government’s high appreciation of his valued assistance and warm reciprocation of his sentiments of friendship.
[Page 270]Thanking you for your courteous offer of your services in communicating the wishes of the United States to the President of Guatemala, which it will afford me pleasure to avail myself of when occasion shall arise, I avail myself [etc.]