763.72116/336a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Gerard)

445. Message from the President:

“I venture with not a little hesitation to make this suggestion to you in confidence, that you see some member of the government upon whom you are likely to make the deepest impression in such a matter and whose influence you can count upon as great and say that nothing is making so unfavorable, not to say fatal, an impression in this country as the dropping of bombs from airships upon cities elsewhere than upon fortifications, with no result except terror and the destruction of innocent lives. I am deeply interested in maintaining a real neutrality of public opinion here and a scrupulous fairness of judgment but my efforts are being wholly nullified. I fear, by these occurrences and will be so long as the present use of bombs where they can be of no possible military service continues. I have ventured therefore upon the very unusual course of making this suggestion, a suggestion of sincere friendship. This should be done, of course, as upon your own initiative and entirely unofficially, merely as a voluntary act of personal good will and friendship. Woodrow Wilson.”
