Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation With the Swedish Minister (Ekengren), December 1, 1916
I told the Minister that I had requested him to come to the Department in regard to the Memorandum which he left with me on November 23d in which was outlined a plan for a conference of neutrals regarding certain subjects mentioned in the memorandum, and which proposed to invite Holland, Spain and Switzerland to join with Sweden, Norway and Denmark in such conferences, stating that it was decided to afford an opportunity to the United States Government to take part in these deliberations.
I informed the Minister that after very careful consideration of the subject, and after a conference with the President in regard to the proposed meeting, we had reached the conclusion that it would be inadvisable for this Government to participate in a neutral conference at this time; that the reasons for this decision were that on account of our geographical location our problems in regard to the subjects proposed for discussion were so different from those of countries contiguous to the belligerents that there would be no common ground for discussion; that, furthermore, we were peculiarly related to the American Republics and they were not included as possible conferees; and that it had been our policy heretofore, and seemed to be a wise one, to act independently of other countries although, as far as possible, obtaining identic action with them.
The Minister said that he appreciated our attitude in regard to the proposed conference and would communicate our decision to his Government.