462.11 T 41/6a

The Secretary of State to President Wilson

My Dear Mr. President: I am trying to get my ideas in shape on this Thrasher question but am not able to send them tonight. As we are not yet fully informed in regard to the case the time for action has not arrived, but, as I told you today, I am very much worried about it—the troublesome question being whether an American citizen can, by putting his business above his regard for his country, assume for his own advantage unnecessary risks and thus involve his country in international complications. Are the rights and obligations of citizenship so one-sided that the Government which represents all the people must bring the whole population into difficulty because a citizen, instead of regarding his country’s interests, thinks only of himself and of his interests.

I hope by tomorrow night to be able to send you a note on the subject.

With assurances [etc.]

W. J. Bryan