File No. 763.72111Y2/2
The Ambassador in Spain ( Willard) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 8, 5 p.m.]
399. Department’s 290, February 24 [27], 3 p.m.1 and 292 [291], February 27, 4 p.m. Spanish Ambassador Berlin reports that Spanish Embassy doctor visited Yarrowdale prisoners at Brandenburg on 1st instant and stated that conditions were as reported by German authorities and approved of the quarantine. The case of typhus occurred on February 20 and quarantine will end March 7 unless new cases occur. The doctor said men complained of diet and were glad to hear of approaching release and had no other complaint. Of the 57 Americans only 5 were in the hospital suffering from [Page 213] slight colds and 5 men of different nationality are under medical observation.
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