
Colonel E. M. House to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Lansing: Bernstorff has just left. He told me of his interview with you yesterday.

I am glad you have taken this action for the country will sustain you. Bernstorff was anxious that you should not make the announcement for a few days and he was also anxious that you should make it clear that he was in no way involved mentioning him by name. He thinks if this is not done there will be a hue and cry in the press to have him also go.

Would it not be well to make the announcement on Monday and let it come out with the President’s message?

I think it is due Bernstorff to help him out where possible. For the first time, he seemed nervous and excited, although as usual he was temperate in his speech and blamed no one.

Sincerely yours,

E. M. House