
The Secretary of State to President Wilson

My Dear Mr. President: Before coming to the White House this morning I jotted down a number of things about which I wished to speak to you but I forgot to add one item, and an important one.

I wrote you in regard to the throwing of bombs on Antwerp. It has been repeated, although the second throwing did no great harm. They are fearful of the same danger in London, it having been rumored that the Germans intended to send their airships across the Channel and drop bombs on London.

Have you had time to think over the matter and if so to what conclusion have you come in regard to our duty in the premises? Should there be any protest—and if so, should it be based upon danger to Americans, or upon the broader ground that it is an improper method of warfare?

I enclose to you a very interesting telegram which has just been received from Page.4

With assurances [etc.]

W. J. Bryan